Chapter 3

Following the events of the morning,I developed a very bad headache. The issue of a mark on the victims bodies without any sign of a DNA or print is very distressing. This criminal obviously knows how to get rid of the evidence pretty well,or is he so careful to prevent prints being left on the scene. I rubbed my forehead thinking so hard,not realizing that Jeremy was at my table side with a new colleague. A new Colleague?? I wasn't given a heads up. "Hey Jer." I said relaxing back on my chair. "Hey Lina. This Aryann Belmont,a newbie sent from the University to our unit. Park said you should be her trainer at least for the time being" he said "Hello, Detective Lina" the newbie said smiling widely. "Hello Aryann. Pleased to meet you. Please call me Lina. Adding the Detective title makes it too official." I said,returning her smile."I hope you'll fight for Justice,and nothing else" I added and looked back to my Computer. "Lina,Park said you're her trainer" Jer said,looking at me. "I'm not interested in training at the moment, Jeremy. I have this case on my head,you know."I said,looking back up. "Besides,y'all know I'm not interested in working with Female detectives. They're pretty slow."I said,and saw hurt pass through Aryann's eye. "Sorry if that sounded rude,Aryann. I'm feeling a little bit bitchy." I said,slapping my head."I've heard that from many detectives tho,but I'd really love to learn from you."she said lowly,Looking at her feet. "Alright,put your things in the empty desk beside Jeremy. I'll train you."I said sighing in resignation. "Welcome to our squad,Aryann." I said,looking at her calmly and smiling. "It's Pleasure to work with you Detective.. I meant,Celina" she said,blushing as she moved away from my desk. My cellphone rang and the there was no ID on it.

"Hello,Detectives Celina Roberts speaking" I said.

"This is the National Forensic Agency. We ran several tests on the on the body and found prints in her inner thighs. I ran a test on the prints but couldn't Find any data linked to the DNA left on the thighs. However after unlocking her Phone,we discovered that she planned to meet a guy she had met only recently on Instagram that day she was murdered. But again,the said guy's name doesn't exist in our database. Moreso,,Her killer used Strangulation,as usual with a does of Meth and Cocaine at the same time. Her hand muscles are equally strained,which means the she struggled with her hands,before Injecting her with the drugs. Her estimated time of Death is 12:40am,meaning she had been dead for 8hours before she was found."The scientist reported.

"Has she been identified?" I asked,jotting down a few things.

"Yes,Jasmine Jordan. 26 years old. No family and is a part timer at a chicken store." he said and I wrote them down.

"Okay thank you very much,Sire. Have this typed into a document and send to me through Email. I'll have Jeremy pick it up in 3 hours." I said and ended the call.

"Jeremy,I need you to pick up a file from the NFS for me in 3 hours." I said.

"Yes Ma'am." he replied.

I sat back at my chair and started to type at my computer when I felt a sharp pain in my head. My eyes became blurry,and as I closed my eyes,I saw a woman being beaten with a metal stick. "Don't kill my mother,please I beg you."a child,equally bleeding was saying. I tried standing up and collapsed on the floor. I shook my head and tried to get out of the haze I was in but it seemed impossible. I closed my eyes and clutched my head and screamed out in pain.. I saw blood, everywhere,a woman's head was bursted open,and the child's hand bleeding like crazy.. The pain got more intense as I clutched my head."Lina,what is wrong with you?" I felt Joe's hand around me Jeremy asked me." Please....."I whispered."Linaaaaa!" that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.