I opened my eyes and looked around,cause it didnt look familiar. "Celina,Are you alright?"I heard and I turned my head side ways to see Jeremy looking at me with a lot of worry. "what happened?" I asked,sitting up,"Ouch" I said as I held my head. "You literally had a mental breakdown, Ma'am. You clutched your head like they'd dropped an atomic bomb in it. Had us worried sick" chief Joe said,walking in.. "Ever experienced this before??" Jeremy asked.. "Yeah,when I'm utterly Stressed from work"I lied.
Could it be.... I asked myself. Surely,No. I answered myself.
"Did you get the files I asked you to get on our last Victim??"I asked,snapping out of my thoughts and looked at Jeremy.
"Yeah,Although Simon went to get it though" he replied.
"Alright get me Discharged in two hours. Let's get back to work" I said,trying to remove the drip connected to my body.
"You will not go anywhere. I already called your father" I heard a familiar Voice say and I turned around to see Damian Jordan,my Childhood friend and my personal Doctor.
"Hi..I'm doctor Damian Jordan,and this"he said pointing to me "Stubborn Detective's Doctor. I'm sorry,but she won't be returning to work for the next 48 hours. Her stress levels and Nerval Coordination have gone all the way overboard. Please do understand" he completed his statement,looking from Joe to Jeremy.
"But I feel good" I said in protest
"Doesn't mean you areGood,Lina" he replied back looking at me with his pair of sharp green eyes.
"He's right,Celina. You should rest" Detective Joe said and turned to Damian "Please take good care of Celina. She's our group's savior. Let's go Jeremy." He said.
"Hold up Chief. Jeremy,I trust you know what to do with the information Simon has brought back.You all should go through it and tell me what you think about it,Okay?" I said,tapping Jeremy's hand encouragingly.
"Got it,Commander" he said,saluting.
"Get out,asshole" I grunted and lied hack on the bed.
"Okay" he said in laughter as he walked away and closed the door of the Ward.
I looked at Damian and I saw his face contort into a Deep frown.
"Is my condition that bad?" I said quietly.
"Yes. Yes Celina,Your memories are coming back and they're affecting every Nerve in your body. At this rate,if they don't all come at once,and they keep coming in Spasms,and you keep shutting down like this,You could die in a Year and six Months" he said,his eyeballs shaking and his voice sounding like he would cry.
"What did you Just say?" I asked as I widened my eyes in shock.
"You could die soon if those memories don't come back" he said sighing as he rubbed his forehead.
"What do you mean by that?" I said.