Chapter 9


"Handover the phone. Or No. Jeremy, hop into my car.Aryann, you too. Let's head to the national forensic science center. Now! ! I said, grabbed my phones and car keys and rushed to the carpark near the sidewalks. I opened my car and hopped in, and Aryann and Jeremy hopped into the car as quickly as they could. I drove with mad speed, and put my police siren so that the road would be cleared and I could beat traffic. I managedto beat the traffic and I got to the forensic center in less than 40 minutes.

We rushed into the forensic department and flashed our ID's at the receptionist that was-there. "Uh hi. I'm Detective Celina Robert, and I'm here to see Doctor Realer Matthew." "No no. Tell him Detective Jeremy is here to see him. He'll understand immediatelf' Jeremy said, with a little sound of urgency in his voice. The lady at the counter immediately punched some numbers on the telephone right beside her and dialed it. "Hello Doc Matthew, Some detectives are here to see you. One's name is Jeremy and the other Celina. By any chance, do you have a prior appointment with them?" she asked. The person on the other end answered and then she ended the call and looked directly at us with a smile on her face. COhyou can now go in. I'm sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience. It's just the policy of the center to ensure that prior appointments are made properly to avoid theft and manipulation of results.

Go right down the hallway. To your left, the fourth door on your left is Doctor Matt's office" she said and pointed down the hallway. "We understand the policy of the forensic center. You were just doing your job. Thanks for the directions." I said and rushed down the hallway with Jeremy and Aryann. We got to the fourth office on the left and knocked on the door twice, come in!" a voice bellowed from inside of the office. " Hello Detective Celina Roberts, Its nice to finally meet eye to eye with one of the best Detective in our city. said, stretching his hands out for a handshake. "It's nice to meetyou, Doctor Matthew, I'm here to listen to the report you have for, us" I said briskly before taking his hands forthe handshake .he was offering, "Please have your seats. I'll get you a cup of coffee" he said and went to his coffee brewer on the other side of the office;.We sat quietly 'in the office for about 20 minutes before he came and offered us cups of freshly brewed strong coffee, "Let's get to work.Yes we had a thorough DNA analysis done, within 24 hours of proper testing and investigation. We were able to find two different of sets of DNA on the piece ofjewelry sent to us. here's whatwe found." He said looking under the table and then brought out a file labeled 'SERIAL KILLER DNAANALYSIS' and gave it to me. "We have two DNA analysis." And with that he left the file in my hand, while he tried to access the file on his computer. "What do you mean two DNA's was detected on that one piece of jewelry??" Jeremy asked, in obvious consternation. "Yeah that's right. Two DNA's were detected on that piece of Jewelry. The first page on the file of the report you see here, belongs to Carl Kindle. A •uvenile delin uent that had been to correction center twice in his teenagedays for theft and bullyog, There's a connection from him to the victim. They were both high school mates, and the

victim was the one who reported his bullying to the disciplinary committee of the school and he went in for it." He said, letting that sink into our head. "So, you're trying to say he has a vendetta that probably means that he had been stalking her for months on and he knew schedule so well before he planned his attack. Thatwould definitely be a premeditated homicide." I said calmly, allowing all that he had said to sink in. "Yes. That could be it. But there's another suspect. A certain Adolphus West. And what's more, he's got no profile, Like nothing about him is on the radar and on the records. That's a bit more suspicious." He said and looked up from his computer to see our reactions. Jeremyand Aryann looked like they had just watched a badass thriller movie and were amazed at how it seemed possible that we could find information about this Adolphus guy on the radar. It felt ominous and if there truly was no information on this guy, he's definitely not from this country. But what would his DNA be doing on a crime scene if he's not from around here, Staring at the name written on the paper, I had a feeling of familiarity. Why would a criminal case suspect feel so familiar to me?? I asked myself. I shrugged off the feeling of familiarity I had and looked at the Doctor Matt. "Thankyou so much for helping us. Your analysis and help would help in catching this killer in no time, We are sograteful." I said as I stood holding the file. "You are most welcome, I'm only doing my job as a forensic scientist. I'm very happy I was able to be of help to you." He said, and stood up to stretch his hands for a handshake. We all took his hands and gave him a handshake each of us, "Please in the future, do not hesitate to call me if you have anything you need a forensic scientist help for. I'll be right here to help you. Here's my card. Please call me anytime you may need assistance" he said and stretched his card out to mew took the card and put in my pocket, then gave the file to Jeremy to hold for me, "Yes, I understand, If there be any need to call you for a scientist's advice, I'll do that right away. Do have a wonderful day." I said and walked briskly out ofthe office with Aryann and Jeremy following behind me. We got to the receptjon and saw the receptionist, said a quick "Thank you" and walked out of the NFC into our cars and sit in kit quietly for a while before moving. Then Aryann broke the silence. "l think this guy is ominous. I mean this Adolphus guy. He feels weird and out of point. Which citizen ofour country doesn't have his or her information in the system?" she said, like as though she was thinking out loud. "Yeah. You're right about that one. Where I'm most confused is how they were even able to detect his DNA if he doesn't have any record in the system. It all feels ominous." Jeremy said quietly too. "That's what I'm thinking about too. If he's personal record doesn't exist on the system, how were there able to trace the DNA??" I said thoughtfully. "We could dig into it later. Right now, we need to get to the office and update the others on what we have and start looking at the person who is for us to investigate." I said, and buckled my seat belts and drove off.

An hour later

"So I guess we all agree and feel that thisAdolphus; guy feels ominous." I said and everyone nodded at me. "Yeahwe all seem to agree on that, But I'd saywe investigate both of them. Feels like this Adolphus guy has more to hide than we know and can see. But right now I think we should just focus on getting Carl Kindle. Since he has more connection to the victim What do y'all think?" Simon said and we all -nodded our head in agreement, "Yeah, you're right, We'd get more info about Carl and see if we can find this guy, then we'd go for arrest after we've gotten tangible evidences against them."

Jeremysaid. "Yeah you're right. We can secretly investigate all of them secretly, especiallywe all feel negative vibes from this Adolph!' guy, then we go for an arrest, after we have discovered tangible evidences. This is to avoid pressure from the guys at the top. They called oday and were yelling at us to get to the bottom of this case. Theyre getting tired pf us hitting nowhere With our investigation. I didn't want to tell them that we had actually getting somewhere with our investigation." ChiefJoe said, with slight anger in his voice, "It's okay Chief Joe. let' get to work and start investigation as soon as possible,secretly and Quietly. Emphasis on Quietly and Secretly." I said and started to move out of the meeting roomiest when Simon called me back and said "Celina, I have news concerning the stuff you brought to us in the morning. It seems like there was a witness to the death of that nurse and it was documented in a diary. However, both the witness and the diary haven't been seen for a long time. The witness was a male child, I'llsend the document to you in a short while through your mail. Go over it ands come back and tell us what you think so that we'd run that investigation unofficially." He said to me, and I dropped my coffee in shock. "Celina are you alright?" Aryann said to me, as she rushed to me to hold me. "There's a witness?'l said like someone who was dazed.

Somewhere in some hidden tower

"What do you mean, they've found Adolphus out?!" a man said out loud like a man about to erupt. "I'm sorry sir. Ididn't even know that they were already running an investigation and that they had evidence. However, I've been able to delete all his information from the system before they could get to it." The other voice from the other end said "Did you say they have another suspect?" the man asked. "Yes they do," The reply came, "That will be all for now, Keep me posted always," And with that he cut the call. "We need toget the other suspect fast before änybody else does, Fuck, this is shit." The man cursed.