Chapter 10


There was a witness to the murder of the nurse that gave my adopted parents the original result that result that had to the reason I was in the hospital back then. "If there was a witness, how come we haven't heard of him or her since the time of the incident? Isn't that suspicious?" Aryann wondered aloud and it seemed that that was what we all were thinking too. It seemed suspicious that such witness existed and we never seemed to hear about such witness, not even in the police report. It means that the Investigation done was messy. "The statue of limitations to this crime investigations is not over. I personally feel our clue to finishing the current case would be in this nurse's case. But meanwhile, we will continue investigations silently on Nurse Fernandez case secretly and conduct proper research on the suspect info we have already." I said and everyone nodded. "I'll go grab us some tea. It's been a tiring day."Jeremy, ever so thoughtful said, "Yeah sounds like a great idea, senior. I'll come with you so that we can grab some bites on the way." Aryann said and picked her phone and her card. Jeremy smiled at her and she smiled at him back and then they both walked out. Chief Joe, Simon, and I stood there and looked at each other. -"Are we sensing some office romance from those two soon?" Simon said and looked at two of us. "l hope not. It'd be really awkward for all of us." I said as I sat back on my seat. "Seeing young people in love is everything, Celina. Don't be a Kill Joy."Chief Joe said and sat backon his own seat and started tapping on his computer. Simon and I laughed and then we got to work. Simon analyzed the data we had gotten On Carl Kindle and got to work to see if We could track his working place or at least his house.Then my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, I saw Attorney Allen. I picked his call immediately. "Hello? Attorney Allen how have you been?" I said as soon as I picked his call. "I'm fine thank you, Been managing after the death of my sister, Which brings me to why I called you. Did yoy get any proper evidence from the jewelry I sent you?" he asked calmly. "Yes, we have gotten an idea on who the culprits may be" I said, emphasizing that were two suspects. "There's two of them?" He asked with an obvious shock in his voice. "By God! What did my little sister ever do to them?" he finished with a shivering voice."We are working on finding out residency, anything and everything that we need to find. We will get through to the bottom of this. The second culprit doesn't seem to have any information about him anywhere in the information system" I said to him. "Then how did you find out that he existed in the first place?" he replied. "That's what we all are shocked about. Being able to find his name just with his DNA proves that his information is somewhere. Or was. Until somebody got rid of it. Who got rid of it? Why? What would be the person's agenda? I'm thinking hard about it and this is the only thing I could think of. We are working hard to-get to the bottom of all of this. Please be rest assured that I won't let your sister's death go in vain. That i promise you, Attorney Allem" I said with a reassurance in my voice. "l know you'd find him. I just want to get justice for my sister that's all. I've g got to go to work right now. I'll see you soon. Fighting!!" he said

and ended the call . "Um. That would be the victim's brother right?" Simon said. "Yes. He's in the legal department so it shouldn't be too bad a deal if we told him what we found out already. Anything yet?" I asked him. "Oh yes. I kind of tracked the address written in this file, using the house tracking feature the government introduced some months back. It states that he no longer stays there and moved a while ago. Where He moved to, I have no idea."He said to me. "Does this mean we can't trace him till we have an idea of where he moved to?"I said exasperatedly, "Yes, That's what it means." He replied "But that wouldn't take a long time to do though." Aryann said, entering with cups of coffee and Jeremy standing behind her. "How won't that take long?" I said looking her,like she was some kind of alien. "We know how he looks like. Someone he knows would call us towards him; Or someone related to Attorney Allen's sister would know him and how their relationship like."she said so assuredly. "You say that like you're so sure someone would. If we sit and wait for someone to track him, Don't you think we'd be putting others in danger? He may be actually related to this case. He may not be just any Suspect" I said,gradually losing my cool. "Yeah you're right, Celina, But don't you think that the Person Whose identity we can't find anywhere in the country is more dangerous,than the person whose residence we can find if we dig hard in 48 hours?" ChiefJoe said, looking at me."Breathe, Celina. Breathe. We are gonna get to the bottom of th All of us. Together." Simon said. The office then became quiet and all of a sudden the office hotline rang"Hello. This is violent crimes unit. Detective Celina speaking. What can I do for you?" I said into the phone. "Um,I'm calling in respect of someone I know, and I heard is currently a police suspect." The voice said. "Who are you talking about? Because we haven't released an official statement based on of our investigations yet." I said. "I know. I work in the police force that's why I have a classified information that hasn't been released. But I'm calling you Incognito right now cause I need to do my duty as an officer, even though I'm betraying my friend." He said and I was silent. "Oh okay. Cool. Tell what you have for us. What part of his information are you willing to leak to us?" I said breathingout loud, while bringing out a pen and paper. "His whereabouts. Where he lives and works. He changed address some months. I had seen him three days before the incident happened and he looked like he had seen someone he knew and despised before he came to meet up with me. I didn't know it was a gir that had screwed him up in secondary school, It kind of worried me the way he spoke and his tone, so I set our conversation to be recorded. I'll send you the file of the record using a dummy email. As for his new address, he now lives at the Yelbrow road, no 24 is his house number." He said. I took note of all he said and immediately gave the address to Simon to start house tracking immediately. "Thank you very much for the tip you have given. I hope in the future that you continue to be passionate about the good of the people you swore to protect." I said. "I will,Detective. The voice file will be sent to you right now. Have a very lovely day." He said and ended the call. My laptop beeped saying that an email message had been sent to me and Jeremy affirmed that it was an Audio and started downloading it. "But how did you know someone would call us?" I asked Aryann,turning to look at us. " I had seen it in movies. Someone always calls the Detectives to drop clues for them. This feels like a movie." she replied shrugging her shoulder and everyOne laughed. Jeremy said "The audio has loaded!" And everyone focused on what was playing. He tapped on play and then "Calm down guy! She didn't screw your life man!,you did. Don't blame a girl who was trying to protect her friend from being made a fool in public. You were a bully and Amanda Allen couldn't Let you bully her friend right in front of her and everyone so she reported you to the school's disciplinary committee so that you could be put in check. Whose fault is it that you were a bully? Nobody made you into one so stop being sorry." Someone said. "You don't get my point. Amanda did it to spite me. She convinced her friend not to go out with me because I was a well known trouble maker. It was her fault

that I went to jail in the first place. It was because she had good grades and did well and was beautiful and talented that's what made her think she could ruin someone's life and get away with it. She had a wonderful college life and I had to serve time in jail because of her stupid busybody self." Another voice yelled and slammed the table. "So what do you want to do? You want to make her pay for something good she did for others? Aren't you foolish for holding unto a grudge of nearly eight years?" the first voice said "Yes I'm going to make her pay. She probably did it for the good of others, but it didn't concern her. The victims weren't able to say anything. It was from her they gathered courage from her. And when they asked her to come in as a witness, with her shoulder and head raised high. I can't forget the haughty look in her eyes. We have a high school reunion soon, but I'll make her pay before then so that she never raises her head high up ever again, I'm out." The second voice said. "Carl wait. Carl!" and then the audio cut. "Wow that was pretty intense." Jeremy said and everybody breathe out like we had all been holding our breaths. "So the doctor was correct when he said Carl kindle had a feud with the deceasedvictim. Oh shoot." I said, rubbing my temple. "l have found it! His house. Carl kindle's apartment!"

Somewhere on Yelbrow road

Ayoung man walked into his house and went into his kitchen to grab a glass of water. Suddenly, he felt a kind of blade on his neck and the person said "Shhhhh,. I'm not hurting you. You are Carl kindle, right? Atleastnot until you to do what my boss says you should." And with that the guy holding him pressed a handkerchief to his nose and he slept off.

30 minutes later

Carl woke up and looked around and noticed he was tied. "Let me out. Anybody here?" he screamedout in the empty room. Then he heard footsteps approaching and he sat up. A huge scary looking man walked in with another scary looking that looked like his son and like fourteen other scary looking dudes holding guns. The scary man then sat on a chair in front of him and said "Carl kindle. Let me introduce myself to you. Ever heard of the organization 'Sweed? I am the CEO. I am Carlos west. And you and I are going to be having a very serious conversation." He said menacingly.