Hurt and Alone

Eva pov



Cold and hurt...I just cannot express my feelings..WHY WHY....Now i am alone in this whole world.....

I never thought that i would lose my papa so quickly in my life....He was the only person in my life , other than him i don't know anyone.....

Now i am alone in this world...there is no one who is gonna protect me love me... i missed you papa....I missed you so much papa .....Please come back..

Why god why, why you take my papa , you doesn't give me my mother love, you again take my papa from me.... what will i do alone in this whole world.....I have no one now....

Sobs sobs... i am alone... i don't have anyone... its all my fault... because of me my papa was dead...

If he didn't protected me than he will be alive today... its all my fault....


Finally i reached i am so tried.....

Papa are you home.. i asked him...He has different routine for his work...So i never have any idea , when will he returned home from his work...

Yeah sweetie, today i take a half day leave..... i wanna spend some time with my princess.... Yeah finally today he will have time for me after a long time....

Oh thank you papa , i miss you....I just want to spend all day with you.....I missed you a lot....

ok what you want for dinner.....I will make What my princess want.....Then we will watch a movie together.....

lets eat outside na today....I wanna eat out today....

No Princess, its not good to eat outside, its not healthy....You Know na your body is too weak...So i cannot let you eat outside its unhealthy...

Please papa , lets eat na outside, its last than i will never ask again.....Today i just want to go outside and want to spend my time with you....

OK ok my princess, but don't forget your word....

ok papa.....Its last,Then i will only eat healthy food...

Ok go freshup and get ready... i am waiting....Dont be late, other wise this plan will be cancelled..

ok i will come in 10 min...Just wait ..

Finally, we reached to restaurant and we had our dinner, today i am so happy after 2 week i got to spend some time with papa...

2 week ago he had gone for a business trip.... just yesterday he have returned.....

We spend lot of time together, he also bye me new dresses, i am to tried today,

finally we are returning home...

We are in a car , its a night time around 10:30

suddenly a truck come towards our car and hit it.....

just to protect me papa come forward and save me from hit.... i saw my papa blood all in my clothes and hand.... and i lost my sense i fanted....

After 2 days i wake up....

i looked at the surrounding, its a white room.... and i remember every thing i shouted


Doctor come and check me and told i fine... i ask about my papa... firstly,they didn't reply anything and after my intense shouting, they tell me he is dead...

No No.....

i cried and cried but there is no one to support me.... in this whole world i am alone.....

Flashback end

its been 2 week, after papa dead , there is no happiness in my life, i am alone in this house....

i have noone , there is only emptiness in my life....

Right now, i am in hall and crying looking at papa pic....

why dad why you leave in alone in this world, how can i leave without you....

I am alone dad , i don't have anyone in this life... sobs sobs.....

You are not alone baby girl... I am there for you to protect and love you unconditionally.....

I looks towards the source of sound.....

W...who are you?

Hello guys

You do you think , is this person...

Do you think , the car accident is a accident or a preplanned .....

hope you like this chapter....

English is not my mother language, so there are many mistakes, hope you will not mind it...

Hope you will like this story.....

Thank you