Mafia King part 1

Somewhere outside the london.....

Unknown pov

A man is hanging in a wall... A group of 4 people is torturing him.... And a man is sitting in a chair like a king... Actually he is a king.... The mafia king....known as a devil in a world... Everyone says he doesn't have a heart...

He is the most ruthless creature in the world... he doesn't have a word love in his dictionary....

He is a living devil in this world... he didn't listen No for a answer..... he doesn't have softcore for anyone except his family...

What the number one Rule in the mafia world? He asked dangerously....

The man hanging in the wall speak ... continuously shaking...

Nev..Never to betray the mafia king.....

And what do you do.... He again asked.....

I betray you king.... please give me a chance.... please....

Haha... i think you forgot about mafia number 2 rules..... Never To Forgive.....

Please king.... they kidnapped my kids and wife... so i have to betray you.... please king.... what will my family do... if i die.....

I think you forgot... in mafia world... there is not a thing called emotions...

So you deserved to die..... bang bang bang.....

Take the body outside and feed it to the dogs..... betrayals don't deserve the funeral.....

He just stand up from the chair... and head inside the office ..... He was in his own through.... when his cell phone ring.....

Hello papa..... is there any problem....

He asked cause without any problem his papa never call him( he is same like his papa have no emotion always cold and aloof.....But his papa is another man for his mom loving and caring)

yeah we have a problem..... We have a visitor... Come to my office tomorrow... i have a important thing to tell you...

You can tell me in a phone...

No , i cannot tell in a phone call, its very important... just think it is related to 21 years old accident.....

Ok i am coming tomorrow.....

21 years old... i still remember it... i was like 8 year old... where i lost my brother.... my god mother......

Its the only reason... i am here being a mafia king..... and also the reason i am this ruthless.......

In this world, i only show my emotions and love towards my mom..... she is the only i care about ...

Tom... he called

Yes king.....

Keep my jet ready..... tomorrow we are heading toward home...

But king, tomorrow we have a important meeting....

Nothing is important that that work.... cancel it.... he are heading toward home...

Ok king...

Hello guys, what do you think about this chapter....

who is this man...

Is he related to Eva father...

is he a enemy or friend...

I hope you like this chapter..... its a short but interesting chapter.....

I am gonna post 2 chapter a day.... hope you will like it...

Hope you will support me..... i have just started to write a novel so there may be lot of mistake... and especially my english and grammar... cause English is not my mother language ...hope you will like this story, i doing my best....

Thank you