Arianna took a while to open her eyes since she was focused with feeling her body.

It's just that she hadn't expected the issue to be so bad that her eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings the second she heard a woman sobbing. Arianna felt her heart racing as if someone was tugging at her heartstrings since she could hear the woman sobbing because she was joyful.

"She's waking up," the woman said, her voice anxious. Arianna was even adamant about opening her eyes since she had the sneaking suspicion that this woman was her mother, the lady who adored her to the point of death.

She finally managed to open her eyes after a long time. She could only see white at first, as if she were back in that space, but the voices around her convinced her that she was no longer alone in that empty area, but rather surrounded by people who genuinely cared for her.

Arianna began to see several hazy forms and kept searching among them for one specific individual. When she finally managed to move her head in that direction, she forced a smile on her face and everything became clear.

That wasn't her mother; she didn't have that much white hair as she remembered from her childhood. Her mother had a head full of thick black hair, but she had aged as a result of it.

Arianna was so saddened by the sight of how frail her mother had become that tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to apologize to her, but she discovered that she couldn't say anything at the time, which made her cry even harder.

"It's all right, baby; don't cry. I forgive you because Mom is here," as Marylyn rushed to Arianna's side, she consoled her, "We all did."

Arianna broke down sobbing as she nestled into her mother's loving embrace. This reaction surprised the doctors in attendance. This miracle was simply too much for them, as the patient who had been inactive for a month awakened in just one day and seemed to be in perfect health.

They even expected to be issuing a death certificate soon, but they never expected the young lady to be so lucky that she escaped death's claws.

"My lady, we need to examine the young lady, and it will be very quick," the chief doctor said after observing how the two were not separating and didn't appear to be doing so anytime soon.

"Please accept my apologies. I got a little carried away" , Marylyn spoke gently and kissed Arianna on the forehead before leaving the room, saying, "I'll go out and make a few calls, make sure nothing happens to her."

The doctor began his rounds of examinations after Marylyn had exited. Arianna was asked a couple questions and gave a nod and a shake of her head in response.

Marylyn couldn't suppress her joy as she told her husband about Arianna outside the room. Because Paulo had to work, he couldn't accompany Marylyn to see Arianna on a daily basis, but he was just as concerned about his daughter as Marylyn was.

After hearing the good news, Paulo couldn't contain himself and said, "I'm coming right away."

Marylyn then called her other children, who were delighted to hear the amazing news. Jorgie, who lived in the duchy, was the only one who was available. She promised to hurry as fast as she could because her child was still young and she couldn't bear leaving her alone.

Arianna was tired and sleepy by the time the doctor finished the examinations, and she decided to sleep it off because her health stats were so low.

"How is my child doing?" As soon as the physicians left the room, Marylyn inquired.

"Everything is fine, except she is a little frail. She will be as lively as she used to be in just a few months if she is given enough supplements."

"Well, that's good news, Is it possible for her to be released?" Marylyn asked, "I don't want her to be in the hospital any longer," and the doctors looked at her in bewilderment.

The chief doctor, on the other hand, quickly controlled his emotions and responded, "She should remain for observation for two days, after which you can take her home."

In a light tone, Marylyn said, "That's good, I'll leave her in your hands."

The doctors noticed that the mother was happier than before; nonetheless, having your children go before you, especially such a young child, was not a good thing. It didn't seem filial, therefore they were relieved that Arianna was still alive, but they felt sorry for her because the youngster was not considerate, as seen by her decision to end her life regardless of consequences for her family.

Marylyn sent the doctors on their way and returned to Arianna's room, where she was soundly asleep. She couldn't help but take her small hands in hers and give them kisses.

She silently implored to the gods above for them to hear her prayers and return her baby to her and her family. Her husband may appear tough, but only she knew how much he was suffering behind the mask he had crafted for himself.

Everything will be OK now that their baby was awake; she will keep a close eye on her and trust that she will find someone better than that jerk who nearly drove their daughter away forever.

Even the fact that he didn't come to visit Arianna after she attempted suicide fueled Marylyn with so much rage and contempt for Lucas that she didn't want to see him again for fear of exploding in outrage.

The pair held one other with tears running down their cheeks as Paulo was the first to arrive. He was thrilled to see that his child was well and, more significantly, that his wife will stop blaming herself and resume her regular routine.

Jorgie followed suit, and the rest of the family went with her, but she didn't wake up again that night. They were less alarmed because the doctor said she was simply weary and needed to rest.

This made the family feel better because they would be able to check how their baby was doing when the sun rise the next day.