Arianna woke up and found herself in an awkward situation. She didn't seem to wake up after blacking out in the tub the day before, even after the doctor came to check her out.

Her family would have panicked out if the doctor hadn't diagnosed her as being simply exhausted. Her body seemed much lighter when she woke up, and considering she was already light before taking the drug, she wondered if she could now be blown away by the wind.

Arianna felt much better after waking up, and she got the feeling that walking would not be difficult now. She hadn't expected to see her mother in such a foul mood that she wouldn't let her be alone.

Arianna felt sorry for her nanny after she received a mouthful from her mother. She could only apologize to her, and fortunately, her nanny did not appear upset that much with her since she was doing just fine.

The best thing that happened when she awake was hearing her own voice; she had missed it so much that she cried as she spoke her first word like a child. The voice was unfamiliar at first, but she grew accustomed to it as she spoke more phrases.

When Arianna wanted to take a bath, she was forced to bring two maids with her to assist her. The old Arianna may have gotten used to having people serve her, but the new Arianna found it awkward and uncomfortable. However, she had to get used to it otherwise she would raise suspicion.

Arianna was startled again when her nightgown was removed in the bathroom. She'd felt the effects of the water pill before, but witnessing what it did to her body made her beam with delight. She could even kidnap a prince and make him her consort with this body. Arianna was ecstatic just thinking about all of the possibilities in the future.

As she stared at the naked Arianna, the fair-skinned maid complimented shyly, "Young lady's skin grew even more alluring."

Her skin was clear of blemishes, pimples, and marks. It was faultless, smooth, and silky to the point where a single pinch would leave a scar on her body.

As she came towards Arianna, the other maid said, "We shouldn't use anything abrasive or we'll end up marring her."

Arianna was quite pleased with the changes in her body and was looking forward to seeing what would happen when she took the final two pills. She had a feeling that if she was given enough time, she would become one of those great beauties.

Arianna let the maids take her to the tub, hypnotizing herself several times that she wasn't going to let these maids watch her naked and bathe her. The moment her body was submerged in the therapeutic bath, she closed her eyes. She decided to surrender as she had others to help her with her body and she didn't want to make their lives difficult by being a stubborn nut to crack.

The two maids savored the opportunity to bathe their young lady, whose skin was as slick as a snake's. Because her skin was clean and free of impurities, the procedure went quite smoothly.

As she washed Arianna's hair, the other maid murmured, "Look, I suppose the young lady's hair has gotten a little longer." Her hair used to kiss her shoulders, but now it looks like it's brushing against her shoulder blades.

Arianna ignored the maids' whispers since she had seen the change and liked it because she was a big fan of long hair. If her hair reaches her waist, it will be much better. She'll dress up like one of those ancient ladies, complete with headgear and hairpins. What a magical occasion that will be!

It was time for her to leave the tub when the water became a little cold. She cautiously stepped on the fur rug with the help of the two, and a warm towel was wrapped over her.

Arianna put on her plush slippers and took an unhurried walk back to her bedroom, where she sat in a comfy armchair and let the maids finish their job. Arianna examined her reflection in the mirror while one of the maids blew her hair dry.

It didn't take long for her hair to dry, and she quickly changed into the clothing that the nanny had selected for her. Because the nanny was worried of her getting cold, she wore trousers and a long-sleeved t-shirt with sneakers instead of a dress.

"Young lady, the Duchess instructed us not to walk around too much, so for the time being, you should still use the wheelchair," the nanny stated as she helped her to the electric wheelchair.

Arianna had no choice but to compromise because she knew her mother was acting in her best interests.

Her nanny covered her legs with a pink fluffy fleece as she sat comfortably in the wheelchair.

Arianna was delighted because she knew deep down in her heart that all of these people genuinely care about her and will go to great lengths to make her happy.

Arianna was a complete moron for ignoring all of these people and their sincere counsel. Perhaps she wouldn't have died in such a hasty manner if she had done so.

Arianna sat in the chair, letting the nanny to push her, while listening to the three tell her about the news that had occurred while she was in a coma.

Arianna despised Lucas, who she had never met, because he didn't even come to see her after she tried to commit suicide. She was however genuinely curious about this woman, whom he had fallen for, for him to be so heartless and selfish.

Arianna chuckled and laughed as the three continued to converse. It felt great, and she planned to use her laptop to look up some news once she'd calm down her mother and the rest of the family.

"The young lady has arrived," the butler announced, making everyone to turn around.

Arianna was embarrassed, but she forced a smile on her face because she refused to admit defeat.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad, and Sister!" she exclaimed as she gently rose from her wheelchair.

"Take it easy, baby," Marylyn cautioned, her face concerned.

"I'm feeling a little better, I think I can even run," she pouted, speaking softly since she didn't want to be lectured.

When the rest of the group heard her, they all laughed at how cute Arianna had become since the accident.