Arianna was excited that night and devoured all of the snacks that the nanny had left for her. When she was done, she went to her bedroom and took a warm bath before going to bed.

She awoke the next morning with vigor and cleaned herself up before going downstairs for breakfast. Her parents were still not present, so she was the only person at the table.

Leah, on the other hand, was with her that morning because the young woman had come to report for work. Arianna knew the rules, and she wasn't about to break them just because she grew up in a place that didn't.

She listened to what Leah had decided while eating her hearty breakfast, and she did not disappoint her. Leah had brought her belongings that morning, and nanny had assigned her a room in which to live.

Arianna took Leah to her study after breakfast for some private time. She is aware that these servants will report to her parents, and that only her room is private because she is not monitored there.

"What did you find?" Arianna inquired as soon as she sat.

"It's like this...."

Arianna listened as Leah told her about her findings, which were, to be honest, quite shocking. She was well aware that the business was profitable, but this was simply too much for her. There were far too many people in the industry, and it was fiercely competitive.

"I don't care how many of them there are. Since I've chosen this as my stepping stone, I'll stick with it," Arianna said firmly to Leah.

There was no way in hell she was going to give up just because everyone else was.

"When should we begin?"

"How much does it cost to open a medium-sized café?"

"That will depend on whether we buy or rent," Leah replied, looking at the notebook in which she had scribbled her notes.

"Tell me about it," Arianna said as she waited for Leah to continue.

"That will be determined by the amount of capital you have. I'll need access to your accounts in order to keep track of everything, but let's get back to the store. If we rent the space, we will need around a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and after installing the machines, the total will be around a million dollars. If we buy one, the maximum should be around ten million dollars, and this will also depend on where the café will be located in the city. As you are aware...."

Leah continued to speak while Arianna was listening intently, as if she were a student being tutored by a teacher. Arianna had to admit that Leah was competent and had done all of the necessary research. Whenever Arianna asked a question, Leah would respond with an answer, which made Arianna appreciate Leah as a valuable and useful assistant.

"All right, then. I don't lack funds; I believe I have around ten million on my bank card right now, and I will give you access to my account. You may withdraw and use what is needed. I'm going to put all of my savings in your hands, and I'm hoping you won't let me down. And I also prefer to buy rather than rent because real estate tends to appreciate in value," Arianna said, tapping the desk with her fingers, "the place should be high enough because I don't want just any café but a book café." I've already written down the plan; all you have to do now is flesh it out and make sure everything is in order in a month."

"I'll take care of it. Will the café offer any one-of-a-kind items?"

"There will be, I intend to sell products that are not only fat-free but also nutritious. When you read the plan, you will notice. You can deal with it; I have things to do right now." Arianna walked away from Leah as soon as she was finished.

Arianna made certain that Leah had everything she needed so that the young woman would not have to go up and down. She was eager to get her café up and running as soon as possible.

With Leah gone, Arianna took her tablet and began scrolling through the news, curious about what was going on around her. She had recently made headlines due to her miraculous revival.

And, having gone out the day before with so many people taking photos and videos of her, she was curious as to what these reporters or people were saying about her.

She was not disappointed when she saw her name on the hot search; apparently, her videos had gone viral, and these videos included those taken while she was enjoying her pizza.

[Had she been starved her entire life to eat so shamelessly and filthily?]

[Should a lady eat like that?]

Arianna could tell these people were from noble families, so she ignored the hateful comments and continued reading the positive ones.

[I really like how she eats that. Food should not be thrown away.]

[Doesn't she look adorable when she eats like that?]

Arianna laughed as she read the comments one by one, and when she was finished, she moved on to the other news, where she discovered some videos of her eating snacks after the movie.

Someone even quoted her words to Amy about appreciating food and the present moment. It made her happy to think that the little things she did improved her image in the eyes of those who mocked and looked down on her.

She needed to improve her public image so that her family's name would not be tarnished. It would take a long time, but she believes that one-day people will be chanting her name and worshiping her in the same way that they do celebrities.

Arianna spent a lot of time reading the news, and once she was done with news about herself, she moved on to other topics. The royal family was among the headlines she chose to read.

Arianna couldn't help but be envious of them; having the entire kingdom at their feet had to be incredible. The current royal family's children, particularly the males, were endowed with a beautiful or handsome face.