Everyone in the duchy had been looking forward to this day. It was the coming-of-age ceremony for Young Lady Nadia, the young duke's daughter and the dukedom's heir after the current duke.

The duke's mansion was open to the public, or should we say the invited guests, on days like this. The invited reporters were also present, taking photos of all the celebrities and influential people they saw.

The duke's mansion was one of the most beautiful and extravagant buildings in the duchy. So, at times like this, people will go to great lengths to obtain an invitation just to get a glimpse of the mansion.

Around three guests had already arrived, and many of them were Nadia's classmates and friends. The elders began to arrive around four o'clock, as the banquet was scheduled to begin at five o'clock.

The teenagers were looking around with excitement in their eyes. Some weren't there to celebrate the birthday girl, but to make their own connections. A lot of influential figures will always appear at banquets like this, and this will present many opportunities to those who want to soar higher by clutching onto golden thighs or make business connections they can exploit in the future.

Around three guests had already arrived, and many of them were Nadia's classmates and friends. The elders began to arrive around four o'clock, as the banquet was scheduled to begin at five o'clock.

The teenagers were looking around with excitement in their eyes. Some weren't there to celebrate the birthday girl, but to make their own connections. A lot of influential figures will always appear at banquets like this, and this will present many opportunities to those who want to soar higher by clutching onto golden thighs or make business connections they can exploit in the future.

"This place is fantastic. I'm relieved that all of my hard work has finally paid off!" a girl dressed in a fancy silver gown exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she looked around.

"I'm glad as well. I guess those who were laughing at us for adoring Nadia are now regretting," the girl in glasses sneered, recalling how tortured she had felt over the past few months.

It wasn't embarrassing to admit their actions and how they shamelessly clung to Nadia and her friends like leeches. In order to achieve one's goals in life, one must sometimes do things that one is not proud of.

How were they supposed to change their own fates if they had been arrogant? Their families were not powerful or influential enough to be remembered in this type of circle.

If they do not work hard, they will remain in the lower realms and die without experiencing the life of the upper realms.

They didn't want to live as sparrows or wild pheasants; they were willing to sell their souls to the devil if it meant becoming a phantom phoenix for a brief moment.

The glory that comes with being able to stand on this kind of stage was something that these ladies did not want to miss out on. "Ladies, our Miss would like to speak with you," a server said politely as she approached the two girls who had been whispering to each other earlier.

"Please lead the way," the two said, their expressions changing from surprise to happiness.

The two girls trailed the server, hurrying along because they didn't want to be on the wrong side of this miss. They had no idea which of the Misses wanted to see them, but it didn't matter who they saw as long as they were noticed.

When they arrived, they discovered that they had been led into a small courtyard larger than their own homes. They could only feel envy in their hearts and not show it on their faces.

"She is inside," the server said, motioning for them to enter.

The two girls exchanged glances and walked inside with firm steps; after all, they had already embarked on this journey of no return, so why should they stop now?

When they entered, they heard an enticing melody being played. They could tell whoever was inside was not to be trifled with and was of high caliber.

"What do you think the individual is up to?"

"It can't be a flute, maybe a zither," the other said quietly as the two approached the music.

When they arrived, they froze in place as they stared at the young woman with her face hidden behind a veil. They could only see the sharp eyes that told them this person wasn't a moron.

However, she did not resemble Nadia, which made them suspicious; who the hell was this person, and what did she want with them?

The two girls stood there for about five minutes before the masked girl put down the zither. She had finished her magnificent performance with a bang, and the two couldn't help but applaud before awkwardly stopping seeing how the other person was now fixated on them.

"Sit down, we have a lot to talk about," the ethereal voice said, dazzled the two on the spot.

As if enchanted, the two did as they were told, and soon more than twenty minutes passed as they nodded repeatedly as this veiled person gave them some instructions.

"It doesn't matter if you fail this task because I will still give you your rewards; however, if you successfully complete it, your rewards will be even greater. Remember, you are not allowed to reveal this information to anyone or else the consequences will be severe. Do you get what I'm saying?" The veiled girl spoke sternly, sending shivers down the two girls' spines.

The two nodded in agreement before adding, "we will not disappoint you," to their promise.

"All right, you're free to go. The banquet will begin soon," the veiled girl waved her hand away, dismissing the two.

The two girls walked out of the courtyard, their hearts in their hands. That was the most terrifying experience they had ever had, but they were determined to complete their tasks.

They'd already boarded the pirate ship, so there was no need to act the saint.

"Do you believe it will work?"

"It will, we just need to devise a plan and entice a few people, and by the end of the day, we will be the ones celebrating," the girl in glasses said smugly.

"All right, let's do it. Whatever the outcome, we will keep our heads held high."