
Once again, Zeta was left to his own devices.

He didn't really have anything to do until Bucky decided to try and kill Steve in the middle of the streets, so he began to look into mutants and such.

Mutants were disconnected from the rest of society in order to not be killed or injured because of racists. He didn't do much research about their locations or the X-men timeline because he wouldn't be able to do much when having to return to Felicia's apartment each night anyway.

She most likely wouldn't take kindly to the alien simply disappearing for a while.

There was a pretty easy way to get the attention of the mutants. You just need to look like an alien or need to have some level of super-power and not get involved with the avengers. Then one of the two mutant crews will come alone and pick you up. Both of which with questionable morals.

Zeta could simply become a Tau and would almost certainly get scouted by them. However, at the current moment, his mind isn't guarded. There's a chance that the system may help with that, but he can't bet on it. Therefore, he'd need to become a psyker first.

There's a significant difference between telepaths in this world, and psykers in Warhammer. Here, telepaths gain their power from the X-gene or in Jean Grey's case, the phoenix that is connected to her. However, should Zeta become a psyker, his mind would be connected to the warp when no-one else is. If a telepath tried to invade his mind, they'd be trying to invade the warp, something only the chaos gods are capable of.

The result would be unpredictable, but it wouldn't end well for anyone trying to mess with his mind. This is a basic defense against someone like Xavier whose morals and actions are questionable at best.

[Psyker (Requires Training) – 300 points]

Unfortunately, he would have to wait to get involved with them.

Anyways, there was an interesting news segment that played while Zeta thought of getting involved with mutants.

"A green female has been spotted in Manhattan. She has shown to be helping out civilians who have been victims of various different crimes. Now, onto the weather..." He stopped listening after that.

'Gamora shouldn't be here? The first Guardians of the Galaxy shouldn't even have started yet. Did she come to Earth at some point before the movie?' Zeta thought to himself. The television didn't show an image of the green figure.

This was definitely something he'd need to investigate. Without any delay, he put on heavy clothing and left his house.

This was when Zeta realized that he definitely needed to buy a car or motorcycle in order to get around. It took him 45mins to walk from his house to the parts of Manhattan that the news station reported. As he thought about what type of car he'd buy, he heard a peculiar set of sounds ring out from above him.


He looked up to see Gwen swinging around the rooftops, most likely looking for the same thing he was.

"Hey!" He yelled out.

Hearing a familiar voice, Spider-woman looked down from the rooftop she was standing on to find a familiar handsome face waving at her. Gwen shot get webs at him, once they connected, she pulled him up to the rooftop she stood on.

"It's been a while." She greeted.

"So, it has. I was dreading not being able to meet you again." Zeta commented. Gwen wasn't able to comprehend the meaning behind his words so she simply dismissed them.

"So... what's up? Why did you call out to me?" She asked.

"I assumed that you were looking for the same thing I was. We know each other a bit, let's work together." He extended a hand for her to shake.

She nodded and agreed. Nobody would be able to identify the alien and link him to her identity in any way, so she didn't really care that Zeta didn't equip a mask.

"How should we do this?" Gwen asked. He was the one who proposed to team up, so she wanted to hear his plan.

"Give me your number. We'll search different places in the city. If we find her, message the other and approach." Zeta told her. It wasn't a perfect plan, but it was enough. The white spider nodded. She needed to go to sleep in preparation for college tomorrow so finishing this early would be great.

The two of them exchanged numbers and searched. Zeta mainly searched the alley-ways and such, places where Gwen would struggle to search while airborne. Unfortunately, searching was delayed multiple times for Gwen as Manhattan was a crime capital and she had to beat the soul out of a couple criminals while searching for their green girl.

A couple of hours passed with the both of them running around the streets wildly when Zeta received a message from Gwen.

'24th Reverend Road.' She messaged him. He quickly dotted in the street name into Google Maps and bolted to her position.

When he arrived, he found a buff green woman throwing various heavy objects towards an agile spider that dodged and weaved through everything thrown at her.

"Mind if I interject, ladies?" Zeta spoke up. The two of them stopped trying to kill each other for a second to spy the idiot that just interrupted them.

"..." Both women simply stared.

"I really think you two got off on the wrong foot. Both of you are trying to help people, no?" He spoke. Pacifying the two of them is ideal. One is someone he's already made progress with and the other is someone he recognized from comic books; She-Hulk.

"She was beating the crap out of this guy!" Gwen defended her actions.

"He was trying to kill me!" The green woman defended herself.

"That's no reason to give him severe brain damage!" Gwen yelled.

"Both of you calm down!" Zeta was getting annoyed from the cat fight. It was obvious that Gwen was getting agitated from lack of sleep and She-Hulk had most likely only recently gotten her powers considering she was only recently being talked about by the media.

"What's your name?" He asked the green woman. This would serve as an introduction as well.

"Jennifer." She curtly replied.

"Good. Now, Jennifer, Gwen, both of you are trying to help people. Do you think you are helping anyone by fighting each other?" He asked.

"" Gwen replied. She was still a bit younger than Zeta and therefore somewhat susceptible to pressure from a superior.

"..." Jennifer didn't reply, simply observing the situation.

"Gwen, permanent damage has never stopped you from taking in criminals. If you don't like her, just say it outright." Zeta facepalmed.

"..." She looked away in guilt. Even now, she still believed herself in the right. This was because she only saw the resulting beating that the man got, not what led up to it. And her defense that made her a hypocrite was formed only to defend her actions, not because she believed she was saying.

"Immaturity can be fixed, regret cannot." He spoke. "Now, Jennifer, I'd like to have a talk with you somewhere else about your... condition." Zeta led them out of the alley.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

"Zeta." He replied.

The conversation ended there. Despite Zeta telling Gwen that she could leave if she wanted to, she followed them to a café.

He didn't really care about the eyes nor the flashes of phones that would be pointed towards the trio. Gwen was already pretty used to it and still had her mask on, so there were no major issues there. Jennifer, despite not being overly shy, wasn't the most comfortable with the flashes and Zeta couldn't care less about them.

There was a long silence that lasted until the three of them ordered.

"So, when did you end up like this?" He asked Jennifer. The She-Hulk wasn't even supposed to be a thing in the MCU so her presence was a complete mystery that had to be investigated.

"...A week ago." She replied with obvious regret.

"And how exactly did that happen?" He further questioned.

"...that isn't important." She told him.

"That's true. What is important, is how you use this newly-found ability. Can you turn it off?" He asked.

"I can." She curtly replied.

"And how do you plan to use this ability in the future?" He inquired.

"To help, I suppose." She spoke while holding her chin. It hadn't been too long since she had gained this ability and her motivations aren't completely set in stone.

"Is there anything you need as a new superhero?" He asked. Of course, he'd try to gain all the affection from her as he could.

"I mean, not really." She told him, shutting down his dreams.

(A.N. I had a headache while writing this, hopefully it's up to par. More action will be coming up soon.)