Title Number: gorge

[Balance 150]

(A.N. After buying the Space Marine form, the balance was 25, Zeta bought basic armor for his Drukhari Form which cost 15, setting him back to 10, it has been two days, so he gained 140.)

Over two days, the dark web gained a new video that got people riled up. Torture videos were nothing new on the dark web, although they weren't the most common, but a pale alien torturing a trained agent of Hydra? Now that was interesting.

Of course, the inhabitants of the most dangerous part of the internet weren't so stupid as to believe an alien decided to do a video for them. Most of the level-headed criminals didn't believe it, but watched regardless, the insane absolutely believed it, and started a cult.

Due to the bizarre torturer, many hackers tried to find out who was behind it all. Unfortunately, the technological prowess of a human cannot transcend an Adeptus Mechanicus.

Finally, one of the things that ensured it went viral was the mystery behind what the 'alien' was saying.

"Hydra, you know exactly who I am. You sent this piece of garbage to me after all." It spoke.

It wasn't very difficult to capture and torture a Hydra member if they don't know who you are. But it is very difficult to do so when the entirety of Hydra is ready to pounce. Not only did this 'alien' torture and kill a Hydra member, he also provoked them further with a wicked grin on his face.

The dark web was very interested to see where this went.

"Master, what would you have me do?" M'Shen asked.

"Find out where the HYDRA's headquarters are. I'll get rid of them before they can re-emerge as a threat." Zeta ordered. M'Shen nodded and left to fulfil her duty.

Zeta's mood the past couple of days has been sour. He knew that HYDRA was ingrained into S.H.I.E.L.D. but he didn't expect them to try and kill him so brazenly.

It also didn't help that Nezuko was even more traumatized; she'd be completely attached to Zeta whenever he was home and would constantly glance towards the door like a dog waiting for its owner.

Despite Nezuko's objections, Zeta has still been going out to train Gwen. He was doing this despite how anxious Nezuko got so she got somewhat used to being separated from him, he wouldn't be able to do much if he was with Nezuko all the time.

After M'Shen left, Gwen entered the training facility, both of them got to training.

Zeta has been training with his Warp Energy, but it isn't very easy to shape an energy without any outside help. It was like flipping a light switch that wasn't connected via wires.

Nevertheless, he was making progress. The sooner he was able to use his Psker abilities, the safer he'd be in his base form.

Zeta was surprised to find that Gwen was using her webs in different ways today. She was shooting her webs towards him, which he would dodge, but then used the web that just attached to the ground as a boost of sorts. It made her much faster, but much more predictable, she'd have to work into her normal fighting style.

And, of course, they went onto their final training segment.

"That's enough for the spar." Zeta ordered. Hearing these words, Gwen nodded and leaped out of the boxing ring.

The second that Zeta sat down, Gwen sat on top of him, allowing her crotch to meet his. She combed her short blonde hair back with her fingers and then initiated the French kiss. She has gotten very comfortable with this stage of training.

Zeta's hands snaked down to her ass, only contained by her pink yoga pants. His fingers molded her behind to his pleasure. Gwen pushed her ass out ever so slightly to encourage his groping.

This is the same thing they've been doing for 3 days in a row. Every day, Gwen gets more comfortable with having a tongue battle and pressing her body against his. Zeta knew that he'd have to step it up once again pretty soon.

Usually, the final part of their training would only last 15mins and was indicated by an alarm set on Zeta's phone. Today however...


The phone rang in their ears, but it only made Gwen push her body even closer to Zeta's. Her tongue moved even more ferociously and her legs wrapped around his behind, pushing her even closer.

After another minute of making out, Gwen separated the kiss and stood up. She didn't notice that she had a wet patch on her yoga pants, but even if she did, she wouldn't of hid it.

Zeta stood as well.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Gwen spoke before grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave.

"Wait a second." Zeta spoke.

She turned around to have her lips stolen for a second.

"I'll see you later." He finished.

Her smile showed the small gap between her two front teeth as she ran out.

This, of course, was all a part of Zeta's plan. There are two types of women; those that belong to the streets, and the ones that actually have self-value. There is no achievement in having sex with those that belong to the streets, it's extremely easy.

On the other hand, you have the women that value themselves. These are the women like Felicia and Gwen, women that you have to work to get. Zeta loves these types of women, and actively pursued them even before he got sent to this world. Because of this, he knows that acting like a couple would on top of constant teasing that gets reciprocated almost ensures these women.

(A.N. Disclaimer: I have no responsibility if you fail with this method. Zeta is a handsome boi, you are not.)

This is why he gave the goodbye kiss to Gwen. It was to tell her that he was doing this for 'training' nor did he simply want sex, he wanted her.

As much as Zeta would've like to end the day there, there was something else that demanded his attention. He quickly got dressed in a two-piece suit which complimented his royal aesthetic.

He hopped in his car and made his way to a fancy restaurant with a French name. A French butler opened the door for him. Entering the restaurant, he spotted the person he was meeting here.

"Your appearance has changed." A chocolate woman spoke.

"Apparently not by much if you were able to recognize me." Zeta turned his head to spot the source of the voice, Ororo.

"Follow me, our table is on a different floor." She told him. He nodded in response. Zeta was by no means going to refuse tailing a beautiful woman like Ororo. Her dress seemed to balance showing a lot and showing nothing. Her breasts were completely covered, but her back was completely exposed, her ass was covered, but her thighs were exposed.

Zeta didn't hide the fact that he was checking her out, however, his gaze didn't linger. Ororo noticed both his gaze, and him stopping. She simply continued to lead the way.

Even simply walking through the restaurant, these two stood out from everyone else. Most present were men who were overweight as they could afford enough food to fill their mansions and the women were mostly gold diggers who needed 2kg of makeup to look presentable.

Zeta was a beautiful man with an air of royalty that none in the modern-day had while Ororo is perhaps the most striking natural beauty to ever exist. Usually, you only see dark skin with white hair in transformations.

Nevertheless, this couple caught the attention of many present.

"How was your day?" Zeta began the conversation.

"I have all the required documents here for the enrollment of Nezuko." Ororo ignored his conversation starter and reached down into her purse. She handed over a couple of sheets of paper.

"Thank you." He replied while skimming through them. It was all the normal school documents. The only thing that stood out was the notice that read; 'By enrolling your student here, you agree to the training of their abilities, despite the physical pain it may bring.' which pissed Zeta off slightly.

There was also an NDA regarding not disclosing the school's location or what happens inside.

Zeta quickly pulled out a pen from his pocket and signed the sheets he was given and handed over the papers back to Ororo.

"You may cause physical pain, but no injuries." He spoke while handing them over.

"You can seriously expect us to train her without a couple of inju-" Ororo got interrupted.

"Yes, you can. Your school has the Danger Room. Use it." Zeta's words were no long good-natured, but rather demanding and threatening. "Don't mistake this meeting as a collaboration. I entrust my daughter to your school because she needs to get stronger, if she is hurt or does not get stronger, then I have no need to correlate myself with the X-Men."

Ororo's hair began to float with lightning bolts dancing between the strands, his demanding tone was not well-received.

"My stance is clear, Ororo. My interest in you doesn't prevent me from cutting ties. Your group pursued me; Xavier pursued me, don't waste his efforts." Zeta spoke. Upon hearing his more convincing argument, Ororo's hair returned to normal.

"Oh? What's this?" A voice entered the ears of both Zeta and Ororo, they turned to find a beautiful red-headed assassin. "Mind if I take a seat?" Natasha asked.