Natasha Kinda Bad Tho

Natasha had been stalking Zeta for the past couple of days. It was much more difficult considering he was on guard at almost all times after coming close to death. She even got rid of every possible tapping device so that he wouldn't make an enemy out of them by finding out he was being tracked.

She observed from outside as she watched Gwen make-out with Zeta, and she watched as his pants formed a tent in order to fit his package. Natasha couldn't help but be impressed by his size, and it only grew more once Gwen began moving her hips ever-so-slightly.

Despite her stoic expression, even Natasha was feeling some heat in her crotch after watching what could be the start of a porno.

Nevertheless, she continued to observe, not doing anything about her arousal. Zeta eventually finished up their training session and left to the restaurant with Ororo. At the beginning, Natasha had no other intentions than to simply watch and observe, as she'd been doing for a week or so now. However, the second she saw Ororo, her plan changed.

'Why did they meet up like this? It could just be a date...' That idea was completely crushed after Zeta let forth his contempt.

'What the hell is she doing? Why is she pissing him off?' She couldn't allow the X-Men to cause a massacre.

Therefore, Natasha changed into a dress and joined the both of them. The second the red-headed assassin approached them, the tyrannical air around Zeta vanished.

"Mind if I take a seat?" Natasha asked.

"Of course." Zeta patted the seat next to him. She sat down next to Zeta, and across from Ororo.

Zeta watched as the two members of different organizations stared each other down.

"You two know each other?" He asked.

"You could say that our organizations are in somewhat of a rivalry." Natasha explained.

"..." Ororo didn't speak, Natasha had explained their relationship pretty well.

"I see, well, shall we order our food?" Zeta spoke. The two women nodded.

Thankfully, this restaurant was far too fancy, there was a butler assigned to their table, ready to take their order. After half a minute of deciding, the butler nodded and left to go and tell the chefs their order.

"What's your relationship with this woman?" Ororo questioned. She was on guard with both of the people on the other side of the table.

"Hmm... we usually just mind our own business unless we share a common goal." Zeta purposely didn't say, 'she stalks me every day'. He also made sure to speak of 'sharing a common goal' so that it wouldn't be weird if he should help S.H.I.E.L.D. later on for the points.

"And how about the relationship between you two?" Natasha asked, despite knowing the answer.

"That's to be determined." Zeta replied, indirectly telling Ororo that she needed to make her stance regarding him known. He knew what Xavier wanted, but he didn't know what Ororo wanted just yet. "Anyway, how've you been lately?" He asked Natasha.

"I've been great, how about you?" Natasha replied. Zeta wasn't the only one with seduction tactics. She knew that people much prefer talking about themselves than anybody else, so she redirected the conversation back to him.

"It's been horrid, I almost died to HYDRA agents." He replied with a smile. "Don't worry though, I'll find their headquarters very soon..."

'I got too excited in the Drukhari form, I tortured that HYDRA agent to the point where he went insane, I couldn't get anything out of him.' Zeta lamented internally. If he had been in the Drukhari form before, he would've been able to control himself, but he didn't.

"Would you like any help in the raid?" Natasha asked. She couldn't really offer any help other than herself without authorization, but offering help will make his affection for her to grow.

"As much as I'd love to take down an organization with you, S.H.I.E.L.D. will have their own problems when I destroy HYDRA." He spoke cryptically. Despite the unclear message, Natasha immediately stealthily tapped her thigh, linking to a mic that was connected to Fury. He didn't order anything else, basically telling her to continue with the mission.

"Are we done here?" Ororo asked. She didn't want to be around Zeta any more than she had to and has only stayed thus far out of courtesy.

"I suppose our business is done. Please feel free to message me should you want another dinner." Zeta let her go with a smile. He'd have enough chances to get into her pants when picking Nezuko up from their school, there was no need to keep her around at the moment.

Ororo nodded her head and left the restaurant, without her food.

Natasha, on the other hand, stayed for a while. Her main mission was to seduce the man in front of her after all. To her surprise, this may have been the most interesting date she's ever had. Zeta spoke of the history of the empire he hailed from. Tales of the creation of the God-Emperor of Man-Kind as well as the Horus Heresy piqued her interest. Even the various other races that came straight out of a fantasy book were present in his stories, all with their own quirks.

"So, quite literally, it was every race vs every race." Zeta finished up.

"Wow. I didn't expect the history of another galaxy's humans could be so interesting." She replied, in a rare honest comment.

"Well, when you have 41 millennia to build up history, some of it is bound to be interesting." He replied.

"When are you gonna take me on a ride on an Imperial Knight?" She asked.

"Hm? Well, the thing is, I haven't created one yet. And even when I do create one, we aren't close enough for me to let you borrow one." Zeta smiled.

"Then how do I get closer to you?" Natasha flirted while physically pushing herself closer. The top of her dress had a window to her cleavage, allowing Zeta to get a good look. He snaked a hand around her waist to hold her, showing affection.

"How about we start with training?" Zeta spoke with a smile.

'Like the training he does with Gwen? I'm not sure I'll be able to capture his heart in that time frame.' Natasha thought to herself.

"I mean no offense by this, but my skill set and yours are vastly different." She tried to salvage the situation, keeping affection high while avoiding his 'training' proposal.

"I didn't mean I'd train you. M'Shen would." He informed. Natasha's mind instantly began moving at 100km/h.

'She's really strong, do I accept this? This might actually increase my skill set, not to mention I'd be able to get close to him and learn more about her at the same time...'

"I'll accept." Natasha told him.

"Good. Your training starts at 2pm then." Zeta told her.

'Wait, isn't that when Gwen's training ends? We'll be crossing paths...' Despite how it'll look to Gwen, Natasha decided to simply nod and tell Gwen about it later.

With the change in mood, the rest of the dinner was filled to the brim with flirting. Both of them wanted to completely seduce the other, partly to use, and partly because the other was extremely attractive. However, Zeta had something that Natasha didn't, a lot of experience with sex.

Whenever Natasha would make a small move, Zeta would return with one.

Natasha seemed really interested by the story he was telling and placed a hand on his thigh. Almost immediately afterwards, Zeta lowered the hand that was on her waist onto what could only be described as the side of the waist.

Because of the placement, Natasha couldn't figure out what stage they were currently on which caused some internal confusion for her if only for 5 mins or so.

Nevertheless, they both enjoyed their time despite both having alternate intentions.

"Thanks for having me, despite the fact that I popped up out of the blue." Natasha thanked him.

"No worries, there's no way I'd ever reject you." Zeta replied with an obvious underlying message.

"I'll see you later then." She bid her farewell.

"Want a ride home?" He asked while unlocking his car. She had to think about it for a second before answering.

"Sure." Natasha accepted his offer.

After 20mins of driving, Zeta stopped in front of the most luxurious hotel in all of New York.

"This is my stop. I'll see you later." Natasha bid farewell before opening the car door.

"Wait a second." Zeta spoke. Natasha spun her head around only to be pulled into a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow."

(A.N. When writing that last sentence, all I could think of was TwoMad's famous fall.)