
(A.N. What a surprise, only a couple of days after I get an upload rhythm going, I get sick for a couple of days which completely destroyed my work flow. Once again, I shall try to set up an upload schedule, but I've been extremely unreliable recently.)

[Balance: 220]

Zeta was sitting in his room, on his phone when Felicia crawled through the window, in her Black Cat outfit.

"Did it go well?" He asked.

"As well as it always does. Nobody saw me, nobody even knows it's gone." Felicia replied as she lied down next to Zeta. She pulled the zipper down on the front of her outfit to allow some A.C. wind to enter her suit.

"Really?" He asked while pointing to the T.V.

"A flawless diamond has just been stolen from one of the most heavily guarded museums in New York! We have John on the scene." A new reporter spoke.

"Well, not every job is perfect." Felicia rolled her eyes and pulled the diamond out from her cleavage. "Want it? This is probably the 50th diamond I've stolen of this quality." She offered.

"Sure, if you get another one, we can put it on our engagement rings." Zeta teased. Felicia's ears seemed to perk up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Why not?" He responded.

Felicia immediately got out of bed and opened a drawer. She pulled out a diamond indistinguishable from the one in Zeta's hands.

She handed it over.

"Well, I guess I'll get the rings done tomorrow." Zeta replied with a smile. He gave Felicia a kiss and placed the two diamonds on the nightstand. Felicia slipped out of her outfit and plopped it by the bed, crawling back next to Zeta in order to cuddle.

He was too weak to resist a beautiful woman, much less a naked beautiful woman. Zeta held her as a smile formed on her face, eventually fading as she fell unconscious.

"M'Shen." Zeta called out. He wasn't loud enough to wake Felicia up. The best assassin appeared at the side of his bed. She hasn't left his side for a second after he was almost killed by the HYDRA agent, only returning ever so often to confirm the president's existence.

"Yes, master?" She asked.

"Report." He ordered.

"Understood. I've located the Headquarters of HYDRA, however, there seems to 2 other main bases for them. The main Headquarters is located in Russia, the exact location will be sent to you. The other two bases seem to act as bases for countries they are very active in. One being here, in New York, and the other being in China." M'Shen explained.

"Got it, we'll wipe them out at 4am. Updates on anything else?" He spoke.

"Wilson Fisk has been especially mobile, although it seems that he is simply getting his work done as efficiently as possible in order to meet with that Venessa woman. The She-Hulk has been continuing her normal hero duties, although I find that she is quite comfortable in her Hulk form, and peculiarly seems to have a higher sex drive. She masturbates every night for 2 hours before she sleeps in her own sweat." She reported. There were multiple other things, but those were the important ones.

"She has a high sex-drive? That will work well... anyway, I'm torn between killing Fisk now or later... less rewards now, or more rewards along the lane..." Zeta began thinking out loud.

"Master, do you find me undesirable?" M'Shen questioned.

"Excuse me?" Zeta asked.

"You have been constantly having sex with Felicia, have been seducing that Spider-Woman and you're starting to seduce that assassin woman yet you haven't called all on me much at all..." M'Shen seemed quite dejected. She felt inadequate of her ability to please him.

"Not in the slightest. If I'm to be honest, my mind has been pre-occupied with everything that has been happening and the only time I've called on you was when I needed a task to be completed. Let me fix this issue." Zeta spoke. He scrolled through the system for a while and found two items, one to fix this situation, and that he'd planned to buy for a while.

[Callidus Assassin – 100 points]

[Low-tier Spaceship Booster – 20 points]

[120 points have been deducted]

[Balance: 100]

Wow, in the Warhammer universe, the spaceship booster he bought was so garbage that it wasn't even named, and yet, the system confirmed that it would allow him to get to Mars and back in only 2 hours.

Anyways, another Callidus assassin appeared next to M'Shen. This made M'Shen immediately draw her neon green blade and press it upon her neck, the Callidus Assassin didn't flinch nor resist.

"You are to impersonate the late president which M'Shen killed so she can remain here. You will report to M'Shen every 3 days." Zeta ordered. The Callidus Assassin simply nodded and vanished from sight. "Now you're able to stay here at all times." He told M'Shen.

"Eh? Oh, yes Master, thank you." For once, M'Shen actually seemed flustered that Zeta would simply create another Callidus Assassin for her.

"From now on, you will be a part of this little family I have here. Your goal is to protect Felicia and Nezuko when I'm not around unless I say otherwise, is that understood?" Zeta asked.

"Yes, master." M'Shen kneeled at his feet. However, after feeling Zeta's lecherous gaze upon her, she stood up and removed her outfit, throwing it in the corner with Felicia's.

Without needing to be told, M'Shen removed Zeta's clothes for him and propped her wet pussy above his fully erect cock.

She could hardly control herself from moaning the second his cock entered her pussy, but managed to silence herself. Of course, his cock repeatedly hitting her womb made her pussy squirt juices, not only on Zeta, not only on the bed sheets, but Felicia as well.

Zeta soon realized that the more he indulged in M'Shen's body, the more parched he felt.

'I wondered when I'd need to drink first.' He asked himself. Seeing her perfect neck presented to him, Zeta couldn't simply refuse.

He allowed his fangs to sharpen before piercing M'Shen's pure white shoulder. Despite the fact that she was being drained of blood, her hips actually starting moving faster and her juices released even higher quantities of pussy juice. Zeta finished with his refreshing drink.

"I didn't think you'd be so turned on by getting bitten, are you a masochist?" He asked. M'Shen didn't respond, neither confirming nor denying. In order to test his theory, Zeta gave a good slap to M'Shen's ass.

"Ahhhhh..." M'Shen felt her body tingle when his palm slapped her perfect ass cheeks. Unfortunately for her, Felicia moved around in her sleep, causing Zeta to stop the loud ass slapping for now.

However, that didn't stop him from placing his hand around M'Shen's neck. He wanted to see how far her perversion laid.

The more he tightened around her neck, the tighter her pussy became around his cock. It had to complete reverse effect it would normally have on people.

'This confirms it.' Zeta told himself as he watched M'Shen struggle to gather air as she also struggled to prevent herself from cumming too much, as she didn't have the sex drive that Zeta did.

However, this also seemed to awaken something in Zeta. Feeling his hands around M'Shen's neck reminded him of every time he'd ever killed somebody using the same method. One little movement of his hands and M'Shen would no longer exist. He knew he should let up his grip so she could regather her air, but feeling her neck, and her pussy, made it difficult for him.

The bluer M'Shen's face became, the more Zeta realized that she wasn't going to complain nor fight back should he want to kill her. If her master wanted to kill her and use her corpse, so be it.

Thankfully, M'Shen said something through her lack of oxygen that brought Zeta out of his bloodlust.

"I..... love you master....." M'Shen spoke, even with her windpipe being restricted. Zeta released his grip, and M'Shen orgasmed all over his pelvis.

"M'Shen, from now on, if you think I'm going to kill you, I want you to ensure your survival, even if it means going against my orders." Zeta spoke while setting M'Shen down on the bed. He didn't cum, but after his bloodlust came back so violently, he didn't really care for release.

"Even if it goes against your orders?" She asked.

"Yes. If I try to kill you as I almost did just then, it either isn't me, or I'm being controlled by someone." Zeta informed her before lying down next to her.

'I need to kill somebody.' Zeta was reminded of the urge he's always had.