Chapter 12

What the fuck! What the fuck!

He squeezed me again and I erupted like a volcano, my sight blurred, body shuddering violently as I spurt ropes after ropes of hot cum in my own pants. My knees buckled and he released my hands so he could steady me. He kept on stroking me till I emptied every bit of cum in my sack and then he pulled away.

I watched, dazed, as he took out his hand from my jeans and licked my cum off his fingers like it was the best thing he had ever tasted and fuck it was hot. I was breathing hard. I was crying. I was disoriented. I was a mess. What the fuck just happened?

The door clicked and I didn't wait at all. I shoved it open, hitting the person who unlocked it then hightailed it out of that room without a single word or glance at the others. I paused at the door to catch my breath. Tears were still running down my face. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it.

I then heard Ryu say; "You were right guys. He's straighter than a pole"

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!

Goddamn it!

I ran downstairs and pushed through the sea of sweaty bodies till I got outside. The fresh air did nothing to calm my racing heart. It didn't cool down the fire blazing inside me. I entered my car and slammed my hands on the steering wheel to let out my frustration. My shame. My anger.

A guy kissed me.

A guy touched me.

I was hard.

I came within 2 fucking minutes.

And worst of all...

I liked every bit of it.


The rest of the week passed by in a flash with me partying hard along with my friends. To everyone, I seemed like the normal Aito. I seemed like I was having the time of my life but in reality, I wasn't. My mind was a fucking mess. I drowned myself in alcohol and slept with any girl that threw herself at me. I did it because I wanted to make sure I was fine. I wanted to make sure I hadn't turned into a disgusting fag. I wanted to wipe away any effect Ryu had on me.

Did it work? Absolutely not.

He attended every party I did and anytime I saw him, I would remember his touch and how my body responded to it. The way I cried from the pleasure. The way I came so hard my knees went soft. I've never cummed that much in my entire life. Whenever our eyes met, he would smirk and I would be filled with shame and anger all over again.

I couldn't say anything to Haruto. He hates fags as much as I do. He wouldn't understand. I couldn't expose Ryu either because it would mean exposing myself too. Fuck I was so confused.

And still, I would find myself replaying that night in my mind. I would find myself recalling his soft lips, his intense kiss, his fresh scent. It felt like I was reliving it all over again. His warmth. How close our bodies were. How his rough palms moved so gently against my skin. How he stroked me from root to tip, teasing and squeezing. How I enjoyed every bit of it.

I'll find my hand on my hardened dick, trying to follow the rhythm he set but each time, I failed. My fingers weren't long enough. My palms weren't rough or warm enough. I'd end up frustrated, unable to cum and forced to make it go down with a cold shower.

I wondered, what the hell was wrong with me? Jacking off had never been problem before and within two minutes, two fucking minutes! Ryu had ruined me.

I woke up Monday morning and did my morning routine. Wore my uniform and finger combed my usually messy hair. I gazed at the mirror in my bathroom. My normally shiny brown eyes were dull and I had eye bags due to getting little sleep.

My skin was pale and I looked like a zombie. Sighing, I walked out of the bathroom and I switched on my phone as I went downstairs. Messages flooded in instantly but I only opened the ones from my parents.


Happy birthday baby. I've sent you more money. Buy whatever you want. You can also have a party. Call me.


Happy birthday son. We'll celebrate when we get back.

I ignored them and moved on. The group chat on WhatsApp was filled with messages but none was about my birthday so I ignored them all and didn't bother checking my other social media apps.

I had already altered Miss Park's voice record using an app and erased all the parts she moaned out my name. I then sent it to Haruto with a message saying, 'Play it in class today'.

I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when it gets out. Thinking about it improved my mood a bit.

Without having the breakfast Mrs Osamu cooked, I drove to school. I didn't even understand my mood. I was half excited, knowing I would expose Miss Park today and I was half scared. Scared to see Ryu again. As I walked through the hallway, looking at faces that smiled at me all the time, I wondered if they secretly hate me like I hate them. I remember Ryu telling me I've made a lot of enemies. The people smiling at me, were they my enemies too?

Momo waved and smiled at me which I ignored. I remembered that I had a one night stand with her before. It was mutual but... did she hate me for it? I had bragged about it to Haruto and Toshiro who told the basketball team. The members began to ask her for one night stands, spreading the rumor that she was available to fuck anytime. Her number and social media handles were pasted everywhere on school walls. Momo had cried for weeks. I'm sure she secretly hates me but I didn't regret it though. It was little compared to what Aera went through.

I passed by a guy named Lee. I had pointed out that Lee had a fat ass and everyone started to slap or pinch it when they passed by while teasing him. I, Haruto and a couple of guys from the football team soaked Lee’s clothes in toilet water and made him run in the school halls naked save for a mini skirt which made his fat ass jiggle. Till date, Lee’s pictures and videos were on every social media. Still, I felt it wasn't enough. Aera had suffered much worse.

Nobara as standing by her locker, chewing gum. She told me her biggest secret. She lost her virginity at 13 to her cousin. I told my friends and they made fun of her by saying she had incest. Everyone avoided her like a plague. Nobara must hate me for that too yet, she smiled when she saw me looking at her. I averted my gaze and walked on till I got to my locker.