Chapter 56

"R-Ryu!" I cried out as he took me into his mouth completely. I could feel the tip of my dick touching the back of his throat. He began to bob his head, tugging and caressing my balls till I became a whimpering mess.

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I agreed to him sucking me off in school! In the janitor's closet!

It certainly wasn't my fault I tell you. I didn't want it. I really didn't. But then, he started to kiss and touch me. He basically seduced me and as a horny teenager, how could I resist? My willpower, especially when it comes to Ryu, just fizzles and disappears. My senses go blank and I just let him do what he wants.

Fuck I'm so whipped.

He had me laying down, my back to the floor. Legs secured around his shoulders with my pants and briefs pooled around my ankles. He was positioned between my legs with my dick buried in his mouth. My jacket and shirt were wide open, fingers intermittently squeezing and playing with my hardened nipples. I was a panting squirming mess beneath him and he loved it.

He moaned, sending vibrations from my dick to my entire body and I writhed in pleasure, biting my lower lip to stop myself from crying out.

I was close. So so close.

His fingers left my balls and travelled down there. Right between my ass cheeks. My heart skipped a beat and I froze. Was he gonna do it again? But there was no lube.

I got my answer when I felt the pad of his thumb press against me gently. It didn't penetrate. Instead, he just moved it around the entrance, massaging the clenching hole. It was greedy already. It wanted his fingers badly but not here. Not in school.

"Ryu..." I whimpered. "I'm close..."

He sucked faster and I gripped his hair, diving myself deeper into his throat. I wasn't as big as him so I couldn't go further but being inside his hot mouth was amazing.

He pinched my nipple and I came. My body spasmed as I shot my cum down his throat. He didn't let me go until he had swallowed every last drop and fuck. It was so hot.

My dick went limp in his mouth and he finally let it out. He even proceeded to clean me up with his tongue.

I had no energy left at all. My knees were soft and I could barely feel my legs. All I felt was bliss. Sweet utter bliss.

He gently buttoned up my shirt and jacket then put back my briefs and buckled my pants. My uniform was a bit rough but it was okay. School was almost over anyway.

Ryu gathered me into his arms and I felt his erection. Hard and throbbing beneath his pants. I moved to touch it but he held my hand. "Not now"

I pouted. "But you just-"

"I did it because I wanted to pleasure you. It was my choice. You don't need to reciprocate thinking you have to"

I glared at him. "I don't think I have to. I want to do it"

He gave me that sexy smirk of his, dark eyes glistening with mischief. "You want to please me baby?"

I instantly blushed but nodded.

He chuckled then pecked me on the lips. "Okay but not now. After our date"

My ears perked up when I heard the word 'date' and I gazed at him, surprised. "Date? Like a real date? You'll take me out? Today?"

He chuckled, amused but nodded nonetheless and a wide smile appeared on my face. I was already excited! Our first official date! Ryu is gonna take me out! I cupped his face and gave him a long deep kiss. He groaned and took control, delving into the depths of my mouth with his tongue. He only stopped so we could breathe. I felt his dick go harder under my ass and I felt guilty.

I wanted to ask him to let me help but the warning glare he gave me shut me up. I huffed and folded my arms, turning my face away. What kind of boyfriend is he? How can he not want this?

He tried to get me to face him but I refused. "You clearly want me and I'm here but you're refusing to let me do anything" I complained. "Hmph!, its like you don't want me to be the one to do it"

Ryu suddenly laughed and I instantly pinned him a hard glare. "What's so funny?"

"Baby, everything you do is simply so cute" he said with a smile.

He pulled me back to his chest and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Refusing you is almost impossible but I have to because the bell for the next class will ring soon and I can't finish in such a short amount of time"

The fuck? What is that supposed to mean?!!!

I gasped. "You mean my skills are that bad?!"

"W-What? No no no" he quickly refuted. "I just have good control"

Fucking worse!

He must have noticed it from my glaring because he groaned and let out a low "Fuck".

I huffed as I wrenched my body away and stood up. "Fuck indeed. Looks like my skills aren't good enough for you to lose control. Don't talk to me again. Go get someone else that can make you lose control"

If he really does, I'll tear off his balls!

I turned to leave but Ryu held my hand and pulled me back. I fell right on top of him with my ass back on that raging boner. He held me tight and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself, happy that he didn't let me leave. If he had, I don't even know what I would do.

I pretended to struggle out of his grasp but then, the words he whispered against my neck froze me in place.

"I'm sorry" he said. "I'm really sorry baby. That just came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that. I swear. You have no idea what you do to me. I want you so bad but I'm holding myself back because I don't want to scare you away"

He slowly started to grind his boner against my ass. "You can feel fucking hard I am. How much i want you. My body can't lie Aito. I want you. Only you. You do this to me baby. This and more. Bu-"

"Then let me help you" I said softly, cutting him off. "Let me touch you too. I want to feel you. I want to make you cum. I'm not scared Ryu. You've already had your fingers inside me and I trust you. What more could scare me? We've already confessed our feelings to each other. We're a couple. I'm your boyfriend and I want to do this"

I just want him to know that I'm more than capable enough to make him cum. Whether we're in school or not. If he's turned on, then its my responsibility to help. Besides, I wanted to do it. I wanted to taste him again.

The bell suddenly rang and we both groaned. I could skip the class with no worries but Ryu would be in trouble so I knew I had to let him go. The conversation would have to continue another time.

"This isn't over" I said and he sighed. "Alright. We'll talk more later. Now let's get to the last class before we get in trouble"

He helped me up then straightened my uniform as much as he could. It was quite funny considering the fact that the uniform wanted to stay wrinkled. I stopped his futile attempts and kissed him goodbye with him making a promise to pick me up for our date after school.

The thought of going on the date lessened my anger by 50%. Nothing could ruin my mood!