Chapter 57

After school, I had Toshiro drop me home since Haruto gave me a ride to school this morning and we weren't on talking terms still. Of course the gossip lord wanted to know the content of my conversation with Haruto but I pretended to be deaf and dumb, completely and successfully ignoring him all the way. He wasn't happy but who gives a fuck?

I dashed to the bathroom the instant I stepped into the house and took a shower. I made sure to scrub each spot thrice and also shampooed my hair twice. I brushed my teeth and put on some casual clothes. A white hoodie, a pair of jeans and white sneakers. I even went to my mum's room and rubbed a few of her scented oils. I bet she won't even notice. Besides, I used just a little. I'm sure it was barely noticeable. I then combed my platinum blonde hair and styled it nicely.

I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, feeling quite proud of myself. I looked really really good. The more I stared, the more I realised that I was actually hot. Damn. When last did I admire myself like this? I even pushed out my ass to find out that it was really curvy and the jeans were tight, accentuating the perky shape.

Ha! I didn't know I was quite sexy too. Well, I knew but not in the perspective of how Ryu would see it. Fuck I sound like a girl. Damn it! Isn't this what girls do?

I shook my head then went downstairs to wait for him. He better not be late. Few minutes later, the security cameras showed him by the gate and I allowed him to come in. My heart was beating like crazy but I composed myself and acted like I wasn't affected in any way.

I've been on many dates before but not one with Ryu. Just being with him is special. Ah so this is how people in love feel.

To further express my feigned nonchalance towards the date, I let him ring the buzzer for a while then I stomped my feet on the floor, pretending to be running down the stairs then finally opened the door for him.

What greeted me took my breath away. Fuck. Black should be banned! It should be fucking illegal!

Ryu was dressed in dark ripped jeans with silver chains, a plain black shirt and a black leather jacket. His dark hair was gelled back, falling down his shoulders, giving him a sexy badass kinda look and holy shit, I think I'm about to drool. Ryu is so handsome. I think I pale in comparison.

He stepped in and I closed the door. He smiled and hugged me to his chest then pecked me on the lips. "You look stunning"

I gave him a smug smile. Of course I look stunning. I'm Yamamoto Aito. Our beauty genes are unparalleled in the universe. "You look nice too" I said, capturing his lips in another kiss. He let out a low growl and picked me up, walking into the house without breaking the kiss.

I don't know how but we ended up on the couch, heavily making out. His fingers were splayed on my abdomen, caressing and squeezing softly, slowly moving down to the waistband of my jeans when the buzzer rang and the sound scared us to death.

We jolted apart, my heart racing in fear. He gazed at me with a raised eyebrow and I groaned as I recalled that my friends could get into the compound since they were in the system.


"It should be Sakura, Toshiro, Haruto or Yua" I said to him. "They're the only ones who have access apart from my parents"

He slowly nodded. "Then go check".

I didn't even have to check.

"Aito!" the person shouted, ringing the buzzer more.

Oh no. I quickly stood up and motioned for Ryu to stand up too. "Its Yua" I whispered. "Quick, go hide"

I was already pushing him upstairs as I spoke. He was confused. "Why?"

My heart jumped to my throat. "Keep your voice down!" I whisper yelled. "She'll hear you"

"So what?" he whispered.

"She'll tell the others and I'll have to face their questions! Just go and hide"

He looked hurt. "Are you ashamed to have me here?"

Wait what?

"No no no. Its not like that. Ryu, we're a secret. They can't know. If they find out that you come here, they'll make things harder for us"

The buzzer continued to ring. "Aito-kun! Open the door! I know you're inside! Toshiro said he dropped you home! Aito!"

Ryu wasn't having it. "Aren't we friends to them? What's wrong if we say we're just hanging out?"

"We can't say that" I replied. "She'll know we're hiding something. Yua is extremely observant and perceptive. And she mostly knows when I'm lying. Just hide Ryu. Please"

My phone began to ring and I started to panic. I'm sure it was her.

Ryu still wasn't convinced so I cupped his face and kissed him. "I'll send her away okay. It won't take long and then we can go on our date. I promise"

He kissed me back then sighed. "Fine. Where should I hide?"

I noticed we were close to my dad's study so I quickly punched in the passcode and fingerprint then pushed him in. Yua will never think anyone was inside. I locked him in then ran to my room and switched my hoodie with a plain blue shirt I wore to bed last night then took off my jeans, leaving my boxers on.

I ran my fingers through my hair to make it seem like I just woke up then went downstairs. Yua was still ringing the buzzer and shouting my name.

"The fuck Yua, what is it?" I said as I opened the door. She didn't even answer. She just pushed me and went inside. I stifled my anger and closed the door. I must get them off the system! She just ruined a perfectly good time with

Ryu. Fuck.

"I've been calling and shouting your name for almost fifteen minutes. What the hell were you doing?" She said angrily.

I followed her into the kitchen and watched as she took a bottle of water from the fridge. "I was sleeping. Thanks for waking me up by the way. What are you doing here?"

She took large gulps from the bottle then set it on the counter. She was still in her navy blue uniform which means she came here from school.

"What do you mean by what am I doing here? I came to hang out with you" . She gazed at me carefully then raised a brow. "You sure you were asleep or doing something else? Your lips are red and swollen"

Fuck. Well I'll just let her think a girl was here. "So what if they are?"

"Aito! You were shagging some chic while I was shouting your name outside? I can't believe this"

I shrugged. "I have needs Yua and I'm sure you do too. Go shag some guy and let me shag in peace"