Chapter 71

That was all he needed. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and down my throat, completely depriving me of oxygen but I didn't care. I was high on him. His skilled hands went to work immediately. Ryu added more lube to my entrance and slipped in three fingers, one at a time. I moaned from the pleasure. He fingered me, sometimes thrusting in and then doing the scissor motion, stretching me so I could accommodate him though I had no idea how he would possibly fit inside me…

His fingers curled within me, touching my prostate, shooting pleasure in every inch of my body. I squirmed beneath him, moving my hips to match the rhythm his fingers set. Yes. I was clearly fucking his fingers and it felt amazing.

Suddenly, he pulled out, making me whine at the emptiness. "Shhh I'll replace my fingers with something better baby" he whispered, kissing me again. I watched as he slathered lube all over his cock then position himself at my hole.

I tensed. Oh my god. It was really gonna happen. Ryu is going to fuck me.

The blunt head of his dick rubbed around the rim then he pushed. Fuck Fuck Fuck! Fingers were really so small compared to his dick. I felt my entrance stretch so wide that it was painful.

"Relax Aito" he told me. “Breathe”

I held onto his arms. They were so taut and he was sweating. That was when I realized how hard going slow must be for him. He was doing it just so I wouldn't be hurt.

He pushed more and I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth so I wouldn't shout. Fuck whoever said anal sex was easy is a fucking liar.

"You're doing great baby" Ryu said, peppering kisses all over my face. "Breathe sweetheart. It's okay. I'm almost in.

Oh god. Inch by inch he slipped inside me and it burned. It burned so much I couldn't stop the tears from falling. My nails dug into his skin but I breathed like he said. I breathed through my nose and tried to relax but fuck it wasn't easy.

"Ryu!" With a deep groan and a final push, he went all in. My legs sprang up, coiling around his waist and I banged my head against the pillow. Shit!

"Shhh, shhh it's okay" Ryu whispered, smothering me with kisses. "It's okay. I'm inside. You did good baby. You did good"

Oh I fucking knew I did good!

It was a whole new feeling altogether. Having another person inside you, being one with the person. I've never seen it as something so intimate until now. I felt so full. So wonderful. Ryu's willpower was unquestionable for he remained still, stroking my lower back and peppering me with kisses until the burning turned into a dull ache. I was ready.

"Move Ryu" I pleaded. "For God's sake please move". I wanted him. I needed him to fuck me. My permission was all he needed. He let loose completely.

"Fuck Aito you're so tight" He exclaimed, gritting his teeth. He pulled out almost completely and thrust in so fast and hard that my body shifted upwards. He hit that sweet spot inside me and I cried out in pleasure. It was so so good. I lowered my head so I could look at where our bodies were joined and what I saw only turned me on even more. Apart from feeling, I could see him moving. The slight bulge of his dick could be seen from my tummy. Fuck it was so hot and it made me wonder how I could take in all of that.

He kept up the rhythm, hitting my prostate head on. Toe curling heat pooled within me, and spread like electricity. It went everywhere. The tips of my fingers and toes, my brain, ears, nipples, dick. All the sensitive parts of my body singed.

"Ngh... R-Ryu..." I whimpered. "Ah!...fuck..."

The deep guttural moans that came out of him were like music to my ears. He kissed me on the lips then moved to my neck, biting and sucking, going further down to my hardened nipples. He pulled one into his hot mouth and sucked.

"Ah! Ryu!" I cried. He thrusted at a faster pace, pistoning in and out of me like a cave man. It was rough, wild and amazing. He gave me exactly what I needed. Fuck. Sex will never be the same for me again. I couldn't even think of fucking a girl let alone doing it. Ryu was my everything.

My orgasm was fast approaching and I snaked my hand between us to touch myself but he grabbed it and trapped both my hands above my head.

“I think I’m more than capable of making you cum without touching yourself” he growled by my ear. “Don’t you think so baby?”

A hard thrust followed and my body stretched, back arching as he continued to pound into me. I was a moaning writhing mess. 10 inches. 10 inches of solid meat wrecked my ass. Our combined sounds of pleasure and the slapping of his balls against my ass filled the room. Whoever could hear it would surely get turned on.

I was close. So so close but my moans and cries were muffled by his kisses so I couldn't warn him but I think he knew for he went even faster. Never missing my prostate. The feeling was indescribable. I couldn't hold it back anymore. The tip of my dick twitched and I broke the kiss, screaming out his name as I erupted like a volcano. Ropes and ropes of cum shot out of me, staining our abdomens. I was panting hard, body quivering, screaming his name for he didn't stop. Not even for a second. My dick went limp and with a few more hard thrusts, he shot deep within me, body spasming as he flooded my insides with his warm seed.

What I thought would be weird was one of the best feelings ever. Having his essence inside my body.

Oh fuck.

He pulled out and laid beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pressing my back to his chest. His cum slowly oozed out of my hole and down my ass. I loved it. I totally loved it. The feeling was truly indescribable.

I was still trying to catch my breath when he started peppering kisses all over my neck and shoulder, whispering to me that I did good.

"Ryu!" I shouted for his hand went low and cupped my dick. I was still sensitive but he squeezed the tip then bent low and licked the little drop of cum on the head. I shivered, clutching the sheets tight. "S-Stop Ryu. I can't take anymore. I already came twice"

He chuckled. "Believe me baby. You can cum more than that and I'll show you one day. Tonight was beyond amazing though. I honestly didn't think we would go this far"

I blushed. "Neither did I but you're right. It was beyond amazing. I won't mind doing it again"

"Fuck Aito" he cursed. "Don't say things like that. You can get me turned on"

I smirked. "Well, we do have the whole night"

He chuckled. "As much as I'd love to do it again, it’s better we don't. This was your first time. You'll be sore in the morning"

I pouted but I guess what he said made sense. "Alright"

He smiled and kissed me on the lips. "Now let's get cleaned up"