Chapter 72

The sweet scent of pancakes and waffles woke me up. Ryu wasn't in bed so I knew he must be cooking. I was surprised to see that it was 10:15am. My stomach growled and I remembered that Ryu didn't let me finish my dinner yesterday. I would make sure to lick my plate clean this morning.

I blushed as I recalled everything that happened last night. Ryu was so caring and attentive. Also touchy. He insisted we bathe together and he helped me rinse out his cum from my ass. The process was both awkward and funny at first but it turned heated the second he kissed me. No we didn't have round two. He rejected it no matter how much I wanted it but we did jerk each other off. I've never done so many sexual activities in one night.

Ah. Bliss. Contentment. Peace.

Those are what I felt. It's really nice being in a relationship. This should be the true definition of love. But if it is, what did I have with Aera then? I quickly dispelled the thought from my head. Never will I question my love for her.

I pushed away the covers and got up just to fall back down. Shit. I felt so sore. My waist felt like it broke in two and my legs were like jelly. So this was what he meant. Oh no. I tried to get up again but I took my sweet time, finding out ways in which I could walk without feeling like my waist was about to snap.

My steps were wobbly and I limped a bit as I made it to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror. Blood red hickeys were littered everywhere on my neck. Even on the sides leading to my ears. I was wearing his baggy white shirt which reached the middle of my thighs and sadly, no underwear because he wanted easy access. I tried to fight for it but he pinned me down in bed and kissed me senseless. I have to stop getting carried away by his kisses.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then made my way to the kitchen. The process was laborious but I made it. Ryu stood before the gas cooker, humming the tune of some song I didn't know while swaying his hips. I went over and hugged him from behind, resting my head on his back. He smelt so good.

"I didn't know you could dance like this" I teased.

He laughed then turned around and hugged me. "This is little. If I start dancing, you'll be like, who's Micheal Jackson again?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

His gaze went from playful to concern. "Do you feel okay?" he asked. "You should have stayed in bed. I would have brought you breakfast"

"You're so sweet Ryu" I said as I pecked him on the lips. "But I'm okay"

He smiled that charming smile of his. "You look great in my clothes. When you're here, they should be the only things you wear. It's such a turn on and it also signifies that you're mine"

I rolled my eyes. "I'll agree to that when you give me underwear"

"Oh you don't have a choice. That's a house rule. You know, like when they say don't wear shoes in the house or always keep your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. This is an official rule. You wear my clothes and no underwear"

"You're such a pervert!" I said shaking my head.

His naughty hands slithered under my shirt and grabbed my bare ass, pulling me flush against his chest. "Only for you baby"

Before he could kiss me and start something that would end up with both of us in bed, I pushed him away and circled the counter, sitting my ass on a stool. "I'm hungry. Give me food and stay the hell away from my body"

"Impossible" Ryu snickered but did as I said. He arranged a stack of fluffy looking pancakes on my plate then doused it with chocolate syrup. He walked towards the fridge and took out a jug of orange juice then kept it beside me with a glass cup.

He sat on a different stool by my side and when I picked up the fork to start eating, he snatched it from my hand. "Since when did you start eating on your own when I'm around?"

"The second you turned me into a meal last night!" I retorted and reached for the fork but he just raised his hand, putting it way out of my reach. I also didn't want to move too much because my ass was still sore. "Ryu!"

He laughed. "There's a very good way to settle this you know?"

I huffed. "What?"

"Just sit on my lap and let me feed you"

"No way! You'll keep touching me!"

He raised a brow. "That is completely my right as your boyfriend. You know you can touch me anywhere you like too. I'm all yours"

I face palmed. "Pervert"

That only made him laugh. Ugh. I could get another fork but that would only cause more problems for he could snatch it again easily. I sighed. Having no other choice, I got off my stool and climbed onto his lap, setting my ass a few spaces away from his dick.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer until I could feel my back against his broad chest. Oh god. Because of all the shifting, my shirt rode up, leaving my bare ass on his clothed dick.

"Ah now that feels better" he murmured against my neck then kissed me there. "Don't worry. I won't do anything inappropriate for now"

I tensed. "What do you mean 'for now'?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he started to feed me. I moaned at the taste of the pancakes. Oh god they were so soft and sweet. Everything was done perfectly. The chocolate syrup added a bittersweet undertone which made the entire dish perfect. I closed my eyes, savouring the wonderful taste when my phone began to ring. It was right where I left it last night. The other side of the counter.

Not wanting to stand up, I bent over and stretched out my hand to reach it.

"Mmm what a great view" I heard Ryu say. I flushed red as I quickly grabbed my phone and sat back down but tensed the second I felt the change in Ryu's dick.

He better keep it in his pants!