The tension in the room is incredibly stiff. When they walk in, all the Demons rise slowly, as if not to startle anyone, and they bow to her.

A Demon male walks forward, one she knows well, a Demon General who she would have said ruled this area in hell.

“My Lady.” The light green Demon opens his mouth to say something else, but the five shades in the room float forward and the general scrambles out of the way.


They stand in a pyramid position, like a battle formation, as the one in front at the tip waves an arm out, his bony fingers sliding out of its folded robe.

Sauda freezes as the dark grave voice slides from nowhere. She stares at it, trying to find a face in its dark hood. The air becomes chilly around her.

“You can hear us?” It asks.

“I’m sorry,” Sauda says back, “I didn’t know you could talk.”