Chapter 11

I don’t know if Grace heard what her best friend said.

Quarter to 10 we also arrived at the church. Fortunately, it hasn't started yet. Tell me I am a very sinful woman because I swear even when I go to church.

Well, the others you thought were really listening, but when they were outside there was gossip on the street. "Let's go ahead," Grace said as she held my wrist and pulled me away. Behind us was Dylan who was just following us. His perseverance too, I didn't know he was going to church. After this church I will just sleep for a while and go back to work. Every Monday is my assigned rest day. I really want to move on Sunday, but it hasn't been approved yet. It doesn't fit in the schedule of others.

"Let's eat first?" Dylan's offer just now spoke. Just after church, we are now in the parking lot.

"Sure!" Grace replied excitedly. I held Grace's hand to prevent her from getting on first. Dylan is already in the driver's seat, waiting for us to get in.

"I'm sleepy, can I go first?" I couldn’t help but yawn as I spoke.

"All right, let's just eat at home." I was just shaken by its awkwardness. It didn't let me answer. It was the first to walk into the car. In the back she was positioned because she had pushed me earlier. I was about to enter next to her, "there you are, I don't want anyone next to me. Shu!" She then waved to drive me away.

I had no choice but to sit in my seat earlier. I even saw our driver wink in the mirror, which was answered by the thumbs up of the person behind. Myghad, the two lunatics are still conspiring!

"By the way bestfriend, we're at home, that one there seems to be sleepy!" It seemed teasing that Grace said again.

"Will you go to work again?"

"Hmm, hmm" I replied.

"Can you just go AWOL, MJ?" Grace's suggestion. I turned to her and she was currently on her cellphone. "You know I won't have anything to eat when I leave my job,"

"Just stay at my home," she said. She was alone at home. Her parents were always out of the country. Her mother is a model and his father is a businessman. Rivera food corp. the second in terms of business. They have different branches in different parts of the country.

"And what? I'm counting on you?" My eyebrows are raised.

She muttered, "I just want to help,"

"If you want ..... my house is open," another whispered. Our driver. Our handsome driver to be exact.

"What? Marry my friend first before you take her to your home! God, you're serious," Grace muttered. She put down her cellphone.

"What are you thinking, Grace? I'm just a concerned citizen here, I'm in a condo." He said with a smile.

"Wews! I thought there was a wedding going on," Grace said while laughing

"Grace, what are you talking about? We're too young for that," Dylan answered seriously.

"Oh, age doesn't matter when it comes to love! Duhh."

"We didn't love each other!" My defense here. Sh smiled foolishly, the type that will really make you cringe.

"Then, why did you kiss each other?" She even laughed as if she had the last hour. "A-what ...." I scratched my neck so hard I didn't know what to answer. My whole face seemed to heat up. I turn my gaze to our temporary driver. Its shoulders rise high, the madman simply laughs.

I slapped his arm out of annoyance. "Ouch!" He complained but he didn't let go of the steering wheel, so by chance we were going to hell together. They're just the two of them, I'm kind so I won't be affected.

"What are you laughing at there?"

"I just remembered that day ..... you were so eager to kiss me," he laughed hard as did Grace.

"Grabe 'te! Are you my friend? Hahaha" she said laughing. I frantically threw the plastic bottle in the paper bag in front of me at her. Fortunately it's empty, by chance it hurts to hit her. The bottle hit her forehead.

They were still laughing when Dylan was able to park. I went down first and marched into the house as if it belonged to me.

"Manang! Is there any food yet?" Grace shouted as soon as she entered the door of their house. Manang Biday is their only caretaker in the house, because it's safe here in the subdivision. So even without bodyguards it's okay. "I already have, Grace," said Manang, who I thought was in the kitchen. There I went straight. As soon as I entered the kitchen, the smell of pickles entered my nose. My favorite. And it became even more my favorite especially when manang biday cooked it. I love her cooking skills.

"The dish looks delicious," Dylan said unaware that he was next to me.

"Are you eating that too?" I point to a bowl with only pickles. Manang had already eaten because when she heard that we were coming, she immediately prepared. "Yes, of course. That's my favorite." I looked at him in amazement. When else has he eaten like this? We sat him in his chair. Grace was in front of us and staring intently at the two of us. It's like Dylan sitting next to me. He thought maybe we were close. Not porket we kissed close immediately. There must still be a process. Not just. And what Grace's stare was, I don't know. I could see in his eyes the pain, regret and sadness. I don't know what that's for. Sometimes when you have been with someone for a long time, you are able to read heim/her. "That thing really matters you two," sadness filled her voice. I don't why. Sure, we remind her someone she knows. Oh, maybe she has a friend who is in the same situation as us.