Chapter Seven

Ron talked and talked. He talked about the novels he read and the wonderful creatures within. He talked about how the brain works and how fun it is to imagine so many things. How amazing it is to just conjure stuff up and make it real in fiction.

Everyone felt bored and wished they could just shut him up. It didn't matter if they didn't reply to what he was saying. Prince Ron was very skilled in the arts of talking to oneself. He cracked bad jokes and laughed at them himself. When he felt laughing alone was too boring, he forced the servants to laugh by threatening to punish them by packing horse shit when they return to Ashenmore.

Next, he forced them to sing.

Poor servants. After two hours, the prince still wasn't done so Leo thought of the only thing that would make him shut up. To put him in the carriage with the princess. If everyone cooperated, the King would not even know.

"Prince Ron" he called. "I think you can enter the carriage now. I'll let you come out after a few hours"

Ron, who was having fun torturing the servants, clearly refused. "No way. Can't you see that we're having so much fun? Don't be a spoilsport Leo"

The servants wailed in their hearts. It was really not fun!

Ron noticed Leo inching closer to him. He gazed at him suspiciously. "What is it?"

Leo smiled. "Prince Ron, you truly are sweating buckets and your skin looks a shade darker. I'm afraid that if you remain in the sun any longer, your skin will lose it's shine"

Everyone was stunned. Wasn't this the guard that was saying staying in the sun was good for the prince?

Prince Ron was horrified. He was just kidding earlier. Did his lie happen to come true? "Really? Are you sure?"

Leo nodded seriously. "Yes, Prince Ron. I believe you should stay in the carriage for a few hours with the princess. You really don't look so good"

Nothing more was needed. Ron jumped off his horse and flew into carriage in the blink of an eye. His beautiful skin! How could he face his beloved in the North if it gets ruined?!

The servants all cheered in their hearts. God bless Leo!


Ron sighed loudly for the hundredth time, annoying the princess who was trying to sleep. He felt sitting in the carriage was even more boring than riding on the horse but he was afraid the sun would ruin his skin so he forced himself to stay put. They had rested for a while, had lunch then continued their journey.

His thoughts were filled with his silver haired man, holding that goon's bloody head like a dark hero. His hand went to the necklace on his neck which was covered by his clothes. Why was the North so far? He sighed again.

That was it. Princess Rose grabbed her hand fan which the nearest thing to her and threw it at Ron who dodged it at the very last minute. He snapped his head towards Rose, feeling wronged. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Stop sighing all the time! It's annoying" she said angrily. "Hand me my fan"

Ron looked at the fan on the floor. He reluctantly picked it up and gave it to her. He believed that as the younger sibling, he should at least be obedient especially since his she would be leaving him alone in a few days.

"Why were you sighing though?" Rose asked, feeling concerned. "You look really miserable"

"Dearest sister, one is always miserable without his beloved" Ron said, resting his chin on the back of his hand. "Isn't that one of the reasons you're getting married? Because you love the King of Netheridge and want to always be with him?"

Rose didn't even hear the last part. She was still stuck on the first. "Y-You're in love?" She asked, horrified.

Ron nodded. "Yes. I'm in love and I terribly miss my beloved. Why are you making that ugly face?"

"I pity the unlucky girl that's why. She really has a great heart to love a troublemaker like you"

"For your information, I'm very easy to love." he said, greatly offended. Yes he hasn't confessed to his beloved and his beloved didn't say anything pertaining love to him but he was confident that he could get him. What's not to love about him?

Rose burst out laughing. "You? Lovable? That girl must be blind or deaf. Maybe even dumb that's why she can't tell you to your face that she doesn't love you"

Ron was angry. Did his sister mean that only a disabled person could love him? What an insult! Worst thing, he didn't even have a comeback! "And you? What about your husband to be? I bet he's a fat old pot bellied geezer!"

"Ha! You think I would marry that kind of man? Father won't even allow it no matter how rich and influential he is. Besides, I saw him myself when he came to ask for my hand. He's very very tall and handsome. You'll see when we get there"

"Well mine should be even more han -cough- beautiful. A thousand times more beautiful!"

Rose clearly disagreed. "I don't believe it and Ron..." her voice took a drastic change from playful to downright serious. Even the atmosphere became solemn.

"As your big sister, let me give you some advice. Break things up with that girl soon. Don't make her any promises and don't ever let father find out. You can play as much as you want. You're a man now. Father won't mind that but don't take any relationship seriously and always protect your heart. Father won't let you marry whoever you want. I'm sure you're aware of that already but still, be very careful. I don't want to see you hurt"

Ron was very much aware of this but being reminded made his good mood plummet to the ground. He nodded but didn't speak again.

Instead, he cursed his fate in his heart. Why did he have to be born a prince? Why did he have duties and obligations he didn't want to fulfill? Why couldn't he have full control of his own life?

Once again, he was reminded of how pathetic he is.