Chapter Eight

After a week's journey, Princess Rose, Prince Ron, the guards and the servants that went with them, arrived at the North's main gate. It was very cold so the siblings remained hidden in the carriage while the rest had thick coats on. Their faces were pale. They never knew the North was so cold. How could people survive in such a place?

To get to the castle, they had to go through the town. The townspeople all came out to see their soon to be queen but all they saw where half frozen faces and one exquisitely handsome face. It was that of a young man, peeking out of the carriage window. He had soft looking russet curls, brilliant green eyes and a radiant smile. The women who saw this face were swooning. Some men were jealous while others felt it would be nice to have such a beauty to themselves.

Prince Ron smiled at every person he made eye contact with. He even winked at some of the women. He felt that Netheridge was full of pretty faces. He hasn't seen a single ugly one. Even the men with big grotesque shapes were handsome. It's just that, everyone's hair was blonde. Every single one. He didn't get it. Were they a specific race? How could there not be people of other colours? Where all the people of the North like this?

His vision was suddenly blocked by an ugly steel armor. Leo rode by the window, making Ron's smile turn into a frown. "Please Prince Ron, close the window. You might catch a cold"

Ron didn't care. He wasn't even feeling that cold. "What's it to you? Shoo shoo, don't block my view. There are so many pretty faces. I want to see them all"

"But Prince Ron-"

"Don't make me mad Leo. The cold can't do anything bad to my skin. In fact, it should fix whatever the sun did to it"

Leo; "...." But, that isn't how things work. Anyway, he decided to leave Ron alone. If the prince catches a cold and is bedridden, then they'll have some time off from his trouble. With this thought, the scar faced man moved away.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief. His smile came back and he faced the people again. Actually, he had a reason. He was hoping he would see his beloved within the crowd but, till they got to the castle, he didn't even see his shadow.

"Wow" Princess Rose exclaimed as a servant helped her out of the carriage. "It's so beautiful"

The castle was decorated with fairy lights and flowers which made it look dazzling in the night. It was cold in the North so a servant helped her put on a thick black fur coat.

"Your highness" a servant whispered in the carriage trying to gently wake Prince Ron up. "Your highness wake up".

The said Prince just snorted then fixed his position and continued to sleep. He had no idea they had arrived. The town was quite far from the castle so when there were no more people to smile at, Ron fell asleep.

Princess Rose was annoyed because her idiot brother slept when he wasn't supposed to. Now, he was embarrassing her in front of the servants of the castle.

"Move away" She commanded the servant who immediately shifted. "Stupid Ron" she muttered. "It's freezing out here and he's sleeping like a baby". She took off a glove then smacked his face twice.

Ron shot up instantly. His hands flew to his stinging cheeks which were gradually turning red then as if in a daze, his eyes followed the glove back to it's owner who was wearing them. "Sister?" he called dumbly. "What's going on? Why did you hit me?"

He noticed that the carriage had stopped and it was freezing. They were parked before a huge glittering castle with rows of people standing in front of it, waiting for them.

"We've arrived you idiot! Get up! The people of Netheridge are looking at us as if we're aliens! Stop embarrassing me!" she whisper yelled.

Ron hurriedly got out the car and smoothened out his clothes. He ran his fingers through his auburn curls then let out a blinding smile, standing with utmost elegance. He cleared his throat. "Why are we still standing in the cold? Won't they let us in?

The servants of Ashenmore lowered their heads. Why did they have such a prince?

"Princess Rose, Prince Ron, welcome to Netheridge" a man who stood in front of the huge castle doors said as he bowed. He was quite tall, with long silver hair, blue eyes, pale skin and pink lips. He was dressed in black trousers and a white shirt. Draped over his shoulders, was a thick black coat. One look at him and they knew he was an important person.

"I am Prince Ludiciel. King Zedekiel's brother and your guide. If you have any questions or requests, do not hesitate to ask"

"Thank you" Princess Rose answered as she curtsied. "We're honoured to be here"

"Can I get a coat?" Prince Ron asked, rubbing his shoulders and gritting his teeth. The wind was bitingly cold. His clothes were already having a layer of frost! Why was the North so cold?

One of the Netheridge servants hurriedly helped him wear a white fur coat.

Prince Ludiciel smiled apologetically. "Sorry for my negligence. Let's go in quickly. You must be tired"

"And starving" Ron muttered as he discreetly gazed at the interior of the castle. It was so beautiful. The lights everywhere were making the place pretty and it had some kind of unique scent.

Rose nudged him with her elbow then mouthed the word "Stop". This is her future brother in law!

"Ah Prince Ron, would you like to eat first or should we take you to your chamber?" Prince Ludiciel asked. He slowed his steps until he was walking side by side with Ron. For some reason, he felt at ease with the little cute prince. He had this friendly aura and his actions were natural. He could also tell that Ron's elegant and noble way of walking was feigned. The boy was a free spirit.

"Of course I'll eat first. I haven't had a drop of water since this morning" Ron said. He quite liked Prince Ludiciel. The guy was handsome. He also seemed harmless and genuine.

Prince Ludiciel frowned. "Why didn't you? Was there no food?"

Ron thought for a while. Why didn't he eat? Oh yes! He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Ah that, I slept for half the day and when I woke up we were already at the main gate. I was too excited so I forgot"

Prince Ludiciel chuckled. This Prince Ron was quite the character. His sister though, was silent all the way. She walked with her head high and back straight. Like a true royal. "Princess Rose, would you also like to eat first?"

She shook her head gently, her long auburn locks swaying around her shoulders. "No. I'm tired. I just want to rest"

Ron gazed at Rose then shrugged. If she was expecting him to decline food then she was dreaming. His tummy was empty and he was silently praying it won't embarrass him by growling out loud.

"Okay. Our servants will show you to your chamber. I'll take your brother to the dining hall" Prince Ludiciel said. With a wave of his hand, three female servants appeared and took Rose away with them.

"Your servants and guards will be taken to their quarters too". Like earlier, a few servants appeared and Ron's servants went with them, leaving him and Leo alone with Ludiciel.

"Shall we?"