Chapter 37

Kayziel smiled. "Not at all Your Majesty. You're misunderstanding me. I brought only one person to show my sincerity. We really want peace"

Prince Ron decided at that point that he didn't like his great great great grandfather at all. Why bully his future husband's uncle?

They continued their discussion and Ron saw that Kayziel was really good at negotiating. He had brought up a good plan that would benefit both parties. He spoke so eloquently and with such smartness that King Rafael was stunned. There were no loopholes or any chance for cheating. King Rafael couldn't help but agree. In no less than three hours, the treaty was signed by King Rafael as King Fayziel had already signed on it.

When everything was done, King Rafael left without a word and Prince Kayziel was happy, There would be peace between his people and the humans now. No more suffering or bloodshed. Only peace.

Some months later...

Things were going fine. The Elves were rebuilding their villages and towns that got destroyed by the humans during the war. The reason the Elves lost so much was because they relied heavily on magic so they didn't bother developing themselves at all. They had no weapons, tools or machinery because they used magic for everything. Normally, Elves were peaceful creatures who lived in peace and harmony so they saw no use for training themselves in the art of fighting. But when the humans started to kill their people, they had to learn to fight to survive.

And the humans who didn't have magic, created weapons like swords, axes, arrows and bows, catapults and many more. Using all those, they successfully caused the Elves heavy casualties which drove many Elves to madness. They started to use forbidden magic like blood and sacrificial magic to kill humans. In one night, just two or three Elves could eradicate a whole human village. Five could wipe out an entire town!

Seeing this, the humans suggested peace and that was how it all came down to the treaty.

All these, Ron now knew because all of Kayziel's memories could be accessed by him.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Ron heard someone shout. "Uncle look, we can fly now!"

Kayziel was sitting in the garden, writing a letter but he looked up immediately he heard the voice.

Two boys, one, not more than 12 years old, and the other, not more than 15, were floating in mid air.

The 15 year old one had short silver which reached his chin and bright violet eyes which were big and round. He was wearing lilac robes, laughing excitedly. "Unlce see, uncle see"

Kayziel felt warmth in his heart. His nephews were growing fast.

Ron recognised the 12 year old one immediately. That was his beloved! That was his future husband! Even as a child, Zedekiel's beauty was unparalleled. He let his hair grow long, down to his waist. His features were sharp and graceful. Where his brother's eyes were big and round, his own were thin and fierce, framed with silver long lashes. He had an imposing aura that made people weak in knees and docile. He was dressed in black and red robes and was just floating with a straight face. He didn't seem happy at all.

The Prince saw that Zedekiel loved the colour black since he was a child.

Kayziel clapped at their performance. "Wonderful! My nephews are so talented!"

Zedekiel scoffed. "It's only flying. What's so special about flying? Everyone can do it"

Ron went awww in his mind. His beloved was so cute! He wished he could smother his face with kisses.

The brother frowned. "Don't be a killjoy Zedy. Flying is amazing. It's like being free"

Kayziel laughed. "I agree with Berthiel. It also signifies that you're getting closer to adulthood. How old are you two now?"

"I'm 99!" Berthiel said with a proud look. "Zedy here is 94!"

"Quit calling me that!" Zedekiel huffed.

Ron "..." Ah he got the ages very very wrong...

"Ah, Zedekiel can fly at 94?" Kayziel asked, surprised. "Elves can only fly from 98 to 100. How can you fly at 94?"

Berthiel was even prouder. "Of course he can fly at 94. He is very special. Mother says he's born to do great things. He is my brother after all. He will become a great king in the future and I will support him, just like you support father" He even ruffled Zedekiel's hair.

Zedekiel slapped Berthiel's hand away but Ron could see him blushing. The tips of his ears were light pink. No matter how tough Zedekiel acted, he still loved his brother to death and looked up to him.

Kayziel was very happy. "But you are older, Berthiel. Why don't you want to be King?"

He quickly waved his hand. "Too troublesome and boring. I've seen how father runs away from all the paperwork. Mum has to threaten and pull him by his ear before he does any work. Zedy is very serious and hardworking but I am just like Father. I hate work. I'd rather play around with the ladies and live a fun life" Berthiel moved closer to Kayziel, wearing a mischievous smile. "Speaking of ladies, Uncle, Zedy has his eyes on someone"

Kayziel gasped. "Really? Who might that unlucky lady be? To be stuck with such a boring and stone faced person..."

Zedekiel's face went dark. "I can hear you two!"

They went on as if Zedekiel was completely invincible. "Uncle, the person is not a lady but a very pretty boy. He has red curly hair and pretty green eyes. Very cute. If Zedy hadn't made a move yet, I would have already gotten him for myself.

"Berthiel!" Zedekiel shouted angrily.

They continued to pretend. "Does the pretty boy like our Zedy? We have to be nice and coax the pretty boy to tolerate our Zedy. If not, he will remain single for life" Kayziel said.

Berthiel shook his head. "Sadly, Zedy scared the poor boy to death. Do you know what he did?"

Kayziel was very interested. "What did he do?"

"Berthiel stop!" Zedekiel shouted but it fell on dead ears.

Berthiel moved even closer to Kayziel. "Uncle, the pretty boy was watering flowers in the garden when Zedy appeared out of nowhere and kissed him. Then he told the boy with a very serious face; 'I have kissed you which means you are now my responsibility. Henceforth, you are my wife! If I see you with another man, I will behead him!' Uncle, the poor boy was so scared he started to cry. Now, he always runs away when he sees Zedy..."