the arrival to the lively City.

After beating metropolilon, we were on our way to the Kingdom,

Cheered up.

We are walking, through the cemetery, with robots.

The girls were scared.

When suddenly we saw, several souls, of mecha, that

They died.

Terra Z, E Ciber Girl, got scared, and ran, after me and Thunder.

Goltron said that souls do nothing, girls.

He came close to prove it when he was suddenly attacked.

Me and Thunder, went to help him, attacking souls.

But we were unable, for them, they were soul.

So Goltron, let go, and used, One of his, weapons,

Called ghost hunting.

And captured the ghosts, wicks.

The girls thank you, and we left, heading,

The lively city.

Agent asked Goltron, if our friends could be,

There, and what was this city like?

He replied that sure, our friend is there,

And he said that the city remembers the 60s.

Said the king is called Coelhotron,

That he is gray, and very nice and funny.

We were curious about the city.

And I wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

It was already night, we decided to camp.

As we sat, facing the fire, Goltron asked.

- hey you 4 answer, a question!

We asked ourselves, which question?

He said.

- you are human, right!?.

We were paralyzed, not knowing what to say, so

Cyber Girl said.

- no, we are mecha.

He replied without grace.

He said agent was lying, that he could,

Tell him the truth, we were friends.

So I said.

- yes we are human, what pilots, mecha!

Cyber Girl, slapped me, and said

That I was kidding.

Goltron laughed, and said, that he knew from the beginning,

And the Robot Hero, confirmed!

The girls got embarrassed, and confirmed, that

We were human.

Goltron asked our name.

Thunder said.

My name is Keita!

-Earth Z spoke.

My name is Moon.

Cyber girl, said that

Her name was.

- Luci.

And I said my name was.


Goltron said it's cool to know our real ones,

Names, and said you're happy to have friends, human.

He asked how do you breathe, how and do you need that

Only human do ?!

We answered that our wicks have a technology,

That it expands, like a spaceship, and we can do everything,


He said it was cool, and asked for another favor.

For us to get out of our locks, and

Reveal us.

We left, and he was amazed and admired, for

It was the first time, I saw humans.

And he said he will help us, we are grateful, after

Much talk, we rest, a little.

The next day, we left for a lively city.

After a few hours, finally, we arrived, at


Upon entering, the 4 of us were amazed, for everything,

Drawings from our parents' childhood, and ours.

We wanted to know the city.

Suddenly, a Robo, it seemed, and we


- welcome to the lively city,

My name is Betty bootron!

I will be your guide, to visit our


Me and Keita said.

What, it can't be true !!! (amazed)

End of chapter 9.