Animated kingdom.

Terra Z, E Ciber Girl asked, why me, and Keita,

We were amazed.

We pull them to a corner.

And we answer.

-Which agent did you know, that name


They asked, where.

I said.

- an animated series, TV

From our planet.

Ciber Girl said that, now she realized that the

Her name was not strange.

Goltron asked, what happened because, agent,

Are you whispering?

We talked.

That it was nothing.

Goltron said let's go, Betty bootron,

It will introduce us to the city.

We all said.


Betty bootron, started to introduce us to the city.

It showed the most visited tourist spots.

She said.

- this is the Black and White Tower,

There is Mr. Coelho's house.

After several shows, places.

Finally it shows, the most famous place,

The city.

Mister Ratrou's Castle.

We were delighted with the size of the Castle.

Hauuuu !!!

Goltron said.

-What an amazing castle!

I asked.

-If we could, visit

The castle.

She said, no!

I asked why not.

She answered.

That Mr Ratrou does not like that,


She said that the last one who entered the castle,

He killed.

Then they took us out to eat something.

After we ate, it was already night.

So Betty bootron, took us, to her home

For us to dry out.

Upon arriving there.

We met, the two best, friends of Betty bootron.

Betty bootron introduced them.

- these are my friends!

Bimbtron, Kokon, and Pudtron.

She introduced us to them, and they introduced us.

We compliment each other.

And Betty bootron, showed us the room we would sleep in.

So before we go to sleep, the five of us talk, between us.

May tomorrow, look for our friends.

And I said that tomorrow we will go, try at the castle.

And find out, why the king is so strict.

Everyone responds.


End of chapter 10.