Keita and I started laughing, because we found the name
Very funny.
- haha ha!!!
What a funny name,
It's from your Robot !!!
Rey irritated, and embarrassed, with everyone looking at him.
Tell us to shut up.
- I was quiet you idiots, I already
I said to, you guys don't speak my name
True, and the name of my Robot
It's beautiful!!!
After I Keita laughed a lot, I ask where is
The rest of the crew.
Triaon replies.
- I don't know, at the time
From the accident, we
We separated, and I woke up in this
Triaon says he tried to look for someone in the kingdom, but
He found no one.
And also, he said that then he decided to stay in the kingdom, to
Investigate, but about Drogonzn, without the people noticing, that
He was from another planet.
Luci asked Trion if he found out anything.
- no!
said that everyone in the Kingdom was afraid when he spoke
The name of Drogonzn.
Terra Z says, that was how she thought, that not everyone,
The planet was bad.
Just like Goltron is Betty bootron, and her friends.
Triaon replied.
- Yes!
Not everyone is evil!
I said to Traion, let's look for the others.
He said he couldn't.
I asked.
-because you can not?
He explained to me, he couldn't, go for now, for
That, there was something strange, with this king.
We were amazed.
- what?!!!
As well.
Triaon says that this is not the real king!
Goltron says.
- as well,
How did you arrive
To that conclusion?
Traion says an informant, a friend of his, Said
That this king is an impostor, who stole the place of
Former king, and the former king disappeared, without a trace.
Betty bootron is irritated by what Traion said.
- shut up you liar idiot !!!!!
Ratroun is our king.
I asked Betty bootron, why, she was mad.
She said
-even though the king doesn't like anyone,
Enter the castle, he's a good person, and he
He is the only king, and everything that talks about him is a lie.
Goltron responds to Betty bootron.
- Good people, a robot, who kills, whoever
Enter the castle ?!
We agree, what Goltron said.
Traion said that he wants to investigate but about the former king,
Why did he find out, that the former king, is still alive.
I asked, what is the name of the former king.
- he is called Mr. Coelho.
Agent said it would help, Traion.
He thanked us.
Cyber Girl said.
-where are you going to look first?
Traion tells us that there is a rabbit, who lives in the black forest.
Betty bootron started to shake.
I asked why, she was like this.
Betty bootron.
- the black forest, is the place
But dangerous in the Kingdom.
I was excited.
- Let's go
To this forest !!!! (excited)
Everyone said.
- Yes!
Only Betty bootron, was afraid to go,
But he accepted, go with an agent.
So we left, for the forest behind, the old king
Mr Coelho.
End of chapter 12.