A mysterious being.

We are on our way to the black forest to find, the rabbit, who lived

In the forest.

On the way we faced several, strange beings.


Poff !!

Thunder Ciber asked.

- Who are they?

Betty bootron said that they are one of the beings

But dangerous in the black forest.

That they were called crotron.

I was very excited.


Betty bootron asked why I was excited.

I said it's good to face strong enemies, who one day would

Overcome my father.

She asked who my father was.

I talked.

- his name is Hero Z.

Betty bootron was amazed.

What the legendary Hero Z? !!!

I said yes.

She started to cry, and I asked why

She was crying.

Betty said, that my dad saved her when she was

10 years.

And that she was very grateful to him and wanted to find

Him again.

Betty asked me where he is.

I answered.

- I don't know, since I

I was 10 years old but I never saw

Him, it may be that he died!

But as I know the old man,

It doesn't die that easy, it

It must be somewhere, peeling,

And waiting for me.

She smiled and said that, want to find

Do it again and thank you.

I gave a smile, for she is said that

We will find him together.

That first we will solve this case

To find Mr Coelho.

Betty said it was okay.

So we all clutch, but

In the forest in search of the Rabbit, who lived

In it.

After facing many monsters, finally

We found a house, in the middle of the forest.

Thunder Ciber asked Traion

This house.

Traion said that.

- Yes!

This is the only house, which

There's in the forest.

So we get closer.

And we knock on the door.

Tof, tof !!

Nobody answered.

Ciber Girl said that she thought there was nobody in the house.

Traion never spoke about the gang in the Vila, said he never leaves the forest.

Cyber Girl replied.

-Does he not, is in

Somewhere in this forest ?!

Traion said.

Can be.

I said we're going to split up and look for him in the forest.

Betty bootron said the forest was huge, the biggest in this

Planet, which was impossible to find, is like finding a

Needle in the haystack.

I replied to Betty.

- even if it is the largest in the universe, we will find it.

Suddenly, something mysterious, comes towards Betty bootron.

I pull her into my arms.

And it protected her from defending the enemy's attack.


She smiled at me and thanked me.

- thanks.

I said.

- that it was nothing, that

One friend always helps the other.

I asked the class.

Who attacked us ?!

Thunder Ciber, answered me.

- it was that one, Being strange there! ( pointing out)

Robot Hero.

-who is that being?

end cap 13.