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Gavin's POV

Despite the cold temperature here in the restaurant, I am sweating. I was so tense to think that this is only a dinner date.

This is the second time that the four of us will be having dinner. The only difference is that I am not Aubree's date for tonight's dinner. She is with Sebastian.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me, full of concern.

I just smiled at her and nodded.

We chose the same restaurant where we had our last dinner together. This time my date is Sam. How I wish that it will be just the last time where I am Aubree's date. But I know that is impossible now to happen.

"It's okay, Gavin, that person surely loves you," Sam said out of the blue.

I winced at what she said.

I sighed. I know she is just trying to cheer me up.

"How I wish, but we both know that it's not," I said bitterly.

"Trust me. She loves you." She smiled, and then she winked at me.

I just shook my head at what she said.

She never changed—the ever-positive Sam.
