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Gavin's POV

I was stunned when I saw her again. She's really a beauty.

My forehead furrowed when I noticed that she lose weight, and she looks so stressed.

But how can she manage to be that beautiful? That even though she looked very stress and lost a lot of weight, she still looks stunning. When did stress become your source of beauty?!

I just shook my head with the things I said to myself. Maybe I was too in love with this girl, that is why I am like this. It seems like even if she became a skeleton, she would always be the most beautiful girl in my eyes.

Why can’t she choose me? If she chose me, I would make sure that she will not lose weight and not be stressed. I will do everything to make her happy.

I clenched my jaw. How does he take care of Aubree?

I just shook my head. Who can't be stressed in a secret relationship?