Chapter One: The Ordinary One

Chapter One

The Ordinary One

Being ordinary was a burden to me. I didn't fit to any circles of people who have their own uniqueness. I find it hard to interact with other people. Maybe that's the reason why I have few friends that I can count in my fingers.

I was that girl that anyone can hardly notice. I sit in the back of the classroom, I take pictures for the school newspaper, and I stay in the library during my free periods. I'm the boring type of person that no one would stick around to. My friends were very opposite from me. They were the outgoing type. Has a lot of friends and who enjoys their youth instead of being holed up to a library.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of our last class, my classmates packed up their things and dashed out of the classroom. I sighed quietly and packed up my things. Slinging the strap of my bag to my shoulders, I stood up and head out of the classroom. A lot of students who are in their senior years lined up in front of the auditorium. I almost forgot that today is when our pictures will be taken for the yearbook.

I stood on the queue silently. My mind started to drift away when an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I jumped slightly by the sudden contact and the owner of the arm that held me tight chuckled. Hearing that familiar laugh, I looked up and saw Tristan's smiling face looking down at me.

"You should have seen your face," said Tristan, laughing heartily. I flushed in embarrassment and I looked away from him.

Tristan is one of my few friends. His girlfriend, Marlene, is my childhood best friend which included him as my friend too. He's captain of the football team and every student in this school knows him. Marlene is popular too like Tristan. Because of her kindness and how she can easily talk to anyone, everyone admires her.

I removed Tristan's arm from my shoulder using my free hand. "Where's Marlene?" I asked, ignoring his chuckle.

"She says she'll be here once she's finished helping miss Bloom," said Tristan. He quickly added, "The other's will be here in a few minutes." I nodded and stared at the queue. It was moving slow but I didn't complain. I know how long it takes to take a one good photo.

Just like what Tristan told me, Marlene showed up a couple of minutes. She smiled at us and walked straight towards our direction. She gave Tristan a peck on the lips and turned her eyes to me.

"Any news on that university you like to attend?" said Marlene. I nodded and smiled a small smile. "They send me a letter this morning telling me I got in," I answered.

"That's great news, Han!" said Marlene in mirth. I smiled warmly at her.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Two out of four universities accepted me, but I'll choose the university that's closest to where Tristan is," said Marlene. She looked up at Tristan and he returned her stare. Marlene tiptoed to reach Tristan's face and granted him a kiss. I looked at both of them and smiled. They may show too much affection in public, but they only did that to show how happy and in love they are.

"PDA should be considered as a school offence. Seriously these two keep on snogging everywhere they go," said the voice of Wren. Marlene pulled away from Tristan and the three of us looked at where Wren is.

She stood a few metres away from us with Tim. Her face is scrunched up in disgust. I let out a quiet laugh. Marlene and Tristan were laughing too.

Wren and Tim walked towards us and stood behind Marlene. The queue started to move again and stopped once three people went inside the auditorium. I turned around to face all of them and for me to talk to them easily.

Wren's face is still scrunched up. "I thank God that this will be the last year I'm going to see the two of you suck each other's face," said Wren. Tristan let out an amused laugh while Marlene giggled. A red tinge coloured her cheeks.

"Ignore her ranting. She was rejected by Kayla," said Tim. Wren elbowed him in his side.

"Keep spreading that and I swear, Timothy, you'll be nursing that pretty face of yours," said Wren, eyes narrowed. Tim raised his hands in surrender as he laughed.

I opened my bag and took out my camera. I lifted it and snapped a picture of them. All their heads turned to me when they heard a click in my direction. I lowered my camera once I took their candid shot.

"I'm expecting that photo album, Hannah. For all the years that you've taken pictures of us, I reckon your album will be as thick as that encyclopedia in the library," said Wren.

I smiled at her remark and put my camera back in my bag. "I'll make sure that you'll be getting your own copy," I replied.

She took a few step and grabbed my arm as she pulled me on her side. She draped her arm on my shoulder and I laughed a little when she tried to put her weight on me.

"I'm going to miss this. You know, all of us having fun and doing stupid things that Hannah kept telling it's a bad idea but we still do it," said Tim. We all smiled as memories flashed to our minds. Memories that we will cherish. That I would cherish.

The queue was getting shorter by each minute and while we're waiting for our turn, we talked about our plans in summer. Apparently, Marlene and Tristan need to go and check out the apartment they will be staying once college starts. Wren told them to use protection which made Marlene flushed red and Tristan laughed heartily. Tim and Wren will be staying in town to spend their summer with their family. Tim got accepted to the college he always wanted to attend which was a hundred miles away from here. Wren got accepted to the same university that I applied to. It is near here, but she decided that it might be best to stay at an apartment or in the school's dorm instead of going home.

Marlene, Tristan, and I went inside the auditorium when three students stepped out. A staff closed the door and told us to sit on the vacant chairs and wait for our names to be called.

Tristan got called first and Marlene came next. I stood up when the staff called out my name. Tristan and Marlene stood beside the door as they wait for me. I sat on the stool placed in the centre of the room and I looked straight at the camera.

"Move your head a little to the left. That's good. Okay, smile," said the photographer. I smiled a small smile and the camera's flash blinded me for a moment.

I stood up once my photo was taken and walked towards Marlene and Tristan. The three of us stepped out of the auditorium and Wren, Tim, and an unfamiliar boy went inside. Wren told us to wait for them before the door was closed.

We were standing across the auditorium when Cato, Tristan's teammate and friend, walked towards us. They did their handshake that they always do. They talk about their last game and instead of listening on their conversation, I took out my camera and look at the photo I've taken a few minutes ago.

I was too lost in my own world when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw that all three of them were looking at me. Marlene was the one who brought me out of my world. It seems like they were asking me a question considering their expectant faces.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" I asked sheepishly.

"There will be a party in Josh's place this coming Friday. All the seniors will be there," said Cato.


"And will you be there? This will be our last party," said Cato. He smiled at me and I noticed how his dimple in his right cheek showed up by his action. I tried to push down the flush that is creeping in my neck.

Before I could even answer, an arm draped in my shoulders and Wren's voice echoed in our spot. "Of course she'll be there," said Wren as she looked at me and a knowing smile crept on her face. I can't prevent the blush that brought colour to my cheeks.


I got out of Wren's car when it stopped in front of my house. She lowered the passenger side's window to look at me. Tim lowered the window in the backseat and popped his head out.

"I'll make sure that you'll look good on Friday, Hannah," said Wren and she wriggled her eyebrows as a teasing smile etched on her lips.

"Cato will notice you once and for all and you'll be happy like Marlene," Tim added as he smiled gently.

"Look, guys, I appreciate your help but I don't need to dress up nicely to catch a boy's attention. All I want is to spend more time with all of you," I said. Wren rolled her eyes.

"Stop being such a killjoy, Han. The three of us know that you've been fancying Cato since we were in junior high school," said Wren. I flushed red and I quickly look at our surroundings to see if there are people who heard what she said. Luckily, there was no one in the street.

"Now, if you're going to make excuses again, I would recommend that you keep it because Wren bloody Carter won't let you hide in the corner and let someone else steal your spotlight to Mr Football Player," she said. I didn't say anything to contradict what she said because I know how Wren could get so serious when it comes to my long time crush on Cato.

She told Tim to put his head back inside if he wants it to stay glued on his neck before she drove off. I watched her car disappeared and let out a sigh. Whatever Wren and Tim are planning, I reckon it won't work.

My eyes traveled to the distance and I my eyes settled on the manor near the end of the town. It was like a small dot in my vision, but I know it is that abandoned manor that everyone in this town are avoiding.

My parents won't answer any of my questions whenever I asked them about that manor. It seems like there's a secret that everyone in this town is keeping. A secret that they are willing to take into their graves.