Chapter Two: Where It Will All Begin

Chapter Two

Where It Will All Begin

Tuesday came and then Wednesday. The days were passing by so fast and not a single change has started.

I wake up. Get ready for school. Eat breakfast with my dad. Walk to school. Attend my classes. Pass my homeworks. Go to the journalism room. Take notes of my task. Take pictures for the school newspaper. Talk to my friends. Go home. Prepare supper. Wait for dad to come home from work. Eat dinner. Sleep.

Every day that's my routine. It's like I'm stuck in a loop that I can't escape. And then, Friday came.

After my last class ended, I pack up my things and headed towards the door. I jumped as Wren's hand grabbed my arm to stop me from walking. My other hand found its way to my chest and I felt my heart thudded faster because of shock.

"You almost gave me a heart attack," I exclaimed. She only laughed and pulled me with her as she started walking towards the hallway.

"You should be more aware of your surroundings. I'm standing there for like a minute or two," she shrugged. I let out a deep breath and composed myself.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

She gave an incredulous look. "Don't tell me you've forgotten?" said Wren. Of course I won't forget where we're going. That's been the only foreign thing in my head that isn't part of my routine.

I looked at Wren and she looked like she's waiting for my answer. I sighed and said, "No. I didn't forgot about it." Wren let out a breath and patted my shoulder a bit too hard.

"Good. I thought I would knock some sense in your brain that is older than my grand," said Wren. I laughed a little by what she said.

We headed towards the classroom where Tim, Marlene, and Tristan share. Those three are lucky enough to be classmates in one subject. The class started filing out once we stopped near the door.

We saw Marlene first and by Wren's continuous waving, she noticed us and told Tristan and Tim that we're here. Tim packed his things quickly when he saw Wren. I didn't even need to look at the girl beside me to know that she's widening her eyes to him. They told me two days ago that they will be pouring our extra time to fix me up. I didn't even protested at that because I know that I will be fighting a losing battle.

Tim almost sprinted out of the classroom. Once outside, he stood between me and Wren and sling his arms on our shoulders.

"Operation Fixing Hannah Rienne has started," he whispered just enough for me and Wren to hear it. Wren smiled widely and put her arm on Tim's waist. I sighed but laughed nonetheless. These two are hopeless.

My gaze went back inside the classroom and I saw Cato walking alongside Marlene and Tristan. My heart instantly plummeted to my throat, if that was even possible, making me feel nervous and sweaty all of a sudden.

They stopped in front of us. My eyes followed Cato and, sensing that someone is shamelessly staring at him, he shifted his gaze and his eyes met mine. He smiled at me and I smiled apologetically as I felt I was caught red-handed.

"Are you heading straight to Josh's place?" said Marlene. Wren shook her head. "No. We'll spend some time in Hannah's house and then, we'll go to Josh's place," Wren answered.

"What are you going to do there?" asked Tristan. He wriggled his eyebrows like he was signalling Wren a message that they only know. Wren glared at him but didn't say anything.

"Right. Wren, Hannah, we need to go now. We don't want to arrive late now, do we?" said Tim quickly. Wren whirled her head to look at Tim and nodded vigorously. She looked back to Marlene, Tristan, and Cato. Wren narrowed her eyes at Tristan and he took his arm that he wrapped around Marlene's waist and raised both of his hands in surrender. His knowing smirk was etched on his face.

Marlene looked at me in confusion and I shared the same expression to her. Both of us were completely clueless about the secret the three of them share. Why do Wren have a lot of secrets she's been keeping?

"I'll text the lot of you once we're ready," said Wren. She didn't wait for any one of them to answer. She held my arm and Tim's arm and dragged us away from Marlene, Tristan, and Cato. We trudged the hallway that is packed with students that are either heading out of the school or stopping to wait for some of their friends. Wren kept saying, "Excuse me. Coming through," in a loud voice that makes every head turn to us and making a way for the three of us.

Everyone knew that they should not mess with her when she's completely annoyed. We came to a stop in the school's parking space and Wren took her hands from our arms and took out her car keys. She's our ride home since, apart from Tim and I, she has a driver's licence. She got lucky to pass the driver's education while Tim and I barely parked the car correctly.

We got in to her car and buckled up. I turned to look at Wren to ask her about what Tristan meant back in the school, but she beat me into it as if she knows what I'm about to ask.

"Don't ask," said Wren and I nodded immediately.

She drove away from the school and the whole ride was silent which was new to me. Usually Wren would keep on pointing some flaw Tim made or rant about something that made her feel like ripping someone's hair off. I sighed and turned my body sideways to look at her properly.

"I'm not going to pry about your secret, but can you please act normal?" I asked. She glanced at me for a moment before she returned her eyes back on the road.

"I'm acting normal," said Wren, shrugging.

I sat properly again and look at the windows. "I've known you long enough to know that you're lying, Wren Carter," I said.

Tim burst out in laughter. I stretched my neck to look at him laughing so hard. I found myself laughing quietly. His laugh is contagious.

"I will smack you if you're not going to stop laughing, Tim," said Wren threateningly. Tim tried to contain his laughter making his eyes water. After composing himself, he cleared his throat.

"You know, Hannah is the only one who's not afraid to say your full name, Wren," said Tim. His voice and face were suppressing pure mirth.

Wren rolled her eyes, a smile crept in her face. "You better not try saying my whole name, Timothy. You might end up with two missing teeth," said Wren. I laughed heartily.


Wren rummaged my closet as Tim and I sat side by side on my bed. She separate the clothes and dresses she thinks are too out of place and that can be decent enough to make Cato notice me. That's her main goal.

She stopped rummaging when she saw the maroon dress dad gave to me last Christmas. She wriggled her eyebrows and threw the dress to me. I caught it immediately and stared at it.

"What are you waiting for? That dress won't magically wore itself to your body," said Wren, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"You always attack her with your sarcasm and remarks," said Tim indignantly.

"She only gets ¾ of it while you take the whole full blow of my tough love," said Wren in a mock sweet and girlish voice. Tim made gagging noise which made me laugh.

I stood up and headed to the bathroom as they started to bicker all over again. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never have to worry about showing a lot of skin since the dress is long sleeved, but it showed some of my cleavage which irks me. The dress stopped just above my knee and my pale complexion was flaunted by it.

I took a few deep breaths contemplating whether I should tell Wren to find another dress I could wear or just suck up my embarrassment and stepped out of the bathroom. A sharp knock on the door brought me out of my reverie.

"Did the toilet swallowed you whole?" asked Wren from the other side of the door.

"I'm- I'm coming out," I said quietly. I took a few deep breaths and turned the knob to open the door.

Wren looked at me with a look of complete shock on her face. I consciously took a hold of my left arm as I felt anxious. "Is it okay?" I asked.

"Okay? Dude, it's perfect!" Wren exclaimed. She took my right hand that was holding my left arm and dragged me to show Tim how I looked.

Just like Wren's reaction, he looked at me in complete shock. The chips dad brought here was long forgotten. Wren shakes my arms widely as she let out a weird sound. She always do that whenever she feels so happy.

"Cato will definitely notice you now. You will be a newer version of Hannah that he won't expect," said Wren in a very fast speed. Luckily I understand what she said. Before I could speak, she pulled me towards my bed, swatted a still shocked Tim, and pushed me to sit down.

She grabbed a small bag from her bag pack and faced me again with her face set in determination. It took at least half an hour to sort out my hair and my make up, which I completely protested about, until she stepped away from me and look me from head to toe.

"I never thought that you could do things like this, Wren," said Tim sounding amused. I look at Wren through the mirror and saw her smirk.

"I may be attracted to girls, but I know how to dress up like a normal girl," said Wren, puffing her chest in pride.

I look at the time in my phone. "I think we need to head out now. It's nearly six," I said quietly but Wren's head whipped so hard that I swore I heard a crack.

"What?" she exclaimed. She took her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and her eyes went wide when she saw the time. Wren packed up all the things she used to fix my hair and face.

She made wild gestures that silently told us to hurry. Tim scrambled to his feet and helped her. I stood up and took out my pair of Chuck Taylor's. Once Wren was done, the three of us headed out of my room.


Wren hit the brake so hard that the three of us bounced off our seats. She's willing to risk our safety because of this bloody party and her plan on making Cato notice me. I sighed as she fumbled with her seatbelt and successfully removed it. Tim and I followed suit and exited her car.

Once we were out, she locked it and gestured for us to go inside now. We were really running late. After we left my home, we went to her and Tim's house for them to discard their bags and to change their clothes. Parties are supposed to be fun. I didn't know that there are strict rules about time schedules.

I nudged Tim with my shoulders. He looked at me questioningly. I moved my head closer to him so that Wren won't hear us.

"Is there a time schedule in parties?" I asked quietly. He chuckled and shook his head. I furrowed my eyebrows and my eyes travelled to where Wren is.

"Wren is not used to attending late in parties," whispered Tim. Nodding in understanding, I let out a quiet laugh.

Before Wren could even knock on the door, it swung open and Josh King appeared on the open door looking a bit tipsy. His eyes focused on us and he opened his arms widely as if to hug the three of us. Wren, being in the front, was pushing Josh's hands away from her. Her face contorted in distaste. Josh chuckled by her actions and tucked his hands in his pockets.

"It's good to see you in one of my parties, Wren," said Josh. His words were a little slur.

"Yeah, well, it's good that you're finally hosting a great party, Josh," Wren remarked. She didn't wait for Josh to reply, she pushed him aside, patted his cheek, and went inside. Tim let out an incredulous laugh before gesturing for me to follow.

The party was chaotic. The music is too loud to even hear anyone talking. A lot of seniors are dancing in the centre, sitting on the stairs and chairs while talking to their friends, and some are shamelessly making out in the corner. I never knew that parties could be like this. But then again, this is my first ever school party. My dad always bring me to parties that has a calm music in the background and people who are being pretentious. He never wanted to attend one but it was needed considering his job.

Tim talked to me near my ear so I can hear him. He told me that he will fetch the both of us a drink. I nodded and he walked towards the table where they put the drinks and some finger foods. I looked for Wren but she was nowhere to be found. That girl sometimes forget that she has companions. Marlene and Tristan were nowhere in sight. I walked towards the empty corner. Tim will definitely find me here. Anyone can recognise me easily. I'm the only one who's standing quietly and observing all of them.

I let my eyes wander to the crowds and I saw Cato talking to one of his teammates. He was laughing about something his teammate said. A smile crept on my face just watching him. He's one of the popular people in school and I'm just one of those student who belongs to the normal and boring ones. I might have non-verbally said that Wren's plan is ridiculous, but somewhere deep inside me, I hope that her plan works.

I tore my eyes away from Cato and search the crowd for Tim. I wished he never forgot about me too. I have no courage to approach anyone here. I've barely talked to them. They might know me because of the photos I took for the papers but that's just it. I was that student photographer who's friends with the popular kids in our school.


I turned my head to my other side to look at the person who approached me. My heart hammered hard to my chest when I saw Cato's face smiling down at me. His dimple was showing making him look really really handsome and adorable. God, what is happening to me?

"Hey," I said awkwardly.

"You look incredible by the way. I almost didn't recognise you," said Cato. I thank him for his compliment as a blush coloured my cheeks.

"Did you came here alone?" asked Cato. I shook my head. "Wren disappeared once we got inside and Tim went to get some drinks," I replied. My throat hurts from shouting every word I'm saying. He nodded slowly. We were both enveloped in silence after that. I wanted to break it, but I have no idea what will I say to him. This is the very first time that I get to talk to him properly.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when a red haired girl stepped in front of us.

Penelope Porter.

Cato smiled gently when his eyes landed on her. The way the expression in his eyes changed, I knew that I stood no chance. There was no need for words to confirm my suspicion. Penelope looked at me and smiled kindly as a greeting. I forced a smile on my face. She turned her attention back to Cato who instantly went to her and kissed the top of her hair.

I cleared my throat. "Have you seen Marlene or Tristan?" I asked. Another football player stopped in our direction and engaged Cato in a conversation. Penelope turned to face me.

"They're in the living room with Wren. I also saw Timothy who's looking for you," said Penelope in a loud voice. I nodded and excused myself.

Once I was far away from them, I let out a shaky breath. I never expected that and I never knew they were dating. I stopped walking when I felt a hand hold my arm. I looked up and saw Tim's face. He was holding two red cups in his other hand.

His smile vanished from his face when he saw the expression I'm wearing. I didn't wait for him to say something. I wrapped my arms in his waist and buried my face in his chest.


Tim dragged me to a more quiet place. I told him everything and he just listened to me. Once I'm done talking, he placed his hand on top of mine that is resting beside me. He squeezed it gently. I know Tim finds it hard to say some words that can comfort me or expressing his feelings, but his actions were enough to tell me that he's here.

We stayed there for long. I don't even know how long we were sitting there. Tim's presence comforted me more than words can. A throat being cleared startled the both of us. We looked behind us and saw Wren, Marlene, and Tristan standing on the now opened sliding door. Tim stood up immediately and offered his hand to help me up. I took it and stood up.

Tristan smiled widely an unknown expression light his face. Marlene smiled at me too and even Wren. Hers was only different because she's wriggling her eyebrows at me and Tim. Why did they know something that I didn't?

Wren cleared her throat when she saw the look I gave her. "We've been looking for the two of you everywhere," said Wren. Her face was clearly suppressing a teasing smile. Sometimes I can't understand her. One minute she's supporting my crush on Cato and the next she's practically pushing me to someone else.

"Hurry up you two we'll be left behind if we keep standing here," said Marlene.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To that abandoned manor," said Tristan, his eyes gleamed mischievously.