Screw you guys, I'm making a burger.

While the hero was apologizing for his party members mistake, Mizuki was busy with her own thoughts.

'So espers kinetic abilities really do just move mana around. Basically their abilities boil down to manipulating the mana around them to spark a reaction.'

'Manipulate mana to move wind, manipulate it to heat up a certain area, manipulate the mana so that the water in the atmosphere condenses so on and so forth.'

'So all you need to do to defeat an esper is to either make a mana null zone or to have better control of mana than the caster.'

'The blade that was shot towards me was flimsy at best so I can just manipulate the ambient mana in reverse to the users motive and it gets canceled out.'

"How interesting." muttered Mizuki with a slight glow in her eyes.

"Umm excuse me."

Mizuki came out of her own little world and looked towards the interrupting voice.

"Could you tell me your name? You can call me Hayden, I'm the hero of the sun."

Said Hayden proudly.

"Ok. Good for you. Anyway how did you awnser the riddle on the door?"

Mizuki completely ignored his question and asked her own.

'A little rude, but that's fine. Sheepkin are known to be quite curious, plus she looks absolutely stunning. I should get her in the party.'

"It's my skill. [Dilation]."

"Hmm~ how does it work?"

"I'll tell you if you join the party." said Hayden with a smile.

"No thanks. I'll figure it out eventually."

Hayden frowned.

'Such a quick rejection. Does she not know what a hero is?'

"Aren't you curious?"

"I am. But I can just make a spell to imitate your skill."

'What? She can make her own spells?'

"That was a good joke you made there little one who hasn't introduced herself." said Emilia.

"And I will not introduce myself. I have things to do so I'll bid your little hero party goodbye."

As Mizuki said this the surroundings of the party started to distort.

The party then appeared in the entrance of the dungeon.

"Tentia can you make a portal back there? If she told the truth then we must get her in our party if we wish to defeat the demon lord." said Hayden while frowning.

"I can not. Something is blocking me."

"Most likely the same thing that blocked Mayas attack."

"Let's come back tomorrow with some more suplies and try to recruit her."

"Good plan. Even if she can not make her spells she can still cancel out kinetic abilities. The only ones in history to have ever done this are the great sages of the past."


After agreeing on their next steps they parted towards the nearest town.

'Why is there a third wasteland here?' is what they thought minutes after they started walking.


"So skills can also affect the fabric of space and time. Maybe if I could make a large scale spell I could go back home?"

"... Nahh. Like that would ever work."

"But I do wonder what is more effective. Spells or skills."

"I guess I'll only find out with time. For now."

Mizuki took a glance at her system interface for the first time in a while and checked all the notifications.

Most of them were of her progress on the language desiphering. So mostly just percentages.

The more interesting ones were.

[Skill [Words of The World] gained]

[Skill [Ancient Elemental Language] gained]

[Skill [Magic Circle Customization] gained]

[Title [Reasercher] gained]

"Hmm~ time to check them out."

[Words of The World - Infuse mana into your throat and speak the words of the world. Anything spoken will happen. Effect decreases on higher tier enemies.

Example: shall debuff the target.]

[Ancient Elemental Language - You have desiphered the language of the Ancient Elementals, the language signifying the words of the world themselves. Use the language in any spell to strengthen the magic circle tremendously.]

[Magic Circle Customization - Customize existing magic circles. Whether these by your own, an allys or an enemys.]

[Researcher - A title given to those that have successfully researched a specific phenomena to the limit and gained large benefits. Research efficiency increased by 40%.]

"Another title ay? That reminds me. I have that one priveledge that lets me make a skill. Hmm~ what should I go with? Maybe save it for later? Yeah I'll save it for now, I don't really need it currently."

"What I do need currently is some good food. All I need to survive is water that I can make with magic but that gets dull extremely quick."

"Screw it. I'm making a burger."

Mizuki left her room and walked out of the dungeon. Along the way every robotic monster stopped in its stepps and bowed when they saw her.

'The robots are still the same.'

Walking out of the dungeon the sun blated in her eyes.

"Should really go outside more. Well hunting might just help me with my other elements. For now I only have a certain amount of control over the fire, water and lightning elements."

"Time to test out the rest." a grin appeared on her face.

Making a tier 3 magic circle above her with colors of gray, slight purple and baby blue. She activated the spell.

A breeze burst out of the magic circle. When the breeze hit any living organism a ball of condensed sound would appear above them and make a light humming sound. The more mana the organism had the larger the humming.

When the orb is broken the affected target is frozen over in a layer of frost so it can not move.

"A perfect spell for hunting. A spell comprised of sound, ice and space elements. I wonder how many I can combine into one? But that can wait for another day."

Mizuki then created a second magic circle after the first one dissipated.

Below her feet was a semi large grey magic circle with hints of dark purple and light green.

"A combination of space, shadow and wind elements to boost my speed along with letting me pass through solid objects."

'Making new spells sure is fun.' She thought.

'It's like programming but a much more complicated version.' Mizuki started running in a direction.

'Well a few 'humms' are coming from down south so I might as well check it out.'

The closer she got the louder the 'humm' was getting.

'So either there is a monster similar in strength to myself or there are a bunch of weaklings huddled together.'

'I'm going to guess the ladder. I doubt that a high level monster will be in an area of level 30 - level 40s.'

Mizuki kept going towards the direction of the 'humm' and stopped near the foot of a cliff.

'Down there huh.'

A light purple magic circle of the gravity element appeared below her as she slowly decended.

'Now where can I find myself some ingredients?'

She saw a pack of pitch black wolves that were attacking a few boars.

Most of the wolves were frozen over. Only 2 wolves were unaffected as the orb above their head was still intact.

Unlike the wolves not a single one of the boars had a speck of frost on them.

They either were smart enough to not break the orb above them or couldn't break it.

But this did not matter to Mizuki as a multitude of tier 3 ice and wind magic circles appeared around the group of beasts.

Most were decapitated by wind blades or had their head pierced by an ice spike.

'Haah~ I forgot to take a form of baggage. Maybe I can make a sort of item box spell?'

'Might as well try it out.'

Forming a magic circle of the space element she tried to push a corpse inside of it.

The moment the corpse entered it got ripped to molecules as it's remains spread throughout the forest.

'A failure. Clearly. So there are some things that spells can not accomplish. Or maybe I am too low of tier. Meh. I'll put that on the to do list for now.'

Grabbing a decapitated boar by its legs she flickered and left the scene.

The monsters that were still alive stopped fighting and fled the area in fear of becoming fer next meal.


Using time magic to slow down the deterioraton of the corpse and water magic to clean it and get rid of all the blood, she skinned the boar, made a carpait and got some meat out of it.

Making a kitchen in the corner of the room, Mizuki made a simple stove powered by the ambiant mana and a few pots and pans. Ofcourse she could just make her ingredients from mana too but that didn't have the same feel.

Throwing a few bacon on the pan she went outside and used a combination of earth and time magic to get some wheat.

'Lucky that the ground around the dungeon is well maintained.'

Reentering the dungeon via the spell that she made earlier, Mizuki ground the wheat into a near state of dust and made some dough.

Making an oven below the stove Mizuki placed the dough inside and turned up the heat. The bacon was done so she cooked the bread with a fire type spell she made that cooked from the inside out. The oven was really unnecessary. Cutting the bread open and placing the bacon and some lettuce like plants she found outside into the makeshift burger she enjoyed the meal.


[Skill [Poison Resistance] gained]

"Oh for f*ck sake it isn't that bad!"