
Standing in front of the carriage, Mitsuna hugged each family member individually.

"Bye-bye honey~."

"Bye mother."

"Goodbye, sweetie."

"Goodbye, father."

"Bye Mitsuna."

"Bye Jameson."

"Oi Em. Don't treat her bad or else I'll burn your shack."

"You know you can't Mid."

"Take care of her."

"I will Ary, stop by some time so we can get some drinks."

Jameson just held eye contact with the angel.

After a second of eye contact, the angel nodded.

Climbing back on the carriage, Mitsuna waved goodbye to her departing family.

"Hmm. This is a perfect time for a 'Sayonara'." the angel commented.

"Anyway, let's get going. When we reach my place I'll need you to show me your status."

Nodding her head, Mitsuna followed.

The angel suddenly grabbed her hand, grew wings and flew off. Passing the location of the angel incident she asked.

"What happened with them?"

"They heard father's insult and didn't take it lying down."

"Pft. Idiot pigeons."

Flying away from a city and passing another one, the angel started a conversation.

"Hey, can you believe that your dad mixed up the towns of Tennis and Trinns? I had to take an extra 20 minutes to find you lot."

"Father is bad at some things."

"Oof. Heh. I should tell him you said that."

"Please don't."


The angel flew with a grin on her face.


"Already calling me teacher huh? What is it B?"

"What is your name and why did you call me B?"

"My name is Empathy. Parents were hardcore into worshipping god back in the day. I'll stop calling you B when you don't look like a child anymore."

Mitsuna currently looked like a short 11-year-old. It wasn't wrong to call her a child since she was only a little older than 1 year.

"Well since dragons and phoenixes age differently you might just seem like you're 14 by the time you're 200 if you are unlucky with the gene pull."

Mitsuna looked down at herself and swung her legs.

"I think I pulled some good genes."

"Oh really miss flatstack."


"Flat as a board and short stack together."

"That's a word?"

"It is now."

Mitsuna's teacher seemed... how fo you say it? Unique?

Mitsuna thought for a moment before asking.

"Teacher can you tell me more about yourself."



"Talking in the air is bothersome."

"So, when we get to your place?"

"When we get home, yes."

"Okay. I'll wait."

"Good girl. I'll increase the speed."

Speeding off through the air, Mitsuna soon made it to the destination with her teacher and her legs finally made contact with the sweet soft ground.

"Come on, you'll start training tomorrow. For now, let's talk."


Stepping into the cosy cabin, Mitsuna noticed a messy place with only one bed.

"Your room is below in the basement if that is what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried about that but teacher. What do you eat?"

"Mostly snacks."

"But shouldn't you eat healthy if you want to grow?"

"Hoh. I need to grow?"

Mitsuna suddenly felt a pressure.

"No, you do not need to. But if you want to, which you seem like you do because of your earlier conversation with my father, I recommend eating healthier."

"You sure weaselled your way out of that one."

"Yes, I did."

"Not even trying to hide it."

"Why would I hide things from my teacher?"

"Okay okay. Fine. You can act however you want in this place. Just think of it like your own room, ok?"

"Okay teacher."

"So let's get to it."

Sitting down on the sofa, Mitsuna waited for her teacher to speak first.

"Show it."

Using her skill, Mitsuna showed her status without hesitation.

Receiving a chop on the head from her teacher, Mitsuna looked up at her.

"Never show anyone your status that easily."

Replying with a slightly disheartened 'yes', Mitsuna waited for her teacher's reaction.


Mitsuna waited for a better reaction.


Mitsuna waited for an even better reaction.

"A part of it is glitched, when you try to focus on it your unique skill reacts instead. Remember and regain huh. Weird."

Settling on this reaction, Mitsuna asked if she could see her title.

"No, I... What the f*ck."

Getting a satisfying reaction, at last, Mitsuna was slightly proud.

"Why are you still Level 1 with no Class? Were you even taught the basics about them?"

"... No. I made an educated guess but I don't know much."

Seeing her teacher release a long sigh Mitsuna's pride over her unique status flew out the window.

"Do you know what levels are?"

"When you kill things you gain experience that gathers and makes you Level Up. When you do you get stronger."

"A simple version like that huh."

"Well, I was forced to make quite a few educated guesses." Mitsuna said with a pout.

It's not like she could say that she knew about levels from games.


"Not much."

Hearing another sigh and a mumble that sounded like a curse towards her father, Mitsuna waited for an explanation.

"Okay. Time to do my job as a teacher I guess."


"Listen B. Levels are something like barriers that are present in every soul. Deep down, everyone is f*cking strong but the barriers limit that. Breaking those barriers IE Leveling Up grants you use over more of your soul's latent strength or what we call 'potential'. Every stat in your status has a limit as no one can grow infinitely. Every stat has its own potential as well. For example, 100 potential agility means that your agility can only grow to 100."

"Oh. But who placed the barriers?"

"The same person who made the System. It's a long story that I can tell you later I guess."


"Anyway, that is basically all you need to know about Levels. Let's move on to Classes."

"But what is the maximum Level? How many barriers are there and what is experience?"

"You sure are curious B. No one has reached the maximum Level, not even the gods so no one knows. Same with the barriers, no one knows. Experience on the other hand is basically a small part that makes up mana. You can gain it through killing or clearing dungeons or cultivating or meditating or drinking a lot of pure mana. Since all of those are related to mana in some way, you can gain it relatively easily. Can I continue with Classes now?"


"Great. Well, remember how I mentioned souls? Well, Classes are a way to shape what kind of soul it will turn into. A swordsman means a sharp-like soul, a magician means a square-like soul and so on. The shapes I have no idea about since they all differ from person to person and Class to Class but the biggest thing they do is help the soul grow beyond its seeable limit. That is the theory at least. Within the system, they just increase stat growth and give a few Skills ."

"But what are skills then?"

"Actions and effects that are etched into your soul."

"Is that it?"


"Well, the Level and Class explanations were so long. I thought that Skills also had a really long and fleshed out story."

"Skills are just Skills. Get over it."

"What about Talent and Titles?"

"Talents you should already know about, Titles are just as their names imply. Titles given by the universe, the system just tells you what they are, without it you would never know."

Looking at her hands for a moment, Mitsuna looked towards her teacher and asked the question she has always wanted more details on.

"I want to know more about the System."