Dungeon Diving

'Thank the literal Gods. I thought I would somehow end up missing it again.'

Mitsuna thought as she stepped onto a hill in the middle of a plain.

Leaning on the maple tree that stood tall next to her, she observed the surrounding plain.

'So for now I'm the only one here. Can't expect to never be bothered so I better prepare just in case a party or group of adventurers shows up.'

She looked at the ruins that lead below the ground.

The ruins were made of stone and rock. It seemed to have a few pictures, words and symbols etched into the walls that had yet to crumble to dust.

A clean and frequently used staircase led down in contrast to the rest of the location that seemed to have been left untouched for quite a few years.

'The Cave Below Olympus, huh. Not really a cave and doesn't seem to be anything above it either. Unless the ruins here are the home of the Greek Pantheon.'

Mitsuna glanced at the sky before leaving the shade of the tree and making her way to the Dungeon.

Unknown to her, however, when she glanced at the sky, someone just so happened to glance back.

Nearing the ruin, Mitsuna stopped on the first step of the stairs and sat down.

'Time to get some Levels and learn how to better use some Skills.'

She thought as she opened her Status while constructing a magic circle.


A group of 'adventurers' were exploring a dungeon.

Although they are adventurers, they are also students of the prestigious East Academy.

They are also all natives of a different world. Reincarnators and transmigrators.

3 reincarnators and 2 transmigrators.

Average Level: 98.

Three girls and two boys

A black haired and black eye coloured boy and girl led the group.

There was a second boy with golden blond hair, a second girl with platinum blond almost silver hair and the third girl had short flaming orange hair.

The girl with the platinum blond hair seemed to be the only physical combatant as she wielded a fully made steel sword and steel spear.

The rest of the group seemed to be spell casters or similar.

The black haired youth seemed to be the support and healer as he had a small golden cross and fingerless gloves with the same coloured cross.

The black haired girl, blond haired boy and orange haired girl all carried books and sticks.

They were currently fighting a minotaur that was quite a few levels above them.


Title: Mighty Fister

Race: Minotaur

Class: Minotaur Brawler

Level: 122

Elements: [Open Tab? Y/N]

Skills: [Open Tab? Y/N]]

Needless to say, the group was struggling.

The platinum haired girl parried a punch with her steel spear and cut the arm of the minotaur using her sword.

Getting her stamina refilled by the black haired boy, she backed up a few meters as spells launched at the minotaur.

Fire and ice, lightning and wind.

The barrage of elements did high damage but not enough to fell the beast.

The minotaur grunted as he protected his body from the spells with his arms.

Crouching down, the minotaur charged at the group.

As he took his third step after the charge, he found a long steel spear piercing his arms.

Unable to remove the spear as both of his arms were pierced, it wailed and thrashed.

Another wave of attacks hit it and it finally fell.

The platinum blond haired girl retrieved the spear and turned to her team.

They discussed if they should go further in and decided to stay for one more day as their school brake would end soon and they need to get back to their classes.

As they agreed to do this, they suddenly felt a large amount of pressure coming from the direction of the entrance.

They stopped in their tracks. Dead silence ensued.

It did not last for long however as the ground started rumbling and shaking.


The black haired girl commanded as the group started running.

They ran and ran but the shaking continued to get stronger.

At some point, they took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end.

The platinum blond haired girl thought of a plan and threw her spear high into the wall.

Looking at her panicking teammates, she proposed an escape route.

She helped her team members reach the spear where they started to chip away at the wall.

After a moment they broke through and entered the small space.

The orange haired girl helped the platinum haired girl up as she took the spear and the group silently waited in the small crack, high in the dungeon wall, too afraid to glance out of their safe space.

The herd of running minotaurs also made their way to the dead end.

They, however, did not find a way to escape.

They screamed and clawed at the walls in fear.

This was all heard by the students as they panicked, not knowing what monster would make minotaurs, one of the most prideful races back down and run away.

A herd of those same prideful physical behemoths no less.

Some of the group had closed their eyes and ears as they feared for their life. The black haired students and the platinum haired girl did not.

A few moments later, they heard someone walking toward them. The minotaurs all stopped as if something stopped them from moving.




Something cut through the deep and almost impenetrable wall of the dungeon.

The long and thin slice cut through their hiding place, shaving a bit of hair off from the blond boy and orange haired girl.

Even the full steel spear that was next to the platinum haired girl was cleanly cut in half.

They stayed silent but their breathing and heartbeat were out of control.

As they heard many, many thuds outside their hiding place and waited a moment more, they heard how the steps got out of range.

The platinum haired girl waited for a moment before peaking out of the hole.

A scene of fresh blood and body parts. The scene soon changed as sticky thread came from the dark tunnel ahead and dragged away all the body parts.

This memory was engraved into the minds of the frightened students.