Awakening in A Foreign World

The sound of the screeching tires, the burnt smell of rubber permeating the air, faint sounds of a siren police or ambulance not sure were the last traces of stimuli Ethan's consciousness could perceive before everything turned hazy as if one has cast a thin veil over his five senses and is slowly imploring him to the lands of eternal rest. This was the 25 year old proud and arrogant celeb entrepreneur, Ethan Turner's last moments on Earth.


Next, when Ethan recovered his consciousness he felt as if someone had put his entire body under enternal torture. His arms were heavy like lead and his chest and back was as if being stabbed by a thousand needles. Tears involuntarily developed in his eyes as they flowed down like a cascading waterfall. It felt like eons have passed when his pain subsided and he felt he could move his limbs.

Two unfamiliar thin arms belonging to a child of not more than six filled his vision as he shifted his limbs. He was jolted awake as he felt himself within a foreign body. Trying to sit up in a bout of tension resulted in the aftereffects of the pain announcing their presence. He winced and slowly sat up. He moved his legs with great effort and surveyed his surroundings.

Ethan found himself in a single bedroom of a kid with toys littered at a corner. What attracted his attention was the poster stuck on the wall straight ahead with pictures of 3 animals that were very familiar to him. He was filled with disbelief as he raced down the foreign yet familiar stairs and passage like the wind to the door of the house. He instinctively knew its location as if he had traversed this unfamiliar house innumerable times. He thrusted the door open with all his might and the sight he perceived outside took his breath away from his body.

As far as he could spot stretched a large ranch and large no. of animals that shouldn't exist were playing around. He knew what those animals were, they were his first object of affection, POKEMONS.

"Good morning, Gary!" The gruff voice of an aged male that has witnessed the vicissitudes of life sounded from behind him. He felt as if he was being addressed and turned around to see the immortal professor of the pokemon world in his full glory.

The lithe frame of a person approaching his sixties his eyes perceived. The person had white spiky hair with a white labcoat draped over his frame.

"Morning, Gramps" was his instinctual reply. The moment the weight of his words hit him his eyes widened at the prospect. He has been reborn in the body of the only grandson of the retired Indigo Champion and the leading professor in pokemon research.

(A/N:—I will now refer Ethan as Gary)

A wave of memories hit him the moment he confirmed his identity. Gary hurriedly excused himself as he returned to his room in a flurry of strides. This behaviour was normal according to his memories as Gary had become withdrawn since the day his parents encountered their death in a car accident six months ago just two days after his sixth birthday.

He closed the door hurriedly and sat on the bed. A million thoughts running through his brain at a thousand miles per second. Deciding to take one step at a time, he schemed through his memories.

Gary has a sister Daisy Oak who is six years older than him. This pokemon world is a brutal world where large number of trainers die in the wilderness. If he believed on the memories, then the minimum age for novice trainers is 16 in this world. Daisy is currently attending one of the top high schools of Indigo and will continue for the next 4 years till she reaches 16. Then she will take her graduation exam which doubles up as a trainer license exam. Only the top three of each year gets sponsored by his grandfather, Professor Oak and receive the signature starter pokemon of Indigo which are very rare in the wilderness.

In this world, sponsorship plays a major role as trainers need a large amount of money to maintain their team. The other trainers get their starter pokemons from their local gyms and in the absence of gyms, from the pokemon centre. And only the top three receive a pokedex.

Having made up his mind, he stepped out from his room and approached the dining room where he found his gramps preparing his breakfast. Gary quietly took a seat and gulped down his portion. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the professor who was staring at him as if expecting something.

"Gramps, I want to learn from you."

Blurting out the words, he released a breath that he was holding even without his knowledge.

His grandfather intensely stared at him. The seconds passed like hours in that tensed atmosphere. Finally, Prof. Oak let out a boisterous laugh.

"Ha ha ha!! This is the first time I have seen you so tensed."

" May I know the reason behind this decision of yours?" Gramps added seroiusly in the next second.

Gary took a minute to organise his thoughts.

"Because I want to be the very best. I want to stand atop the peak!"

Gramps looked taken aback. Perhaps this was the first time he could sense such a strong resolve and determination from this otherwise proud grandson of his so strong that he could even put down his pride to ask for help.

"Okay, I agree. From tomorrow onwards, be up and present in my lab at 8 in the morning sharp. Oh, one more word ... Alakazam has detected psychic fluctuations from you. So, I believe you are a psychic. We will also train on that aspect of yours."

"Thanks, Gramps!!"

The Professor waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

The possibility of being a psychic opened a new brand new door to Gary as he fantasized about the impossible things that he would be capable of with this power of his. He couldn't help but puff out his chest a bit seemingly proud of his potential.

Seemingly aware of his thoughts inn the next moment, his grandfather poured a bucket of cold water on his fantasies."I would be very happy if you are able to lift a single pebble after a year."

The Professor waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Want to accompany me to my lab today?"

The suggestion was a welcome one as Gary instantly jumped to his feet and hastily ran towards his room to get ready.

The entire day, he spent observing his grandfather conducting experiments.

From tomorrow, will start Ethan now Gary Oak's adventure to the peak of the pokemon world as he unviels the mystery of his transmigration and varoius secrets of the pokemon world.