The First Day and A Cheat

The next day in the Oak Residence one can see an alarm ringing at its top on the bedside and after a few moments, a hand of a child extends out from beneath the blanket and slaps down with full force on top of the clock. The young grandson of the OAK wakes up groggily and rubes his eyes.

Regaining his clarity, he remembers that today will mark the start of his lesson from the former champ. As soon as the thought strikes his mind, he jumps up at full force and runs to the washroom to freshen up. After getting ready in a hurry, when he is about to go down the stairs, his head subconsciously brushes upon the signature ornament of Gary Oak, the pendant. No sooner does he lifts it to inspect it, a wave of thoughts spark within his brain. He recalls that this was given to the previous owner of this body just the day before their accident occured.

This thought culminates to a dangerous possibility. The sheer prospective of the death of the only son of Kanto's Professor being organised sends a chill down his spine. Without trying to guess the real use of the pendant, he decided to take one step at a time.

The time being just 15 minutes past 7 he leisurely walks towards the dining hall where he finds his grandfather sitted, their maid Alice already having prepared their breakfast.

Alice was an ordinary looking woman apparently in her late thirties with a small mole below her left eye. She possess a height of around 5 ft 8 inches with silky black hair cascading down to her waist.

On the topic of the maid, he seems to had overheard his parents talking about how she was found on the door steps of the Oak Residence by his grandfather after his father was born. The woman fulfills the role of their all-purpose housekeeper. The previous Gary hardly had any interaction with her. But Ethan feels that any person residing in the Oak Residence is anything but ordinary.

Professor Oak spots his grandson entering the dining hall and taking a seat opposite to him with his usual cocky air. But he easily notices the tell tale signs of excitement running through his eyes .

"Finish your food fast, we will work in the Outer Laboratory today."

Gary expresses his consent with a quick nod of his head. He knows from his memories that Oak Laboratories has two buildings, the outer lab in the outer ring of their ranch and an inner lab a few steps from their house where his grandfather carried out his most crucial experiments and where only the professor's most trusted aides were allowed.

Even the previous Gary was not allowed to enter the inner lab and even sister Daisy had to take permission to enter the building.

Gary finishes up his breakfast and accompanies his grandfather to the outer lab. As he approaches the building, he comes across lab assistants running around in their signature white coats collecting data from the pokemons, keeping tracks on their growth, giving them food among other things.

He approaches a Growlithe when suddenly a transparent screen appears in front of him. He stumbles back in shock and instantly the screen vanishes. He carefully takes a step forward and the screen reappears. He concentrates on the screen and sees:-


Pokemon:— Growlithe



Moves:—Tackle(N), Ember(N)

Hidden Ability:— None

Innate Talent:— None


The prospect of having such a cheat fills him up with delight. He tries to close the window by mentally commanding it and succeeds. The foreign terms of Innate Talent, and (N) within the brackets confuse him. Deciding to take a wait and see approach, he hurries after his grandfather who has already gained quite a distance.

The Professor after entering his personal research area, takes a seat and urges his grandson to seat facing him.

The aura of the amicable professor suddenly turns serious.

"First, I want to lay down some ground rules. Number 1, do not approach or interact with any pokemon in the Coral where the trainers under me keep their extra pokemon. Number 2, never disobey me within the lab. If I tell you to run, you will run without any questions. Number 3, whatever I tell you, stays between us Under no circumstances, should a third party be aware of the knowledge. Am.. I.. clear?"

The tensed Gary gulps down and quickly nodes his head in consent.

Instantaneously, the atmosphere reverts into the previous sunny condition as if the tensed situation was merely a hallucination of the kid.

"Then let's start. As you know, already pokemon are officially currently divided into 17 types, but recently researchs are going on a new type that is completely immune to dragon types.

When you will start your journey, till then the 18th type will have been officially declared.

Next, unofficially pokemons have an innate potential which is graded in the following way:— Iron < Bronze < Silver < Gold < Platinum < Diamond. Diamond potential has only been recorded from DNA of legendary pokemons and has not been observed in other pokemons. Each stage is divided into 3 sub stages Pseudo, Shallow, Deep. Fore example, a pokemon with pseudo silver potential has not crossed the barrier between bronze and silver.

Again I repeat that this information are highly confidential and are only known to the Gym Leaders, the Regional Professors and the League's top echelon. So, if I hear you blabbering this to anybody, the punishment will not be light."

As if to prove his point, the Professor tightened his jaws and glared at Gary. The latter instantly expressed his consent out of fear.

The former Champion continued—

"The pokemon moves are classified into categories according to the levels of their mastery, starting with Novice and continuing as Proficient, Advanced, Expert and Master.

The trainers themselves are also divided into ranks according to their strength and the gap between each rank is like a chasm. The ranks are Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite, Elite 4 Trainee, Elite 4, Champion and Legendary.

The ranks of the pokemons are same as that of the trainers. The pokemons are graded on the basis of their no. of moves and their mastery level. The details you will learn gradually. Any questions?"

"No, Gramps" came a quick reply.

" Good, now go and help lab assistant Richard in feeding the pokemons in the ranch. Remember every pokemon has its own emotion, so different pokemons require different approach."

Trying to assimilate the large amount of information he gained, Gary went out of the room slowly.

As soon as Gary had left and closed the door, a shadow of a pokemon came into the light from behind the Professor. It had a yellow-brown humanoid physique with two long mustaches, and held two spoon in his arms.

"What did you see?"

(His psychic fluctuations even in undeveloped condition is quite formidable, old friend.)

(By any chance, are you considering of taking him to them?)

"I am hopeful about him. My son, James did not possess psychic powers, so he was unable to fulfill their criteria. Everybody thinks that I settled in Pallet Town based on a whim of mine. How wrong they are. Any way what do you think... does he have any chances?"

After a long pause, a deep voice resounded again in the professor's mind.

(If he succeeds, he will gain a formidable ally. After all, they are the oldest of their race.)

"Hmm.... He still has five years to develop."

Two beings, one human and a floating pokemon stared towards the door in deep thought.







And cut.

A/N:— Please comment on how was the chapter.