Chapter = 17 ( It going to be deadly )

Truth whether it is good or bad, but one day it has to come forward but sometimes truth come out late but why is us that truth always come late or it lies that strong   

"Are you ready? " venom ask as he was eating his breakfast " yes " harry say while looking at his plate after that, they both get ready and get in the car " well, read this " venom handed harry a file which has sci logo " what is this " harry say while looking at the file in his hand as he started open the file venom say " this file have little bit information about this meeting, ...... there is a lot of things going on in sci " as venom says as he started driving the car " what do you mean by that " harry ask venom with the confusing face " well some information is hidden because if this information comes out it will be panic and we don't want that and," as venom was saying harry saw some familiar face in the file while turning  page, then he looks at venom who was looking at him with a worried face      

In harry's mind 

" What are these " max ask while looking at the computer " I don't know but by looking they researching " as harry was saying he was also taking photos of the screen and paper that were lying there and continue saying " some kind of device, and look like this thing is going to sale in two days" as harry was saying max also join who was busy lock path form they come, he stated looking wherefrom harry was reading then ask " what kind of device " as max ask then harry started looking more by using the mouse to move downward in laptop " Black box" as harry say max and harry started looking each other for a second then max says " what kind of name is this " as max was complaining both boys get an electric shock on there neck before blacking out harry message, someone, the pictures. as max stated openly his eyes he sees that his hand was a tie by the chair in which he was sitting as same with his leg then he hears a voice from the side " are you ok " it was harry he was also tie to chair " what happened " as max as , from behind hey heard load bang noice " a... you  both awake , good " as man say while sitting on sofa on his lift side of his face there was scare and man was wearing suit