Chapter = 18 (The past 4 ' it's going to be deadly )

" NO, please don't do this, they are small kids please "the women shout form the chair in which she was tidy to stop young harry from killing those children, as harry open his eyes he sees kids were sitting in a corner holding each other hand and crying after seeing this harry who was holding in his hand while pointing on kids, his hands started to shake but from behind a man came out and whisper in harry ear "now it your, choose either save sci and innocent people or save this family "as soon he did saying he started laughing like a mad person but from behind  women keep pleading to harry to not kill those kids but it was no use because at that time harry cannot hear what is happing around him all he see those kids and his gun, at that moment dankness wrap the whole room and we could only hear bang noise echo through the darkness            

" Harry wake up ........ harry wake up ........ wake up... wake up " venom try to wake up harry who was fallen asleep, as harry started to open his eyes he sees they already at sci main office parking lot which s only by important people then he asks " why are you parking here, you use to park in a common parking lot "as he asks he look at venom who was sitting in the diver seat " it was not your fault, it was just price that we have to save over company " as venom was saying he looks in harry eye and say again " is already 5 year, and I want you to forget that tat day and stop trying to take any revenge because " as venom going say more harry say with angry tone  " because what ", " because this is government matter and they want ever thing underground that I want you to forget what happened 5 years ago " , " you want e to forget what happened " as harry was say he started giggling and say with sad and angry tone " you know what happened that and how , and still you ask me to forget we both to save you company i have to kill innocent family and you say to forget it because of that thing " as harry was saying he start cry " even if i try to forget it some how come back and torcher me ever night at this point that i don't know who i a and still ask me to forget , tell me were was this government people when we need them " as harry say he look at his hand say " i kill those kide and that .... women " as he say he look at venom " i did not have any choice " as harry say venom hug him and stared patting his back then harry ash venom again " please tell  me how to forget " , " it ok child ever thing is going to be alright , let this game begain "