An Important Oath

~Sorry for not updating yesterday, our electricity got cut off because we don't have enough money to pay for them, I only posted this with the help of my friend, we still don't have electricity as of this moment. Thank you for understanding, and sorry for the inconvenience 😭~

~I don't know if we'll have enough to pay for our bills but I'll still write offline so that when it comes back, I can return to updating normally~

Renaldo looked into his people's eyes, like he was peering into their souls. He was proud of them, of what they have achieved so far, of course he gave them a big lift by giving them education courtesy of his teacher maestro bentong and the help of some filipino friars who are secretly supporting his cause. Sometimes, he is also giving mass lectures when he is free, and they are advance lessons in various fields but he mostly focuses on war strategies and a bit in the field of medicine to help them survive perilous situations when they are deployed in various missions throughout the country. Although not everyone is here because there are some orphans who are already of age and ready to be considered adults and they are employed in his father's and grandfather's services to gain some first-hand experience. They are performing really well at climbing the ranks within the mercenary system and are thriving but if Renaldo ever calls them, they won't hesitate right away.

Renaldo strayed away from his original purpose because of his own monologues but he snapped out of it at the moment, remembering that he needs to address something quite important for him, he needs to see the future leader of the revolution, he needs to see his hero, his idol, the one that led the filipinos to revolt against their oppressors, although he never won a battle, but that is not an issue as Renaldo knows that people like Bonidacio are charismatic leaders, he didn't have the chance to learn about strategies and often let his emotions get the best of him, one of the cause of his losses and in the future, his own demise.

Renaldo thought about what would happen in the future and felt saddened by the fact that a man like Bonifacio is going to be betrayed by his own people, those people whom he trusted his back to. But Renaldo has other plans for this guy, in this timeline he won't be betrayed by his people, Renaldo has decided that Bonifacio will become his ace warrior, not a general but a warrior, he will make him the strongest frontier of the Philippines, the bulwark of the country, but he can only achieve that with proper technology and some military training, he won't let this chance pass so Renaldo started the cogs of his plans to mobilize them into motion. Renaldo then stopped thinking about other things and decided to start some drills.

"Fall In!"

The orphans then formed a formation at the position of attention. Bonifacio was left behind a bit as he wasn't familiar with Renaldo's commands. He almost fell down but Elizear was aware enough of it and caught him before he completely made a ruse.


The orphans stood upright with an assertive posture, ready to execute orders in a moment's notice, except for a certain person beside Elizear who is clearly unfamiliar with military commands.

"Count Off!"

The orphans turned their heads to the right, and counted one over their right shoulders, once the number was called they then turned their heads back to the front as to signify that they're done with rheir counts, this went on until it was Bonifacio's turn luckily, he copied what the others did and counted off, this gave elizear and him a breather as they're still not discovered yet.

After the orphans are done with their count off though, Renaldo ordered them once again.

"Present, Arms!"

The orphans then executed and hand salute and held it.

Seeing what they're doing, Bonifacio tried to copy them but failed miserably, instead of forming a salute, he formed a kind of facepalm which was a stark contrast to what the orphans are doing, this gave Renaldo the opportunity to "notice" this odd "orphan" in the ranks of his people, he pretended to scrutinize him and acted surprised and angry, he then saluted ordered;

"Order, Arms!"

All of the orphans saluted back at him.


The orphans then dropped their postures and engaged in light chatter, but still stood on the spot without moving as their formation is still not adjourned.

Renaldo walked through the formation and went to Bonifacio's location, looking at him weirdly to imply that he doesn't know this newcomer.

Renaldo approached Bonifacio and said;

"Who are you?"

"I'm sorry young master, but I am not a member of your people" Bonifacio replied awkwardly

"Then why are you here? You even have the audacity to replicate their actions?! You could have just told me in the beginning! You could have saved yourself this embarassment? You know?!" Renaldo said, acting as if he's angry at Bonifacio

Seeing that the young master is going ham on his friend, Elizear said;

"Permission to speak Master!"


"He was sent here to train with us as part of the deal with your father!" Elizear said, as monotone as ever.

"That doesn't mean that he can make a mockery out of my people don't you think?! Beside, why am I not informed by this arrangement? What if he's a spy?! Won't we be decimated because of this carelessness?!" Renaldo said, still acting like an angry master. Deep inside though, he's laughing as he knows that his animals will inform him immediately if there's a spy among the group.

He turned around towards his people and sternly said;

"Everyone of you knew about this and noone bothered to inform me?! Does all of you want to die right now?!

The orphans shivered in fear as the word death carries a different meaning in this place, it means punishment and it's even worse than death.

Renaldo, seeing that his people are a bit scared of the implications softened his gaze and turned around to look menacingly at this newcomer.

"You currently have two choices right now, it's either I kill you on the spot as to protect my group or you join my group permanently and I'll give you everything that you want to know. I'll treat you well ans fairly, you can still live a normal life, and get a life outside when your training and services are not needed. There's a catch though, this is a lifetime servitude to me, don't worry though, I will give you financial support that is higher than what a normal guardia civil earns, it will also increase and decrease based on your merits and demerits on our ranks I will also give your family, your siblings if you have one (Oh I know you have siblings kekeke) a good education so that they can have a great future, I can even give them jobs when they're done with their studies if they wish to. Your parents are also given proper financial assistance to let them live their lives in peace til their deaths or til you leave me (you won't leave me for I will use my OP buff on you! 😈) These are all offered to everyone around here, your conditions are a bit better though because you're not an orphan, most kids here doesn't have any family outside so they can't have your privilege, but they can also earn financial income that are on the same grounds as you do." Said Renaldo, he is trying to seduce this future hero in his ranks, he will groom him to become someone better than he is destined to be.

These conditions are really good, especially for a person like Bonifacio who was born in a poor family, this was more than he could ever want for his life, even for his family! Albeit it is like giving his life though in exchange for servitude but even adults have difficulties resisting these offers, much less a child with more impulsiveness.

These conditions are very tempting for Bonifacio to the point that he is leaning on accepting the terms, there are no downsides, except for probably eternal servitude but doesn't that work better for him? He'll have a permanent job and he doesn't have to worry about earning for his family! That's a big factor for people like him who grew up in poverty so he didn't hesitate anymore and accepted Renaldo's offer.

"I accept young master, I am willing to be someone under you, and if you're willing to, I can be your sharpest sword against those who wish to harm you"

Seeing this, Renaldo immediately activated his buff as to seal this oath into permanency, he now have a future hero under his wing! Renaldo was ecstatic at this fact! For a measly amount of money, he got a future hero who will lead his soldiers! Bonifacio may not have won any battles in his past life but in this life, Renaldo will make sure that he will be one of his generals that will shake the known world!