~We still don't have electricity but we temporarily stayed in my cousin's house so I can update today ❤️~
Seeing that things went his way, Renaldo arranged the necessary papers and documents to approve Bonifacio's information and include him to the training program, he will train him according to the orphan's trainings and teach him the necessary strategies and mantras to groom him into becoming a great general under his wings, Renaldo also concluded that although he will train Bonifacio to become one of his finest people, he will then train him into something more, he'll make him a sleeper agent, so that Bonifacio will forget about anything that happened in this camp, this will allow Bonifacio to subsequently still establish the Katipunan, despite the deviations that happened on this day. This will minimize the butterfly effect that Renaldo will generate, he doesn't want to change history this early as it means his advantages as a man from the future will be for naught, history must remain on it's course for now, but in the future, he will emerge not as the butterfly that will ravage the world, but the dragon who will make this world tremble beneath him, he will achieve something great, and he will never settle for anything less or mediocre.
The only things that he probably needs to worry about now are oil and the arrival of those two engineers that will help proceed his plagiarized inventions into motion, Renaldo is still thinking about which project will help him more, tanks are great and all, very great offense that can tear through enemies like butter but they're too big and bulky and are very expensive in terms of resources. Power armor on the other hand is significantly smaller than a tank but is also has lesser offensive power as it doesn't have any built-in weapons like the tank, but it consumes less resources and is very cost-efficient as electricity is what makes it run in the first place, it also consumes less resources compared to the tank. Cons of this weapon though is that it was invented at a much later date than the tanks, so he'll need to protect this technology on the battlefield as to not let his enemies get their hand on them, which will be risky and scary at the same time.
Renaldo thought about everything and has decided that he will stick to tanks for the time being because it is not a technology that he will regret if the enemies gets their hands on it. Power Armor is great and all but he still doesn't have enough power to prevent the onslaught of the big powers if they want to get that piece of technology from him. This is the reason why he is still holding back his technological advantage for the time being, to minimize his losses if the big powers steals his weapons, atleast he'd still have some counters for good measures plus, the big powers themselves will develop these technology a few years from not so it isn't really that big of a loss.
With these thoughts, Renaldo went home to spend some time with his family and also focus on individual prowess, he came from a timeline where humans have developed a technique to improve themselves to achieve peak human strength, and as the highest general of the army, he had the privilege to see and practice the best technique that the Philippines could get their hands on, this is the reason why power armor was a thing in the future, it serves as the gap closer between ordinary soldiers and soldiers that have superhuman strength. Humans are greedy creatures, the rich people certainly doesn't want those normal people to get their hands on such techniques as it may backfire on them, so the techniques are just available among the rich, they abused their power as expected though.
Renaldo trained for the rest of the day and slept soundly for the whole night...
~ A few months later ~
Renaldo is busy trying to learn german, he is preparing to meet the two engineers that will be the key to his future plans, they are going to be the cogs of his war machine, and they will do it excellently.
*Knock knock* A maid knocked at Renaldo's study room and said;
"Young Master, you have two foreign guests, they are with me" said the maid
Renaldo was ecstatic about this! This wasn't really normal guests perse, it was just that those two german engineers are now here!
"Let them in"
Two gentlemen then went inside his study and sat in front of his desk, they were Karl Benz and Nicolaus Otto, two pioneers of the internal combustion engine, the pioneers of car making and probably one of the best people at their jobs.
Seeing the two people, Renaldo can't help but smile, they were the keys to his plans, the most crucial inventors aside from those people that are going to invent planes, he plans go abduct those people but having these two for now is enough for him as aviation is still in its infantile stages at this time, cars on the other hand are jumpstarted by these two.
Renaldo told the maid to get his translator, because although he knows a bit of the german language, it is still better to have a translator for good measures.
The translator then went in and helped his young master communicate with these two, the conversations went smoothly and Renaldo showed them the blueprints of an armored car, they were fascinated by his work and willingly worked under him, he then gave them the blueprints of the car and told them a lot about how to make vehicles, he also gave them documents to push them into the direction of making tanks, the tanks will come a bit later as he told them to first focus on making the armored car using the technology that they have invented, he told them to integrate it to the blueprints of the car and if possible, improve upon the internal combustion engine as to make it durable and fit to be included in armored vehicles, his words inspired the two and they excitedly went to Renaldo's Navotas factory to start their works.
Now that everything is done, Renaldo just needs to wait and carefully integrate his army and increase their numbers, he'll also probably need to make some uniforms for his people but that is easily solvable.
The time for revolution is nigh...