The Calm Before The Storm

In a study that is filled with books and maps, inspired by 21st century office room, an 18 year old man is currently tapping his table with a ル forming in his forehead, the man is seen contemplating, with changing expressions as if being enlightened and then at the same time showing looks of hesitation.

Conflicted with various emotions due to what he has seen the night before and also partially due to the death of his grandfather, a person who helped him throughout his ordeals, Renaldo's mind is currently in turmoil, like a raging whirlpool in the middle of the ocean, he felt like an arm of his was cut off due to the death of his grandfather who acted as his right-hand man for 10 years, his grandfather was a cold person but he still cared for Renaldo's well-being and also became one of Renaldo's most loyal people yet Renaldo couldn't even give him what he wants the most. He died without reaping what he sowed, he died peacefully, but Renaldo thinks that his old man has a lot of bottled up regrets, this piled up to Renaldo's conscience, including last night's events that led to this dilemma.

Seeing a family raped and murdered in cold blood in front of him, Renaldo questioned his own beliefs, his own agendas and his own self. As to why is he still waiting despite his absolute advantage against the Spaniards, he doesn't know if he is truly just waiting for the right time or is he just afraid of messing things up? Is he afraid of war because of his past experiences or is he afraid of losing his own people? These things popped out of Renaldo's mind one by one as if to torture him.

"What am I waiting for? What is it I truly want? Do I lack a Cassus Belli or am I just afraid of the consequences? Am I really up for leading these people when I already failed them when I refused to take up arms for a few years just because of my petty fear of giving a new stage for other warlords popping up from other places? Is that really the reason why I'm not liberating my people or is it really just me being afraid of the unknown?"

As Renaldo is monologuing by himself, the overseer in the endless void sees that his candidate is currently caught in a rock and a hard place, so he has decided to push Renaldo by speaking to him telepathically.

"Mortal, what are you thinking about?" said the overseer in an unsettling voice, like the sound of nails scratching a blackboard meshed up with words that are congruent but is really disturbing to hear.

This startled Renaldo out of his stupor as he thought;

"What the fuck?! am I hearing things now?!"

"Watch your language mortal, I just used that voice to give you a jolt and break your tiring train of thoughts. It is I, the overseer and I've come here because of you, you are slowly breaking up like a sand castle faced with a storm in it's front. Why are you even thinking about such things? I've given you powers to counteract your fears! You have every tool to not just liberate your country but to also conquer the world! Why are you being a wuss?! I chose you because of your love for your country and also because of your intelligence yet you exhibit none of those two factors right now! You're being such a dumbass! You're afraid of warlord popping out if nowhere? Get an animal with deadly poison to deal with him! You're afraid of the unknown? Plan ahead! You're making things too complicated! Don't be afraid of causing a butterfly effect because the moment you've been born in this timeline, the butterfly has already flapped it's wings! There will be a lot of unknown things to happen and chickening out at this point is going to bite you back in the ass! So start propping yourself up or else I will deem you incompetent and snap you out of your existence and choose a new candidate!" The overseer said in anger mixed with disappointment over his candidate's current dilemma.

Renaldo on the other hand, was quite speechless over the overseer's words, he can't reply anything as the overseer is correct on a lot of things, especially about his fear of causing a large butterfly effect, because this is Renaldo's biggest fear right now, the other factors are just him fooling himself, trying to escape his fears and just let time flow by itself. For 18 years, Renaldo has been postponing a lot of things just because of this thing, which caused the suffering of a lot of filipino people. His indecisiveness denied the masses of freedom, and if he keeps on delaying and taking a blind eye over the suffering his people have experienced, he might not have the courage to face his countrymen in the future.

Thus, Renaldo snapped out of his dilemma, immediately saying;

"Thank you overseer, for bringing me back, I became a hypocrite myself these past few years, I became one of the things I strived to destroy, I lost my path but you led me back to where I should be, I will never forget your wisdom, I promise this will never happen again!" Renaldo was pumped.

"Hesitation often leads to mishaps mortal, be one with your goals and be headstrong in your ordeals for this is just a small step towards your destiny." the overseer said, and then stopped the telepathic connection with Renaldo, he has helped enough, he gave him a second life a powers that will help him in his goals, and even gave him emotional support at this moment, this is the extent of his help as anymore will be no different with him doing things by himself.

With Renewed vigour, Renaldo has snapped out of his stupor and wrote two letters to Nicanor and Bonifacio to make them come back to the country as soon as possible but also as discreet as possible.

After writing these letters, he also gave orders to his gunsmiths and engineers to double up on their developments of the MG42s, bazookas and the lee-enfields to match the needs of a bigger army. He also ordered the naval engineers and aviation engineers to advance the development of the prototype dreadnought and to add more battleships and frigates and improve upon the prototype aviation units to prepare them for what will happen after the war.

Renaldo also wrote a letter to both benz and otto to activate the protocol for war and make more greyhounds for the current war and advance the development of the Tiger I to prepare for future battles that might come if other countries have decided to invade them before the first world war even begun.

With these letters, Renaldo now needs to fan the flames of Revolution without the influences of the novels that Rizal has wrote or the establishment of the Katipunan, as he is now planning on a completely new plan that doesn't include any of those. His plans might change a lot of the future events for his country or even the whole world, but he must bear the consequences because the filipino people has already suffered 300 years of this bullshit, whatever comes at him will never eclipse that.