Chapter 2 System

Infront of a mirror is a 3year old boy with crimson hair, green eyes, pale white skin standing and checking his body.

Alex : 'I fcking crossed into pokemon world and I'm in sinnoh. My name is still Alex stark, well atleast the boy have a cute appearance and it seems I'm from a traditional psychic family and super rich second generation'. (๑¯∀¯๑)

After sorting his memories and washing up he sat on the bed remembering the system.

Alex : System!!

[Ding.. Yes host]

Alex got super excited after listening to the mechanical voice, he really has the system and he started asking what it can do.

"System what are your functions and is there any novice gift pack for me" Alex said.

[Ding... No host, I'm just an A.I helping the host with analysing and some small functions like showing pokemon abilities and scanning the pokemon and items etc.,]

Alex : .....("_")

The boy suddenly felt like cold water splashing on his head. Isn't this shit system he wrote about in the book just before he fell asleep. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"well atleast I got something, I would have wrote about a better system if I knew damn it"

"System what else is there good about you" Alex asked.

[Host can speak in his mind with the system don't need to shout and that's it for the time being]

Tina : "Alex come for the breakfast".

Alex : "Yes mom".

After he went down and arrived at dinning hall he saw lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces. The red haired young woman who he saw when he wake up is his mother, his father is busy with business in kalos region and the there are two old people a man and a woman at the dinning table along with a little girl with blonde hair. They are his grand parents and his cousin. The little girl is two months younger than him and ran here everyday to eat breakfast prepared by mother.

"How is your body alex" David stark asked his grandon kindly. And his grandma also looked at him worried.

"I feel much better now" I replied with a cute smile. And asked the system in mind to check his body, according to his memories yesterday he didn't awaken psychic power but unlocked dome strange power and then went pale and passed out.

[Ding...scanning the host body.... Scan complete, host awaken 'aura' power because the body is small and can't withstand the power the host passed out]

As soon as he heard the system he became exited although psychic is rare and powerful, aura power is not much weaker. Then he asked system how to train aura power.

[Data not found... System don't know how to train in aura power and host's body already overloaded you need to train your body to adapt to your new power]

When he was immersed in the system his grandfather called him back.

"Alex your strange power is similar to your grandmother's lucario, and you also woke up it when you are playing with it yesterday. I will search in alliance history to check more information about it don't worry for now" David said.

"Ok grandfather" Alex replied.

After eating breakfast he went back to his room and set up a task to the system how to train his body without getting any intenal injuries as he is still child. After that he start studying about all kinds of pokemon knowledge from the books in the house.

His family is a traditional psychic family from ancient times like Cynthia's family and they live in same town 'Twin leaf town'. So they had lot of books and records about pokemon. With the help of system he started absorbing everything and he even got the system record all the data in the personal computer of his grandfather. It has top breeding methods of how to train pokemon and there food recipes especially psychic on pokemon.

After a month of sorting the huge data, Alex started training his body lightly according to the system.

Now Alex is thinking about what to do in the future, he has a cheat system excellent family to help in his growth.

After thinking about it he decided to become a pokemon trainer and champion of sinnoh. Yes Alex decided to beat cynthia so that he could get his dream girlfriend.

Cynthia is a dream girlfriend for lot of pokemon fans not just Alex. After the month of living in thus world Alex learned cynthia is 3 years older than him so he need to work hard. He has lot of knowledge about of future pokemon world which he let system store it incase he forgot.