Chapter 3 After 4 years

In the forest a boy who looked like around 10 years old is fighting with a lucario, well not fighting just exchanging while the lucario is teaching him the moves.

A little far away a old woman watching with a smile said " alright stop for today Alex, let's go your grandfather must be back already".

Yes the boy is alex he is 7 years old now, but because of systematic training and aura power he looks 10 years old. And he is happy about it because he is a little taller than cynthia who is 3 years older than him. As they live in same town they often meet, cynthia got her first pokemon spiritomb 2 years ago and her trump card pokemon gible a month ago and started traveling.

As they were famous families in sinnoh and cynthia is a genuis since she a child, they receive preferential treatment from alliance. Generally they only gets pokemon at 10 years old but this world is not all that shown in anime and there is lot of dark side. Everything is controlled by big families and organizations and alliance.

As tomorrow is his birthday Alex asked his parents for his first pokemon, which they happily agreed but Alex asked for a shiny pichu...

Soon they came back to there house and took a shower and went for dinner.

His dad with black hair and strong muscles sitting with his grandfather and grandmother while his mother is waiting for him.

As soon as he came down sat with his mother his father asked with an annoyed tone " Alex why do you want a pichu it's evolved form raichu is not that strong avd you wanted a shiny pokemon which is so rare".

Seeing him complaining Tina scolded her husband saying "what is there so much nonsense it's not like you are the one searching for him".

Seeing his dad got a earful alex started smirking (๑¯∀¯๑).

While his grandfather stopped there quarrel and said to his son Daniel " I will go with alex to kanto, i heard there is a Pikachu forest there we might get one".

Daniel who got scolded by his wife stopped complaining and said " Ok then I will book tickets to kanto tomorrow evening".

Alex is very happy although he doesn't know if there is a shiny pichu there, He is sure that is the biggest Pikachu gathering place.

Seeing him so happy his mom smiled and said " well alex listen to your grandfather and behave well when you are in kanto and don't worry if you don't find one we can get other shiny pokemon for you"

Alex showed his genuis talent (cheat system) since he was 3 years old so Tina is proud of her son even though he asked for a extremely rare shiny pokemon like a candy she still tried to fulfill his request.

Seeing his mother being mysterious Alex got curious and asked " Mom did find other shiny pokemon, which pokemon tell me (✪ω✪)".

Alex started selling his cute face as soon as he heard shiny pokemon.

(Author : Cheap MC)

(Alex : Idiot author it's a shiny pokemon, you don't know how rare it is)

(Author : I don't, but I can just write one for you if you want. 1 less shiny pokemon for you for calling God author idiot (๑¯∀¯๑). )

Alex : (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Tina didn't buy his cute face and started giggle " No you I will tell you when you come back from the kanto trip, now go hurry up and sleep after you are done eating"

From the other side his father started smirking as he heard the conversation.

After eating dinner Alex went to his room and started talking to his useless system.

'System how is the new vitamin tablets research coming along' Alex said in his mind. He give this task to system two months ago after he got some vitamins that could permanently enhance the pokemon stats after eating.

But they are only used couple of times as they will get half the result the second time and so on.

[ Host I decipher the materials and items needed for vitamins but still needed data about other items that can enhance the new vitamins]

' it's to be expected our family don't have much information about these items' Alex thought.

After thinking about it he put aside it for now and went to bed.