Chapter 4 Kanto

Next day Alex and his grandfather landed in kanto viridian city. It one of the popular city after saffron city because it is the base of team rocket and Giovanni is viridian gym leader. And currently viridian gym is the 2nd strongest gym. Not many people knows about Giovanni even in top echelons of the alliance.

As they arrived at a luxurious hotel they were welcomed by a young lady at reception with smile" welcome to our hotel".

David smiled back and said " we need a 2 luxury rooms for the stay"

After that they were taken to their rooms, after having shower Alex and his grandfather went out again in the evening while asked "Grandfather where are we going this late".

"To the black market and see if we are lucky to come across a pokemon you like, and there will be auctions too" David replied in low voice.

"But grandfather isn't it illegal to sell pokemon" even though Alex knew about the dark side in this world he still asked.

David smiled at his grandson and started explaining "There is always dark side exists in alliance and many great families have colludes with organizations like team rockets for money and alliance closes one eye and open one eye for this kinda thing that's why there is a pokemon hunters association even though hunting pokemon is illegal, because many great families have makes profit with them in every region ".

As they spoke they entered black market after searching everywhere they didn't find anything worth buying and they walked back to the auction site.

But Alex found something as they were about to leave, he took his grandfather and went to the old man selling some books, TMs, and some stones unidentified.

"How much is the book" Alex asked the old man.

seeing the clothes of Alex the old man thought he got a fat sheep and started smiling wretched " Kid you have a good eyesight it is Pikachu breed method. It is super rate to get full breed method of a pokemon so I will sell it for 500 thousand pokedollors."

Just as he finished speaking he was stared by David who was behind Alex and the stall owner felt like being stared by an Arbok in the forest.

" Alex why do you want to buy this old book we already have breeding methods on how to raise electric type pokemon including Pikachu. This book doesn't even have a thing about Raichu after Pikachu evolves." David said to his grandson after which he stared coldly back at the stall owner again.

" Grandpa I just want to buy it for reference and improve if there is anything useful in thus book" Alex replied.

His parents already bought two Pikachu breeding methods in auction before and they have lot of electric type breeding methods already in home as his grandmother is a top rank breeder.

But they only have Pikachu and raichu breeding not much about pichu as they are hard to find as they evolve quickly after born and pichu is just small pokemon with 200 Stat points nobody cares about it much. But this book have lot of details about pichu not much about Pikachu.

"Well as you wish" David smiled at hjs grandson and said to stall owner "70k pokedollors".

After that both grandfather and grandson left the stall owner soaked in sweat.

In the biggest auction house in viridian city, vip room #6 Alex and his grandfather are sitting and waiting for the auction to begin.

Soon a woman in red dress came to the stage and started the auction.

" Our first item on the list today is very rare pokemon from hoenn region, let's see what it is"

Soon few people bought a small pokemon with Grey colour and few holes on his body and on head with blue eyes is shown in the cage.

" Yes it is aron which is pre-evolution of aggron known as steel beast".

Alex was surprised they opened they auction with aron. It is very rare and it's final form aggron is with terribly '180 defense stats'. And overall stats are same as 3 starter pokemon of every region.

The host continued as she introduced aron " it is elite aptitude pokemon which is born a month ago let's start bidding the starting price is 2 million."

"2.1 million"

"2.5 million"

"3 million"

As the auction continued alex used his system to observe the little aron.

Pokémon : Aron (♂️)

Qualification : purple

Level : 7

Attributes : Steel, Rock

Characteristic Trait : Sturdy

Items holding : none

Ability : Head smash (Innate), Harden, Tackle,

Metal claw.

Alex noticed it is not much special as it is just purple aptitude pokemon. His grandfather trump card pokemon Metagross is a orange aptitude and rest of the first echelon is yellow aptitude pokemon.

Many people only knew about yellow aptitude pokemon as it is called champion pokemon because it has 5% chance to breakthrough peak elite and become quasi champion and later it takes around 5 years to become champion.

But great families and top figures in this world know there is a perfect aptitude (Orange) Pokémon above champion aptitude (yellow) Pokémon.

Mostly 80% of pokemon is Normal aptitude (white) Pokémon in this world, then intermediate aptitude(Green), Advanced aptitude (Azure), Top Grade aptitude (Blue), Elite aptitude (Purple), Champion aptitude (Yellow), Perfect aptitude (Orange).

"10 million once.... 10 million twice.....

10 million sold.....".

Finally the elite aptitude Aron was sold for 10million.