Chapter 5 Auction

The auction continued as Alex grandfather bought few items related to psychic pokemon. The final item on the list is a pokemon egg of dragonite.

"The final item is our kanto region quasi- God pokemon dragonite egg and it is tested and confirmed it's a champion aptitude pokemon. Let's start the bidding, starting price is 100 million".

Alex scaned the egg and saw it is indeed champion aptitude pokemon.

Pokémon : Dratini (♀️)

Qualification : Yellow

Level : 0

Attribute : Dragon

Characteristic Trait : Shed skin

Items hold : none

Ability : Dragon breath(innate), Dragon pulse

(Innate), Extreme speed(innate), Leer, wrap

'Damn' Alex was excited as soon as he saw extreme speed ability and immediately said to his grandfather to bid for it "Grandfather why don't we buy it, although it it is not perfect aptitude it will definitely become champion pokemon easily since it is quasi-god pokemon".

David got curious as how his grandson suddenly got interested in a pokemon egg. Although it is quasi-god pokemon it is still a champion grade but not perfect grade pokemon, so they can buy a couple of pokemon like this if needed. But still he started bidding since Alex asked for it as he only likes shiny pokemon mostly.

"500 million".

As soon as David raised the price from 200 to 500 million it calm down for a while. But after 10 seconds the crazy bidding started again.

"550 million"

"600 million"

"620 million"

"650 million"

"700 million"

"750 million"

David suddenly raised the price to 1 billion again

"1 billion"

The host started counting as no one bid again

" 1 billion once.... 1 billion twice....."

As I was happy to get the dragonite with extreme speed suddenly a tender voice came from vip room #3. It is a young girl's voice.

"1.5 billion"

Alex got extremely annoyed after hearing the voice. And he bid this time instead of his grandfather.

"1.6 billion".

The little in the other vip room noticed the boy's voice seems to be same age as his and started smirking and raised the price.

"2 billion"

Alex got pissed this time as he noticed the smirking after the bid of the girl. Do he started raising the praise.

"2.1 billion"

David is sweating he was about to stop when his grandson bid last time as it isn't worth it, since it only takes 1 billion for a champion aptitude Dratini.

"2.5 billion"

The little girl raised the price again hoping to stop bidding next time to let the boy next room pay for it, but the voice didn't continue. As she was confused the host voice woke her up and she realized that the boy set her up.

"2.5 billion once... 2.5 billion twice... 2.5 billion sold"

The little girl was back to the earth and puffed her cheeks fuming. Beside the little a young man around 12 years old and a old man are secretly laughing making the girl even more angry.

The little stopped being angry and started smiling at then and said " you are the one paying grandpa".

The old man realized he is the one paying 2.5 billion for a champion aptitude pokemon.

After the auction is over everyone leaving and Alex get to see who is the one in the next room, it is a 10 year old girl, 12 years old boy and a old man. As soon as he saw the boy he suddenly remember who he is it's lance the future elite 4 of kanto and then became johto champion later.

Beside him is little girl with blue eyes, light blue hair and pale skin with cute face glaring at him. Alex guessed she must be Claire lance cousin.

My grandfather and Claire's grandfather started laughing as soon as they meet and hug each other.

Later they introduced us to each other than left,but Claire got even more pissed when she heard I'm 7 years old and played her. (๑¯∀¯๑)

After the auction we went back to hotel for the night and slept.

Early morning one old one young went into the viridian forest. Viridian forest is one of the biggest pokemon inhabitants in the world it ranges from all over kanto and even some parts connect to future johto region.

With grandfather's champion pokemon alex went into deep forest unhindered. He scans any pokemon that comes in his sight and realized the outer forest only hase normal aptitude Pokémon, few intermediate pokemon and only two advanced pokemon. It is a ursaring and a teddiursa, probably the overlord of the outer area, but it is only level 43.

At 10 am they reached Pikachu clan live. Alex started scanning the little pichu as he doesn't need a grown up Pikachu. But he only found all intermediate aptitudes, few advanced, top grade aptitude ones.

David to got disappointed as the best around here is only top grade aptitude but soon they saw a secret passage from the trees and bushes from Alex and David went inside after putting all the Pikachu and pichus to sleep with grandfather's Gardevior.

As soon as they entered they saw a lot of pichu and Pikachu, although only 1/10th compared to outside but there are all advanced and top grade pokemon. There are 4 elite grade Pikachu and 7 elite grade pichu guarding them as soon as they saw us.

"pika pika!!!!!!"

They soon started shouting at us if it weren't for the Gardevior beside us.

Alex didn't want to attack these Pikachu as he turned to the Gardevior snd said " Gardevior tell them I came hear to select my 1st pokemon and will only take one pichu after it agreed, and we don't need to fight".

"Gardevior ~~~"

After Pikachu learned I came to take a pichu they got even more pissed and about to attack. Suddenly a Pikachu with flowers on both ears and leaves around it's waist walked from the center making all the enraged Pikachu calmdown.

Alex scaned this Pikachu as soon as it showed put and was shocked and his grandfather beside him also got serious.

Pokémon : Pikachu (♀️)

Qualification : yellow

Level : 80

Attribute : Electric

Characteristic Trait : static, Lightning rod(Hidden)

Item hold : Electric beads

Ability : (innate)

Charm, disarming voice, charge, flail


Growl, tail whip, thunder shock, thunder

wave, double team, spark, agility, slam,

Thunderbolt, discharge, thunder, reflect


Rising voltage, electric terrain, voltswitch,

Electro web, wild charge.