Chapter 6 Unwanted pichu egg

After seeing those electric beads in item option alex understand why a wild Pikachu become a quasi-champion even though it is champion aptitude. Because even a well trained champion aptitude Raichu can't breakthrough quasi-champion without external help much less wild Pikachu.

The little Pikachu has been observing Alex since it appeared just like Alex is looking at it. After watching for a while it went back inside bushes and returned with an egg, as soon as the other Pikachu saw that egg they turned their heads to the side with disgust.

But Alex who scanned the egg become ecstatic, because he finally saw what he is looking for since 3 months.

Pokémon : Shiny Pichu(♀️)

Qualification : yellow

Level : 0

Attribute : Electric

Characteristic Trait : static, Lightning rod(Hidden)

Items hold : none

Ability : (innate)

Charm, Disarming voice, Charge, Electric

Terrain, Rising voltage

David also noticed the weird way of the Pikachu around and saw that the egg is little different from the normal Pikachu eggs along with white and yellow colours there are some purple spots on it. So he communicated with Gardevior with his psychic and asked his pokemon to know about the egg from Pikachu.

"Gardevior ~~~"

"Pika pika pi!! ~"

"Gardevior ~~~"

"Pi Pikachuuuu ~~~"

After hearing from his Gardevior David understand what the Pikachu is saying and told to Alex who is keep watching between the egg and the little Pikachu " Alex these Pikachu don't like the unborn pichu from the egg even though it's from they leader, because unlike other Pichu eggs it has those purple spots and they think it is different from them and doesn't belong here".

Alex was not suprised because it is a shiny pokemon and they will be exiled once they are born from the clan, but he saw tears in the Pikachu mother and knew she still loved the unborn child.

"Grandpa it is probably the shiny pichu and since it is their leader offspring it definitely is most talented I will make my first pokemon." Alex said

David thought about it and makes sense since it's the offspring of a quasi-champion Pikachu it can definitely become a main echelon pokemon for his grandson" Ok as you wish but we will go to professor oak by the way an check the egg if there is a problem, i know him very well he will help us".

Alex was happy immediately when he heard that because he can get alot of data to his A.I as long as he touch professor oak's main computer.

"Pikachu I will treat your child very well and make him the most powerful Pikachu in history, please don't worry" Alex said to the Pikachu with a grin.

"Pika pika!!!"

It knew even if it is the leader once his child born it will be exiled because it is different, so she is happy someone else is going to take care of his child. Then she gave the egg to Alex along with a round bead. Alex who knew what it was immediately became happy and took it and said he will treat Pikachu well and then left with his grandfather.

After they left Pikachu clan they walked out if viridian forest in the evening and came back to the hotel.

Alex was so happy as everything went so good that he even got a electric bead of a elite Pikachu after it died. And he kept holding the pichu egg as it is most valuable treasure in the world. Later he called back his mom and told everything that happened today making her suprise that he really got a shiny pichu.

"Alex after you come home I will give the suprise I told you about" Tina said with a grin. She thought it is really not common to get a shiny pokemon so she kept searching for one and found a rare and powerful shiny pokemon but unexpectedly Alex still got the shiny pichu.

Alex has been curious since he left sinnoh about his mother's suprise, first he thought it must be a shiny pokemon from his mother's tune but denied the possibility as it isn't a Chinese cabbage he already got one with difficulty. Although he knows alot of shiny pokemon in the series but it is in the future when ash travels it is around 10-15 years later so he is not sure about that.

"Well then I will see after coming back mom bye" Alex said and cut off the phone.

After the call he went outside taking his grandfather's Gardevior pokeball, he started checking the viridian city and buying some souvenirs for his Mom, grandma and his cousin.

When he was about to return to hotel he saw a little girl around his age was thrown outside of the Pokemon salon and he went to check what happened, after the man threw the little girl out started beating her with a stick but the little girl wasn't crying just looked down with despair.

Alex kicked out the man with his leg and helped the girl stand up, the man with bruised nose got up and was about to raise his stick to beat Alex when he saw a powerful Gardevior standing beside the kid.

"Gardevior ~~"

He was lifted up with the confusion move and throw on the road side. Alex lifted the girl and helped her get rid of the dust and then looked at her face which looked familiar but can't remember.

Later he took her to the hotel and get her some food and asked her to eat but the girl still looks down and didn't answer until he shouted at her.

The little girl started crying, Alex didn't stop her after she she cried enough she said "Thank you"

"Well now let's introduce I'm Alex stark from Sinnoh, what's your name and why were you get beaten" Alex started asking the little girl

" My name is Suzie he is my uncle, my parents died 6 months ago after that my uncle took our beauty salon and made me work" the little girl started crying again.

Alex suddenly understand why the girl looks familiar she is pokemon breeder with vulpix in the future who encounter ash and the rest. After knowing what happened Alex suddenly got the idea of bringing Suzie to sinnoh with him so that a talented breeder will be in his bag.

"Do you want me to help you get your salon back and get your uncle punished" Alex asked her as he can do it easily with his background.

Suzie thought about it shook her head.

"Then do you want to go back to your uncle" Alex asked and got nervous as he doesn't want to let her go. She will be made to chores everyday and he will miss a talented breeder too.

Suzie doesn't know what to do and looked down not knowing what to say.

Alex saw this and immediately said " Since gou don't want to go back, how about coming with me to sinnoh. You must have learned about breeding from your parents, my grandmother is a top rank breeder you can learn from her."

Suzie was surprised and happy she love breeding and spending time with pokemon and was about to agree but stopped and asked" Why do you want to help me, we dint know each other ".

Alex smiled and said" I want to become a powerful pokemon trainer and I need a talented breeder to travel with me when I start my traveling, since you know about breeding if you study under my grandma you can become excellent breeder ".

Suzie thought about it and agreed as she promised her mother she will become a good breeder.