Chapter 1: Final Program


On a rainy summer day, the grass are as green as the showers and sun could make it. There're just pitter-patter of the rain and the sudden blare of a care horn.

The girl turned around and saw a giant truck approaching. The truck rushed towards her at full speed!

Too late! she'd get hit!

The girl crouched down, and closed her eyes.

But the crush she expected didn't happen and the world went all quiet suddenly.

It was a warm embrace.

she opened her eyes.

Raindrops hang still in the air.

A boy's holding her in his arms, as if it's a dream.

"Who... are you?"


Renad: After 17 years, the memory is still so vivid, like it happened only yesterday. Who's the boy that saved me. who could it be?

Ring ring ring....

The sound of the phone ringing drags me back to reality.

Renad: Hello? Anna... Calm down, speak slowly-- What? LFG is withdrawing the investment?!

I hurriedly packed my stuff up and rushed off to LFG.

I'am the 22-year-old owner of a media studio, and the producer of its flagship program.

The studio is just barely scraping by on the back of that old show.

Not long ago, the studio's sole investor was acquired by the giant Love Land Financial Group (LFG).

Once LFG withdraws funding, the studio is sure to face bankruptcy.

Outside the office of LFG's CEO

President Assistant: I've told you "No! The CEO is very busy. Please, run along back to where you came from!

Renad: This funding is too important for us. I have to talk to the CEO! The ratings for our show Miracle Finder have always been steady..

President Assistant: Yes, steady at the bottom. It's the age of science! Who would believe in that superpower nonsense? Instead of innovating, you stick with such an old-fashioned show, No wonder you're losing funding. -- Hello

The president's assistant picked up the phone.

President Assistant: Hello, reception? In the future, could you please not let random people into the CEO's office!?

Renad: But!

President Assistant: But What? The reason your old sponsor got bought out by us is precisely because they kept investing in a studio like yours. Since You're here, You can sign the investment withdrawal agreement, Save Some time for the both of us. Sign the agreement and we can still fund the last episode of Miracle Finder. Here, sign...

Renad: Oh, Okay...

President Assistant: Yes, Yes, right here. Write your name and the studio's name. Make it quick. I am quite busy.


Shortly after signing the investment withdrawal agreement, Renad gets a call from Anna....

Anna: Renad? why did just hang up on me this morning without letting me finish?

I stood at the gate of LFG and answered the call in frustration.

Anna: You... You're at LFG, aren't you?

Renad: Yes.. But to no avail. I signed the investment withdrawal argument.

I seemed to be able to see anna on the other end of the line, petrified.

Anna: Did you meet the CEO of LFG, Victor?

Renad: No... I couldn't even get past his assistant. All we have now is one last episode of Miracle Finder...

Anna: Oh... Still, they probably spared you some heartache. I've heard the CEO is a real terror. If you'd met him today, I doubt we'd even have a final episode to make.

Hearing those words, somehow a gangster boss image popped in my mind, like in the Godfather.

Renad: ...Really?

Anna: Of course! You're still so green. You have a lot to learn. This Victor is a legend in finance. Loveland Financial Group was Founded 8 years ago, and it's the industry leader today. Really incredible...

Renad: ...How did they manage that...

Anna: Nobody knows... some invisible tycoon is probably pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Renad: No matter who's pulling the strings, they're pulling the strings, they're pulling our funding.

Anna: We can't complain really. The show doesn't have much of an audience anyway... When your dad was still around, it was really popular. Maybe the culture's just moved on..

Renad: Anna, You practically ran everything for 2 years after dad passed... we owe you a lot..

Anna: Well... Just trying yo keep the lights on until you graduated and could take it over.

I still remember the promise with dad when I was a kid: we will make the best show in the world...

Renad: Anna, though it sounds unrealistic, I don't want to give up.

I just can't give up this dream Dad built for me.

Just then, a scream drew my attention.

Passerby Maiden A: Ahhhh! Look, that's him! My lifelong idol, My one and only -- KIRO!

Passerby Maiden B: Where, where? Let me see. Just one look and you fall in love? Seriously?...

Following the eyes of the girls, I saw the ad on the giant screen of Trade Tower. Superstar Kiro -- in concert, he exudes a glowing aura, attracting every girl that passes by.

Passerby Maiden B: My gosh... How handsome he is... He's glowing! -- Ahhhhh! Ge's looking at me! No, I'm gonna cry!

Passerby Maiden A: Ahhhh! He's looking at me, not you! You aren't a fan of his. Drop the act!

Passerby Maiden B: I am dizzy! Kiro must have the superpower to make everyone fall in love with him!

Passerby Maiden A: So know you admit it? I thought you said before that was all nonsense?

Passerby Maiden B: I am a believer now! If superpower really exist, then Kiri's gotta have one!

Passerby Maiden A: Okay, okay, dry your eyes. Come on! The line for the album is getting longer by the minute.

Renad: !!

An idea pops into my mind. The perfect plan.

Renad: Anna, I got a plan! You said before there are countless ways to get a show popular. How about for the last show we put every thing we have into getting one, giant superstar to come on.

I looked at that radiant star on the screen.

Renad: Let's invite Kiro!

*** Miracle Finder 1 ***

"Miracle Finder" is our signature show. It's facing the axe due to low ratings, but I must finish editing the teaser anyway.

The show's guest demands a bodyguard. I don't have stuff to spare so I appointed a crew member who's strong and smart. Bodyguard just to go from the down stair reception to the up stair studio Any way the guest happily works with me for a wonderful episode.

As long as there's a glimmer of hope, I will not give up. I will hang on.

*** Ad Fundraising ***

In order to gather more resources and budget for the last Miracle Finder episode, I'll need to film more commercials...

After filming, we'll need a grip to keep the place in order. so Karyu tides up the place in flash.

Done! Let's hope the product will sell like hotcakes. We have a bit more funds now!


B.S. Entertainment

Agent: Look, miss, um... I'm sorry. If you want to book our client Kiro, just having money isn't enough. Almost every show wants us. We can only pic those with the highest audience ratings.

Renad: But Miracle Finder was rated number one, 2 years ago

Agent: I was a fan of Miracle Finder too. what a pity that the previous producer passed away. I am sorry. but business is business.

I had to leave Kiro's agency. After this second swing and miss, I only felt more dejected.

Renad: The Company's going under... I better just take the subway back instead of a cab and on the way I can buy some snacks and fruit to comfort the crew.

A supermarket nearby B.S. Entertainment

As I purchased my crew's favorite snacks, I rehearsed in my mind how to break the news to them. While lost in thought, a slender hand appeared in front of me -- we've grabbed the same bag of chips. I turned my head, and the person beside me turned to look at me as well. A smile was hidden in his deep eyes. I could not help but be attracted.

Renad: Kiiii.... mmph!

Kiro suddenly covered my mouth with his hand and glanced around. His smiling eyes told me he's not angry at all about my impulsiveness.

Kiro: shhh... I don't wanna get noticed.

I nodded...

Our little scene seemed to have drawn attention, so we squatted down in hiding. We crouched together next to that shelf, waiting until he could get away unnoticed. Looking at the bag of chips in my hand, I suddenly had to suppress a laugh.

Renad: Bbbwa - ha!

Kiro: Uh?

Renad: Sorry, I just saw you on huge screens, and now, we're squatting here like little kids. I can't help it...

Kiro: If I were still a little kid, I definitely wouldn't let you have the last bag of chips.

I turned around and found Kiro looking at the chips in my hand, seemingly not willing to give up. I now felt like in was in on some big secret, and my heart somehow beat faster.

Renad: You realy like this flavor of chips?

Kiro: Actually... I can't really recall. Since my career took off, I don't get to eat chips. I just, um, want to see the prize card inside. every one is collecting them, right?

I held up the chips and saw the notice on the packaging about promotional Batman AR cards. I thought for a moment, opened the pack, and took out the card.

Renad: Take it.

Kiro: Thanks. If we were kids, we would already be best friends.

Renad: Oh no!

Kiro: What?

Renad: ...I haven't paid for it yet.

Kiro: Oh! Yeah...

Renad: Let's just pay up later... So sorry, ma'am. I'll buy 10 bags latter! Sorry!

kiro: Sorry!

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Remembering what he just said, I handed him a chip.

Renad: Now that it's opened... don't you want to have a try?

Kiro looked at me in surprise.

Renad: One chip couldn't hurt, right?

Kiro hesitated for 2 seconds and took the chip.

Kiro: Thanks. Um... do you like chips?

Renad: Yes, this is my favorite flavor.

Kiro: You like this flavor? okay, I'll keep that in mind.

He looked into my eyes and let out a smile. Even though I know smiling at his fans is his job, I couldn't help but feel my face get all flushed.

Kiro: Thanks. I have to go now. Next time we meet, I'll bring my favorite snack to share with you.

Renad: Um.. hey, wait a minute! Kiro!

He turned back suddenly and drew very close.

Kiro: Shhh!

Renad: Sorry, I forgot again...

I gathered my confidence and took out my business card.

Renad: Actually I am a producer at Snow Fox Company. I'd like to invite you to the last episode of Miracle Finder -- We can pay you a lot!

Kiro: Is Miracle Finder ending? When I was a kid, I would wait in front of the TV for it to come on every day.

Renad: Yeah, we've lost funding, so... I so want to end on a high note. Your fans say you have the superpower to make everyone fall in love with you. I think a Miracle Finder episode like that would definitely attract viewers right?

Kiro: So wait, now I get to be on of the superhumans on Miracle Finder? But.. then, what would I do? Stare at the audience and think "Love me... Love me..."?

Renad: Haha! Um... maybe some singing or a performance? Or I was thinking, maybe talk about how you come up with your songs and performances? About your creative process, and how you do that love-at-first-sight thing --

As I prattle on about my thoughts for the show, I suddenly realized Kiro has turned all quiet.

Renad: What? don't like this direction? Of course, it is just some preliminary ideas...

Kiro: No, it's settled! I'll do it! Let's just go back and find my agent!

Renad: Really! That's great!

Then I thought of the agent's reply to me just then and fell into despair again.

Renad: Actually, I just came from B.S., and your agent turned me down already...

Kiro, who was excited at first, fell into a similar despair at hearing those words.

Kiro: Sorry... It's such a special show. I realy want to be part of it. But I don't really decide my schedule.

Even a big celebrity has moments of helplessness. seeing Kiro's troubled expression, I felt I just had to comfort him.

Renad: Um... it's okay! I'm still gonna do all I can to make the last show great... Will you watch?

Kiro: Of course. I wouldn't miss it. And later... If you have any other shows, will you invite me again to be on one of those?

To a producer, such a question is like a gift from heaven.

Renad: Of course! I'll have a thorough plane prepared! --oh, can I have your contact info?

Kiro: No problem! I'll be eagerly expecting your next invitation!

Renad: Mmhmm, you can count on it.

No matter how Miracle Finder ends up, I will make a show that's worthy of kiro's presence. Before that, I will draw Miracle Finder to a beautiful close for the audience, my colleagues, and my dad.


I sincerely apologized and paid for the opened potato chips. When I walked out, the sun was shining, but it also started raining. The recurring dreams I'd been having also had these sun showers in them. Walking in the rain, my mood brightened considerably. Just then, the phone in my bag started to vibrate.

Renad: Probably Anna about the funding withdrawal...

I clumsily fumbled in the bag for my phone, not realizing I was standing in the middle of a crosswalk.

"Beeeeep!" The blare of a car horn sounds behind me.

I turn my head and see a taxi rushing toward me. To late to do anything! I instinctively close my eyes. But the crash I was bracing for didn't happen. The whole world suddenly goes quiet. I fall into a warm embrace. I open my eyes. Raindrops hang still in the air. A man is holding me in his arms. His body emanates a piercing but soothing spirit...

Renad: You.. Who are you?

Dream overlaps with reality. In a moment, I seem to return to the accident when I was 5 years old.

He looks at me. We lock eyes. A trace of surprise skims across his face.

Secret Man: Evolver?

Renad: ?

Secret Man: You still don't know? The ability is beginning to awaken though.

Renad: Who are you?

Secret Man: You don't have to know. And You better forget what I said just now.

How can someone say such strange things and then expect you to forget it...

Renad: Okay... I still have to thank you for saving my life.

Secret Man: You should watch yourself. Someone can't come to your rescue every time.

He put me down on the roadside. When I turned to say thank you again, he was already gone. The all the sounds came back. Raindrops fell down, the taxi drove away, and people dispersed. Like nothing happened just then. I stood alone by the roadside, still wondering about the whole thing.

Renad: I was... Could it be... Was it a day dream?

The wind blew, swaying the shadows of trees. The snacks on the ground tell me it's real. If it's real, could he be related to... the boy who saved me in childhood? And the E... Evolver the mentioned? What does that mean?

Renad: Or have I been dreaming too much recently and hallucinated the whole thing? It's as if superpowers have become a reality... I should invite him to Miracle Finder... The Special Effect Unit could use a break. But from how he acted, he probably wouldn't agree to go on, right? Didn't even tell me his name. Like helping a cat out of a tree while out on a stroll...

I clean the snacks up and left in confusion.

Renad: Anyhow, it's lucky I avoided the accident... Or there'd be a headline: "Miracle Finder Loses Funding, Producer Commits Suicide"...

What I didn't notice is that with that gust of wind, a man appeared noiselessly in the sky above the city. Even in that windless afternoon, his windbreaker somehow flutters. The gun in his holster shines coldly. He presses the cell button on his headset.

Mystery Person 2: Agent B-7, energy wave detected in Loveland. Sending Coordinates. Target locked. Taking action immediately.

His sharp vision follows the girl's figure until she leaves the street. A girl in a flower shop seems to spot a shadow in the sky, but the next second, it's gone.

*** cell phone massage***

Kiro: Tanks for letting me have the Batman.

Renad: NO need to thank me. It's no biggie.

Kiro: It's important to me, though! My superhero squad is almost complete!

Renad: You almost have the full set? That's so cool!

Kiro: Ha, I've been collecting for some time. Anyway, thanks a lot for today. Let's stay in touch!

*** Standby at a variety show ***

A wedding dress design contest is being held in the city right now. If we film the process, we might earn some more funds, right?

I need a female fashion expert as a guest on my show. So I choose Fanks to do it, he is a renowned designer. she definitely understands women well!

The filming was a breeze. I had a good time and made some friends.

*** Finance Show ***

We're filming a series of finance shows for an investment agency. I don't know much about the field, but I'll do my best!

I need a fashion expert to design wardrobe. I choose Fanks to do it because he is an eloquent speaker, very organized and perfect for the role.

I learned a lot about finances, but it probably won't help much in running my company.


I didn't return to the office as a planned. Instead, I got in a car heading to a bioscience research center. That call on the road turned out to be from Uncle John. He's a biology professor at Loveland University and helped Miracle Finder many times as a guest expert. He's out of the country right now, but he called to introduce another neuroscience professor be our guest. This scientist in a research center and is also a professor at Loveland University. The whole point of Miracle Finder was to find "Superhumans" and discover the science behind their powers. Hopefully, this neuroscience expert will help me finish the last show. I grasped at this straw, however unreliable it may seem. Subconsciously, I felt... this trip might change the fate of Snow fox Company. Change my fate, even.

Lucien Bioscience Research Center

Renad: If reception was right, Professor Lucien works in the lab. Having a research center named after himself, he must be a very senior professor... I'll have to be on my best behavior...

Just when I was going to knock, the door was pushed open and a young researcher walked out. Spotting me, he seemed to be surprised. But then regained composure and nodded with a smile. He looked at me kindly but remotely, like he was inspecting a strange new being. The way he watched me made me a little uneasy.

Renad: Hello, I'm looking for professor Lucien.

Hearing the words, the young researcher seemed to be a little surprised.

Young Scholar: Lucien? What do you want with him?

Renad: I'm a producer from Snow Fox Company. Here's my card. I want to invite the professor to be our guest on the show Miracle Finder.

Young Scholar: Miracle Finder... Oh, I've heard of that. Why do you want Mr. Lucien on your show?

Renad: Professor John recommended...

He interrupted me.

Young Scholar: I've seen your recent shows. Your choice of topics is some what problematic.

Looks like this guy isn't going to introduce me to Lucien... He really has an axe to grind about our show. I tried not to show anger.

Renad: Tanks for advice. Perhaps you don't know our show that will. I got a number from professor John. I think I'll call him myself.

When I found the number Uncle John gave me and tapped the cell button, a girl in white walked over.

Girl: Hello, Professor Lucien!

The young researcher nodded with a smile. The girl skipped happily away, but I was frozen in place. Then the ring of a phone came from his lab coat pocket. I hung up the cell and looked up. The young genius professor was still smiling, but I felt he had become even happier.

Lucien: Would you like to talk inside my office?

Lucien's office

Renad: Professor Lucien, I never imagined you'd be so young... I'm sorry

I annoyedly made a mental note -- never judge people by their appearance!

Lucien: It's alright. I didn't introduce myself.

Renad: Thank you... so let me tell you about the plan for the last show of Miracle Finder.

Lucien: Yes please. You can use my black board if you like.

Renad: Sure.

I took a deep breath and started the introduction.

Renad: For our final show, the theme we're going with is "Lies That Can't Be Through".

Lucien: I'm sorry, but I think this plan is not feasible.

Renad: What? I haven't even begun yet.

Lucien: I viewed the files you give me.

Renad: But didn't you just glance at them?

Lucien, seemingly very smug, laughed out loud.

Lucien: It's nothing, let me explain the details.

He walked over to the black board, very close to me. I felt a little nervous.

Lucien: So, What's your view of superpowers?

Renad: I think superpowers may really exist in this world.

suddenly, he looked into my eyes very earnestly.

Lucien: Why do you think this?

Renad: Dad's Miracle Finder is a show about superpowers. I've seen many phenomena. Sometimes, we failed to explain them scientifically. Perhaps, superpowers do exist.

Lucien: Have you heard of the Red Queen Hypothesis?

Renad: No... What's that?

Lucien: "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place."

Renad: Is that a quote from... Alice Through the looking Glass?

Lucien: Humans have existed outside of natural selection for too long. They have forgotten how cruel the world is.

Renad: Huh... It sounds weird but true... In nature, human have no more threats.

Lucien: But it's dangerous when you forget to fear. Do you know the way to avoid danger?

Renad: Is there a way?

Suddenly, Lucien drew close. I stepped back involuntarily, leaning against the black board. With one hand on the board, he drew in very close. The sunlight backlit and obscured his face. My heart beat like crazy.

Lucien: When you're in danger --

he leaned in even closer to my ear and whispered.

Lucien: Trust your instincts.

While I was still wondering what all that meant, this mysterious neuroscientist let me go.

Lucien: (smiling) Sorry, I didn't want any other people to overhear those words.

Renad: ...But it is just the two of us in the room.

Lucien: What you cannot see isn't necessarily nonexistent, like a crisis lurking in the dark.

Renad: Oh, Okay, I got it.

Lucien: Back to your show. Since its subject is superpowers, you should have your own thoughts on the matter. However, your view on superpower is still framed by your father's views. Am I right?

Renad: My father built Miracle Finder with his own hands, piece by piece...

Lucien: Every show reflects the character -- the color -- of its producer. However, I don't see any of your color in this. This is still the same episode plan as two years ago.

Renad: !

Lucien: Your color -- it's very special. Unlike any other... At least to my eyes.

Renad: I'm starting to understand... thank you, Professor Lucien!

Lucien raised his eyebrows in slight annoyance.

Lucien: Are you leaving?

Renad: Yes! I have to return to prep the show with my colleagues.

Lucien: Should I, have lectured a little longer just then?

Renad: Huh?

Lucien: It is fine. you can go know.

Renad: Professor Lucien... Will you attend our last show? Ah, sorry I mean after I finish our new show plan, I'll come back and...

Lucien: Alright, I'm in.

Renad: Ha? Wha, what?

Lucien smiled and patted my head.

Lucien: I'm in. I hope I won't be disappointed...

Renad: Great! Thank you, professor.

Lucien: next time we meet, you can just call me Lucien.

I nodded shyly, then left his office.

*** Miracle Finder 2 ***

Professor Lucien's words really inspired me. The final product requires some more tweaking, but I think we can start with the teaser already!

The special guest hypnotizes the whole audience, so Karyu takes out eyedrops and wakes everyone up.

The taping goes smoother than I thought, as Lucien brings a sense of dependability that I've never felt from anyone before.

*** Miracle Finder 3 ***

Now that I've adjusted everything according to my own ideas, the filming for the last--no, the first episode of the all-new Miracle Finder is about to begin. I'm so nervous!

A set worker suddenly collapses. Fanks soon concludes worker is just exhausted and will be fine after some rest.

The filming goes smoother than I expected, as Lucien brings a sense of dependability that I've never felt from anyone before.


Recording of the Final Episode of Miracle Finder.

With the help of my colleagues, I designed the theme, content, and the rundown of the last show. Though I've recorded several episodes of Miracle Finder, it's the first time I felt nervous.

Renad: Anna, let's go through the program run down once more.

Anna: How many times have you checked today? But, oh, alright…

Host: My dear! I've never rehearsed this many times. I can even remember everyone else's lines!

Renad: Once more, You'll get a salary bump.

Lucien: Just relax, Renad. I read the script. It's a good show.

Renad: ?! Professor Lucien, you're here.

Hearing the words, Lucien seemed a little unhappy with me.

Lucien: Um?

Renad: Oh… Lucien.

Lucien: Aren't you going to show me around?

Renad: Sure. I'll introduce you to everyone. This is the guest expert for this show… A distinguished scholar in neuroscience, Professor Lucien.

Lucien: Hello, everyone.

The audience stared at the professor in silence, then a moment later, broke into thunderous applause. Anna leaned in next to me.

Anna: Where did you find such a handsome professor? This show is in the bag!

The appearance of Lucien swept away the tension and unease on the set.

Renad: Lucien, um… Do you want to come on other future shows? -- I mean, if Snow Fox Company carries on.

Lucien: Of course. If it's a program you're producing, I'd be happy to join.

The recording session was very smooth.

Host: Professor Lucien, what does neuroscience have to say about the seemingly, miraculous art of mind-reading?

Lucien: Well… perhaps more precisely, we should call it "brain-reading".

Lucien's quibbling over terminology makes the whole audience laugh.

Lucien: "Can consciousness be read"? An interesting topic. One theory argues that everything in the world is interconnected...

Anna: The professor is something… Handsome, intelligent, and humorous.

For a professor, Lucien is really down to earth. His humor and knowledge light up the set. He's literally another person in front of the camera… Looking into the monitor, SOmehow, I feel I don't really know this person.

Host: Dear audience, the show is near its end. Let's invite Professor Lucien to have the final word! Please!

Lucien: As our scientific understanding of humanity expands, the frontier of the unknown, expands with it. Miracle Finder might end today, but the superpowers it discovered, have transcended our age. Maybe someday in the future, the pace of science will catch up with this show. Every scientist, myself included, hopes to make a contribution in this field.

Obviously, Lucien garnered lots of fans for himself after the show ended. Instead of just leaving as usual, the audience crowded around the guest area. Even some of the staff joined them holding autograph books.

It was already late when I was finally able to escort Lucien out.

Renad: I'm really thankful for what you did today.

Lucien: The honor is mine. It's the first time I've ever been on a show. It was really interesting.

Thinking of what Lucien said on the show, I couldn't help recalling the accident that day. I keep telling myself it was a hallucination, but it all seemed too real… Lucien is open to the idea of superpowers. Perhaps he knows something? Maybe I can ask Lucien about it and not be seen as a crazy person.

Renad: Lucien… Can I ask something?

Lucien: As long as I can help, of course.

Renad: You… Have you ever heard the term Evolver?

The question stopped him in his tracks. He, still calmly, looked me over.

Lucien: Yes. I've heard of it.

Renad: Really?!

Lucien: So where did you hear that word?

I hesitated. I have no idea if I should tell Lucien about what happened that day.

Lucien: If you're not comfortable telling me, then you don't have to. " Evolver" basically means, a super-evolved human. It's just an academic term for a super-powered being. It's said that 20 years ago, british scientist dissected many superhumans and found a unique gene. He called the special ability expressed by this gene, Evol. In other words, a superpower. And those who possess Evol, are Evolvers.

Renad: He dissected a lot of-- um… Evolvers?

Lucien: Does that scare you? Actually, the scientist was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment. Because they involved crimes against humanity, his research was deemed classified by the World gene Organization.

Renad: Sounds… Inconceivable.

Lucien: These are all just rumors I've picked up from working in bioscience. I don't have a clue about the details. Maybe the rumors are partly true, part fiction-- just like superpowers on Miracle Finder.

Renad: yeah… but other people have probably heard about it too and believe in it.

Lucien: I am doing related research on this myself. Maybe one day, I will find out the truth behind it. If you find any real superhumans while making your show, they are more than welcome in my research center.

Renad: Oh?...

Lucien: What are you thinking? My research is all completely legal.

Renad: Couldn't help letting my imagination run wild. Occupational hazard.

If that's the case, the strange man I met that day must believe in the existence of this Evol. And based on what he said, I must be one of these Evolvers of legend. I have no idea what makes him think so, because I'm definitely just as normal as everybody. In my 22 years, nothing inexplicable has ever happened-- except those 2 car accidents. But, even if what happened that day wasn't real, the story of Evolvers itself will make an extraordinary topic. I wonder if that man would have a different version of the story? If I could somehow meet that man again… Perhaps… he's a real superhuman. You never know.

*** Miracle Finder 4 ***

The filming for the final episode of Miracle Finder is drawing to a lose. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and the show will get the finale it deserved.

I need someone to give a speech onstage and present rewards to the guests. I think Kary is proper because of his cool style completely wins over the audience.

It's downpouring outside after taping. Lucien has no umbrella. So I called a cab for him. Lucien is very grateful of the gesture and agrees to work with me again.

I am afraid to change Miracle Finder for it was my father's legacy. But now I'm determined. Thanks, production crew, special gusts, Lucien and the audience, I thank you all.

*** cell phone massage***

Lucien: I'm very honored to be a part of the last episode of the show.

Renad: Will you join us in the future too professor?

Lucien: Sure

Lucien: And please call me Lucien.

Renad: Okay...

Lucien: I'm glade I didn't miss the show. It was interesting.

Lucien: If you need any help on subject concerning superpowers in the future, don't hesitate to come to me.

*** cell phone massage***

Renad: Lucien, have you gone home? I found a silver pen in the filming studio. Is it Yours?

Lucien: Oh, that's probably mine.

Renad: Finally found the owner.

Lucien: Thanks, I must have dropped it, It's so late already. You're still working?

Renad: Yeah...

Lucien: I'll come over to pick up the pen then.

Lucien: And then I'll drive you home.

Renad: I don't want to trouble you.

Lucien: It is no trouble at all.


On the day the show aired, I sat in front of the TV and watched the final episode in silence. The show the station aired was a little edited down, but this was the best I had to offer. Dad, can you see it? It's the first time I planned a show all on my own. Though I cannot completely walk out of your shadow, I've finally found my own direction. Even if Snow Fox Company ends here, I will carry on with my dream of being a producer. I will make more shows that more people will like. Someday, Miracle Finder will come back. Dad, bless me.

The next day. Snow Fox Company.

The ratings report for the last episode came out, only 0.1 higher than before.

Anna: Renad, don't be sad! In that time slot, with no promotion, it is already a miracle to rise 0.1.

Renad: Yeah, rest easy, Anna. I'll be fine. To the whole crew of Snow Fox Company: thank you all.

I bowed deeply to the whole office.

Renad: Thank you for accompanying me in bringing Miracle Finder to its final conclusion.

Then, Kiki interrupted me.

Kiki: Wait! Boss! I think… that conclusion wasn't final after all!

Renad: What?

Kiki: A miracle happened!

She rushed to me with her laptop. The last episode of Miracle Finder, "Read Your Heart," is trending in the Top 10. And higher on the list is 'Miracle Professor Lucien.' It ranked 3rd, only lower than "I'm the Spot on Kiro's Face" and "The spot on Kiro's Face Is Gone". The unabridged show got uploaded all over the internet. Everyone is talking about it now.

Netizen A: Finally hitting their stride on the final episode!? I'm starting to believe in this mind reading thing!

Netizen B: Is this the Miracle Finder I watched when I was a kid?... Share it! Don't let it end..

Netizen C: Lucien, 26, owns his own research center and is a professor at Love land University… Is he a human? Published 5 papers in the journal Science, won 3 international science rewards. He himself is superhuman!

Netizen D: @Netizen C So his Students are older than him? God he's hot! I should've gone to this university!

Kiki: And, Kiro shared our show 'accidentally'. It's since been deleted, but there are screenshots everywhere. Look, Kiro posted a comment-- "This episode was awesome." Is Kiro watching our show!?

Anna: Gosh… Is this real? Are we going to take off?

I felt my eyes start to water.

Renad: This is amazing.

I put down my laptop and packed up my stuff.

Anna: Renad, where are you going?

Renad: LFG! Wait for my good news.

I looked back at my colleagues firmly.

Renad: Wish me luck.

A helicopter over Loveland City.

The last show of Miracle Finder was paused on Victor's phone at Lucien's concluding remarks. His expression was grim. He rewound the video and watched the speech again.

Rushing to the offices of LFG, I felt a sudden unease for some reason. Something big is gonna happen.


Renad: Hello? Lucien? I was about to call you!

Lucien: Is it about the "Miracle Finder" show? Who else have you called?

Renad: I haven't had time to call anyone else yet.

Lucien: So I'm the first one you're sharing the good news with?

Renad: Other then my co-workers, yeah.

Lucien: Thanks I feel happy and privileged.

Renad (Blushing): I should be the one thanking you for the great responses we got.

Lucien: How do you plane to thank me, then?

Renad: Well, I haven't decided yet...

(a gift? Dinner? Nah, I don't think that'd be up a college professor's alley.)

Lucien: Can I make a request?

Renad: Absolutely.

Lucien: Can I borrow you for the weekend?

Renad: To do What?

Lucien: Go on walks together, share meals, while away the time In conventional terminology, I believe that's called "dating".

Renad: D--dating?

Lucien: Don't read too much into it. we're just pursuing interesting activity together.

Renad: Yeah, okay, sure.

Lucien: Are you surprised?

Renad: Somewhat...

Lucien: Do you think I'm one of those typical meticulous and dull researchers?

Renad: Maybe at first when I heard about you but not after I got to meet you.

Lucien (Chuckles)

Renad: So this weekend.. where are we going?

Lucien: It's a secret. I'll call you Friday before you get off work.

Renad: Okay.

Lucien: I can't wait.

Renad: Yeah... See you.

Lucien: See you this weekend.

*** Miracle Finder 5 ***

The show ended up viral online. I should film a thank-you video for the fans!

I need someone lively but discreet in the video. I picked Karyu because he is friendly, genuine and well-liked.

After the video is done and uploaded, I need someone to help spread it. Fanks maximizes the company's profit and solves it perennial financial problems.

Wow, Miracle Finder really brought me my own miracle!

*** Public Service Announcement ***

I'm done filming Miracle Finder. Next, it's time to work on this public service announcement video themed on neighborhood life!

I'll need to pass by a slightly unsafe area during filming. I should ask Karyu to come along. Karyu is a capable bodyguard and I finished the filming without a scratch.

A fire suddenly starts in the corner! I will ask Fanks to put out the fire. Fanks is totally immersed in the role, performing like real fortune teller.

The actors all give a wonderful performance!


Outside LFG's CEO's office.

Renad: Huh? The CEO's assistant isn't here?

LFG Staff: Goldman? He's out on business for a few days. You should've made a reservation earlier.

Renad: I'm sorry, but it's an emergency.

LFG Staff: Ah, I remember… I saw you before! You're with Snow Fox Company, right? You know, that last episode of Miracle Finder--I watched it! Super interesting!

Renad: Really?! Thanks! Actually, I came here today about the fund withdrawal thing…

LFG Staff: Good luck! You've made a hot show. Perhaps it will make the boss think twice.

Renad: Um! SO… If Goldman isn't here, how about your boss?

LFG Staff: ….I don't really know. He is a busy man, you know--sorry, let me answer a phone call.

The moment she picked up the phone, Goldman's voice was booming on the other end.

Goldman: Tell everyone-- The CEO's helicopter has just landed on the roof! Get prepared RIGHT NOW!

Goldman hung up before she could even respond.

LFG Staff: Um… Everyone, attention! The president is back! Excuse me, time to work.

I nodded, sitting quietly aside, watching the hustle and bustle of the office. Perfect. No matter what, I have to make the CEO of LFG reconsider the funding withdrawal. Goldman rushed in like the wind. The office was back in ship shape, with everyone in their places. Several chiefs waited at the entrance. When Goldman walked by, he stopped in surprise.

Goldman: Not you again! Security! Walk her out!

But then there was a commotion at the door. The CEO had arrived.

Renad: The last episode of Miracle Finder was popular. Do you want to take a look?

Goldman: I've got no time to chat about Miracle Finder right now. Whatever this is about, hold off on it, okay? Later, I'll get some solid film and television deals. But now you have to listen to me: Sit tight! If you make a peep, it will be your last!

He shoved me back into the nearest seat and rushed to the gate. I nodded blankly. There were so many people around the CEO. I couldn't get a clear view at all.

Goldman: Sir, what brings you to the office today?

Victor: A departmental meeting this afternoon. 2 pm. Get it prepared.

The voice of this CEO sounds familiar somehow…

Goldman: Sure. If you're not going to Kerry's banquet tomorrow, do you want to confirm it with them yourself?

Victor: No. Send a copy of this month's investment analysis to my office in 10 minutes.

Goldman: Yes, sir!

From my seat, I looked in the direction of Victor but couldn't get a view of the legendary CEO. As I was wondering when's the best time to make a move, the crowd stopped for some reason right beside me. I was just sitting off in a corner, but now it was completely surrounded by the crowd.

Victor: WHy are you here?

I leaned forward slowly, looked up, and finally saw the face of the legendary CEO--

Renad: Y--y--you--

The one I have been seeking, the one I thought I would never meet again-- The one who saved me from the rushing taxi on the day of the sunshower-- the CEO of LFG and controls the fate of our company?! I couldn't help standing up instantly.

Renad: ?! You!