Chapter 2: The Meet-Cute Conspiracy

The light of sunset descends upon a deserted alley, beautiful and quiet. I walked alone there. I didn't know where the place was, or why I was there, and I failed to find an exit even after a long walk. The alley seemed endless. Somehow, I felt something strange as I turned back, a sharp dagger stabbing from behind! The blade reflected the golden light of the sunset! I was about to panic when a breeze blew the scene away. In the pure white dream, a ginkgo leaf slowly floated in and landed on my palm.


I woke up from a dream. A breeze rustles the curtain, letting in the morning sunshine. All is quite bright.

Renad: Phew… It was a dream.

I patted my chest, trying to calm down. But the strange feeling didn't go away completely.

Renad: Ever since that car accident happened, I haven't had that dream from my childhood… Have I been having too many dreams recently? These past few days, I've always felt a little uneasy…

But I mustn't dwell too much on strange dreams. After all , I have a studio to save… Thinking of the funding withdrawal made me think about what happened that day at LFG.

Two day ago. Loveland Financial Group. I couldn't help standing up instantly.

Renad: ?! You!

Goldman (In despair): Sir, this is the head of Snow Fox Company. She's here about the funding withdrawal.

I gathered myself, but there wasn't time to overthink it, so I just started explaining.

Renad: Actually. The last episode of Miracle Finder got a great response. I was hoping you might reconsider pulling funding…

Victor: Why should I do that?

Renad: Because… We did a fantastic job on that episode…

I don't know wh , but Victor seemed to chuckle a bit when he heard that.

Victor: Listen carefully: I won't save you a second time.

Then, Victor kept walking straight toward his office.

Renad: Wait! Please give me a second, I'll break down the last show's performance for you. And We'll make more great shows. Please reconsider the withdrawal!

To no avail. His steps didn't slow down for even a second. If I give up now, everything is over! Is there really nothing I can do? I took a deep breath and rushed forward through the crowd to Victor. No matter how anyone may scoff at me, if I give up now, there will be no chance at all!

Renad: Since LFG was founded, it has focused heavily on real estate, finance, and electronics. But there's been a strategic shift toward culture, notably the acquisition of Coordinate Entertainment. Now LFG has shown great caution in the film industry, and most importantly… TV is monopolized by state-owned companies. It's hard for private ones to get traction. Our studio is small, but we've had a long-term partnership with Loveland TV. Snow Fox Company has built this up over a decade! If it goes bankrupt, all that is gone forever! Loveland City is the heart of culture. Investing in us is by a far the best choice!

Slam! The door of the CEO's office slams shut right in my face. I stopped and panted, with my mind a total blank. How… Could this… Is that really it?

Goldman: Leave now, please.

Renad: No way… If I leave, the investment…

After all the shouting and running, my heart is still racing. I did everything, but it didn't do a bit of good. All of a sudden, all the grief washed over me.

Renad: You think you're so great…

I was so angry that I started to film "Evil Gread: the indictment of an Unscrupulous CEO" in my mind. At about halfway through the rough cut, the door to the CEO's office suddenly opened.

??: Goldman here, move up the meeting with the CEO of B.S. Why are you still here?

Renad: I'm still imagining myself eviscerating Victor in film…

Victor: …

No sooner had the words come out than I realized I had just said them right to Victor 's face.

Renad: Sorry! I didn't say anything!

I immediately propped open the door.

Renad: Give me 2 weeks, and I will give you a development plan that you would regret passing up.

Victor looked at me. He said nothing. I stared at him boldly. If I showed a bit of fear, he would walk away instantly. His lips curved into a smile, like he was savoring the final struggle of his prey.

Victor: one week.

Renad: Deal.

Yes! I finally get one week. The thought made me relax, and I subconsciously loosened my hold on the door.

Renad: Ah!!!

The door slammed my hand! ...Ouch, that hurt.. Holding back laughter, Victor opened the door.

Renad: Oww.. thanks. What… What's so funny?

Victor: To stay alive itself is the biggest challenge for you, right?

What is up with this guy?

Renad: You might be all high and mighty, but you shouldn't look down on others like this. We'll see!

With a swelling hand, I strode proudly out of LFG.


Renad: Ki, Kiro?

Kiro: It's me, Miss Chips!

Renad: What made you decide to call me?

Kiro: I got another AR card and you popped into my mind. I can finally assemble my superhero group! *Ahem* "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Renad: Batman?!!!

Kiro: Thanks for the ultra-rare card you give me, or God-knows-when I'd complete the collection!

Renad: You're good, Kiro... I really thought that was the real Batman talking to me.

Kiro: Really? (Laugh) I didn't think I was that good just now...

Renad: Yeah! Really, you were great!

Kiro: Actually I was calling you--aside from my excitement over the card--aside from my excitement over the card-- because I wanted to ask you something.

Renad: What is it?

Kiro: Which do you prefer, TV or movies?

Renad: ...TV?

Kiro (Muttering): In that case... (sound of shuffling paper) Then it's settled!

Renad: What's settled?

Kiro: I've decided to star a new TV drama after the idol show. It's called "Misty Mirror." How does that sound?

Renad: Sounds interesting. But are you really gonna choose based on what I like?

Kiro: Why not? If you like it, it should be a hit, right?

Renad: You sure?

Kiro: Even if you're the only one who likes it, I'd still put all I had into.

Renad: But what about your agent?

Kiro: Yeah, He already threw the ones he doesn't want me to see in the garbage.

Renad: Ah. Guess that's where "Miracle Finder" ended up too.

Kiro: Oh, right! There's actually one more reason why I called.

Renad: What's that?

Kiro: So I haven't been on "Miracle Finder" yet.. (Laugh) But I have a few open days on my schedule next month.

Renad: Really? Can I put you down for those days?

Kiro: I already put "Miracle Finder" on my agent's calendar!

Renad: Will he mind that?

Kiro: Shouldn't be a problem, and it'll be to late to change by the time notices!

Renad: Thank you...

Kiro: It's nothing. I have to repay you somehow for that ultra-rare! Not to mention it's a show I grew up watching.

Renad: Right know to me, you are my superhero.

Kiro: My agent's here, so the superhero's gotta go.

Renad: Bye!

Kiro: Bye! I'll call you later!

*** Business Commercial ***

Before I can come up with a great project to propel my company to fame, I must seize every little opportunity. Time to finish this ad for a drink company's new product. ginger ale!

The client wants feedback from random street taste test. Karyu is fun and asks insightful questions to attract a huge crowd so he should handle it.

The concept calls for a new packaging for the drink. Fanks should design it. The new package is a hit and spurs many sales.

The sponsor gives you enough complimentary ginger ales after the shoot to last a whole month.


Snow Fox Company

Renad: It's easy to bluff, but what on earth is a plan that will make Victor regret…

Facing the empty screen, I Feel desperate.

Renad: Does such a thing… even really exist…

I Let my body fall onto the desk, hopelessly.

Anna: Renad, our film maker's license has finally been issued!

Renad: Why did we apply to that…

Anna: You forgot? It was half a year ago! You were trying to contact some young directors to do short films!

Renad: Oh… One week… What can we do with that? We're not gonna make payroll next month… *sob*

Anna: And now, the other investors know all about the drama between us and LFG. Nobody will back us now.

I looked up at her face with a pathetic look on my face.

Renad: Anna… It's all my fault…

Anna: Okaya, okay. Go to the show meeting. Think about something else. It's not the end of the world!

Renad: Yeah… What show do we still have to make?

Anna: Ah! Sorry, dear. You probably don't have time for meetings. This morning, we received a special assignment, and they specifically wanted you to be the producer.

Renad: Now of all times? A new project? No kidding?

Anna: And it's a special report for the City News!

Renad: The City News? The flagship show of Loveland TV? They always do their own segments.

Anna: I don't know the details, but the call came from their Chief Director Yuan. You weren't in yet, so I accepted it for you.

Renad: A call from the Chief Director himself? What a valuable assignment.

Holding the file for the piece, I suddenly thought of something.

Renad: Oh! If we do this, then we might get assignments long-term for Loveland TV?

Anna: Hmm… Maybe?

Renad: Isn't this what I have been looking for?! A plan that will make Victor regret it!!

Anna: Will it really work?

Renad: No idea.. But we can have a try! Gosh, this couldn't have come at a better time. How great!

Anna: I hope it works! They asked that you start today. Here, this is your contact at the police station.

Anna handed over a memo. On the memo was written: Given, police officer, Loveland Police Department, tel: 18×××××××××

Renad: Given… The name sounds a little familiar… I don't know why but I suddenly feel a little scared…

Anna: Relax. He's a cop, not a criminal.

*** The Onion Index 1 ***

Before working on my City News segment, I decide to practice with some online news segments. After all, the extra experience might come in helpful!

I need a reporting to help me improve my investigate reporting skills. Spine is a reporter and teaches you how to interview people in a flash.

I trust Sersi to choose a voice recorder pen for me. She is very thorough and selects a versatile recorder pen for me.

It was just a practice, but I learned a lot!

*** cell phone massage ***

Victor: Don't forget, you have only one week.

Renad: Mister CEO, how did you get my number?

Victor: It's not hard to obtain.

Renad: I'll definitely use this week well!

Victor: I'm looking forward to the results.

Victor: You have my number too now. If you can't complete your end of the deal, feel free to beg.

*** The Online Index 2 ***

Editing news footage is a bit different from filming other types of shows. It's my chance to get some practice!

I collected a lot of material. An expert can advise me where to start. Fanks is a professional film editor, with lots of experience for the job.

I need help with editing footage. Perhaps I should talk to an an expert. Spine is a professional, knowledgeable, and a good teacher. Perfect for the job!

I've made a lot of preparations overnight. The interview will definitely go swimmingly!


1 p.m. Loveland Police Department.

Renad: Hi, officer, I'm a special correspondent for City News. I am looking for Officer Gavin.

Middle-aged Man: Gavin? Are you sure?

Renad: Yes… Officer Gavin. What's wrong?

Middle-aged Man: Listen sweetie, just for your own good… Did you maybe get on someone's bad side at work?

Renad: Ah?

Middle-aged Man: Your supervisor wants you to meet Gavin. Maybe he's trying to punish you!

Middle-aged Man officer looked around, then whispered at me.

Middle-aged Man: Last week this officer Gavin was suddenly transferred in. I thought he was gonna get his act together, but… He hasn't done any real work yet! The other day, I saw him talking to some local hood on the street, *Tsk, tsk* The chief doesn't dare give him any cases--

Renad: Re-- really? What's that all about?

Middle-aged Man: Word around the office is he's the son of one of the higher ups. (Looks around and whispers) Just think, if he's some big shot's boy… We should just stay away! So what I suggest to you is, go back to your office and dump this assignment on someone else!

??: Officer Landsman, just who were you saying is a "big shot's boy"?

The voice made officer Landsman jump.

Middle-aged Man: Hey! Officer Gavin… Nothing! She is just looking for you, and you weren't here.

I looked back. A tall guy wearing all denim was walking over. Even without the uniform, he still gives off a strong, uptight feeling. He fixed his eyes on me, making me feel a little afraid. He somewhat impishly raised the corners of his mouth in a smile.

Gavin: Renad, do you remember me?

He stood still before me, and I remembered a face was younger but also more untamed. And a crumpled, blood-soaked letter. Suddenly I wanted to flee. Seems all the uneasy feelings these past few days were pointing to this moment.

Renad: Given... from school?

Gavin. A notorious problem student back in my high school, More of a gangster than a student. There were a lot of rumors about him. Arrogant, callous. He even fought a PE teacher. In our school, nobody would dare to speak to him. I never took the rumors seriously, until one day I saw him corner a boy in the alley behind the school-- To this day, those cold, steely eyes still make me shudder. What's more, later there was that horrible letter…

Gavin: Anything wrong?

Renad: No, nothing, just never thought you would be a cop one day.

But from what the old cop said, he's not a straight-arrow officer either for sure…

Gavin: Surprised? You probably thought I would be in a jail rather than a police station, right?

He was smiling, but I felt only coldness enveloping me…

Renad: What are you talking about?! It's just such a coincidence meeting you.

Gavin: You think this is a coincidence?

Renad: ??

Gavin: Forget it. Why should we talk about that anyway? Let's go.

Renad: To where?

Gavin took a glance back.

Gavin: To investigate.

Renad: Oh, okay.

I can't say no, so I just follow along as best I can. Gavin is tall and he walks fast. I almost have to run to keep up.

Renad: G--Gavin! Where are we going? I still have no idea what this is about…

He turned back, giving me a folder.

Gavin: Once we're on the road, you can take a look at it.

I took the folder obediently, and then I found he had s;owed his pace considerably. Is he slowing down for me? I felt a little surprised.

Gavin: If you need to shoot other shows in the future, you can come to me.

Renad: Thank you, Gavin.

Gavin would be great on camera… but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to invite him on.

*** Planning Ahead 1 ***

Gavin and I go searching for inspiration for City News. While on the way, we also need to collect some materials for Kiki's promo clip!

Firs, I should find some one to interview pedestrians for their opinions. Karyu is passionate yet polite. The pedestrians are happy to be interviewed.

Given's motorcycle brakes down on the road. I need to find some one to fix it. Spine fixes the bike quickly so we are on time to do the interview.

Too many close call for one day! Good thing we uncovered many great leads.

*** Planning Ahead 2 ***

To film a good show, we'll need a good crew. It's time to contact my colleagues and get ready for the shoot!

The printer in the company building is out ink. I asked Sersi to help me. She checks the printer and solves the problem right away.

My colleague's car breaks down halfway. I need to find someone to fix it. Spine fixes the car impeccably and quickly. No time is wasted.

It's heart-warming to know that I've got such a great support system!


What Gavin and I are investigating is a recent spate of several missing-person cases in the city. Actually, the missing people have all returned… And It's they themselves who contacted the police. What's strange is, according to their reports, these women were all taken while on their way home. I was almost falling off the back of his motorcycle, but I didn't dare grab on to him for support. On the bike, I held the files with one hand and grasped the rack behind me with the other hand. I was on the verge of tears in the wind. I never expected we'd be "on the road" on a motorbike! And driving this fast too! Gavin's voice wafted over his shoulder.

Gavin: ...Missing at Flower Fair. 10 minutes later… on Verdant Plaza--

Renad: Gavin, the wind is too loud. I can't hear anything!

He turned back and spoke to me.

Gavin: I said. From Flower Fair to Verdant Plaza is like kilometers. How did he cover the distance?

Renad: Gavin, watch the road!

Startled, I grasped his shoulders involuntarily. I seemed to hear Gavin laugh. He said nothing more, just drove the motorbike even faster. My vision was blurred, and I couldn't say anything. I just held my body tightly to his back.

Gavin: We're here, You can get off.

I stepped off with numb feet.

Renad: So quickly?

Gavin: Here's one of the women who filed a report. Hellow, 23, unemployed. It happened at 6:30 pm in Flower Fair. She had bought a pastry, went out, turned left, and found herself lost. Our appointment with Hollow is at 1:30 pm. We have 20 minutes still. Let's ask around first.

Renad: Uh, okay.

Disoriented, I held the crumpled files, feeling something was not right somehow. I arrived at the police station at 1 pm, and now it's 1:10 pm, and we're at Flower Fair?! My head suddenly clears. I am holding onto the files in utter shock. I didn't have much time to start panicking though, because Hollow. Phone in hand, appeared ahead of time.

Hollow: Officer Gavin. I haven't been able to sleep recently… *sob* … Surely it's somebody jealous of me for my beauty and fortune… Thank you for the flowers, "Hollowfan83"...

Gavin: Turn off the live stream.

Hollow: *Sob* Officer Gavin--(Hollow is suddenly intimidated by his face) Alright, I'm turning it off…

That cold expression of Gavin's, just like back in high school…

Hollow wasn't such a smooth talker to begin with, but she was even more muddled after that scare by Gavin.

Hollow: Officer Gavin, I'm so scared… I have no idea what happened… My parents and bodyguards are not here. They are all living overseas… I'm so alone and helpless…

Gavin interrupted her impatiently.

Gaivn: Did you get lost after you walked out of the shop and turned right? Give us the details.

Hollow: I can't recall… I've never been to that street… and there was no signal either. My live stream was cut off.

I thought of something instantly.

Renad: Did you notice anybody strange at that time?

Gavin took a glance at me after hearing the question. Completely ignoring my question, Hollow kept whining at Gavin.

Hollow: Officer Gavin, luckily I saw you… These days, I'm so scared my skin is starting to break out…

Gavin: Answer the question.

Hollow: Officer Gavin. I was too scared to notice anything…

Hollow didn't even acknowledge my existence. I was starting to feel quite awkward.

*** Planning Ahead 3 ***

Time to discuss some final details with Hollow and get ready for filming!

This live filming is the perfect collab opportunity. I need a reliable assistant. Spine is meticulous and professional. I have got the right person!

Hollow demands to have a stylist just for her. Fanks creates the perfect style for Hollow. The interview is good to go!

It sure is hard to be celeb...


Then my phone rang.

Renad: Excuse me…

Gavin looked at me, his eyes saying, "How could you forget to turn off your phone during an interrogation?" His look shook me, and backed out of there like I was running away.

Lucien: Renad, Can you see the sky?

Why is he asking me this?

Renad: Um… yes.

Lucien: Can you find the direction of the research center?

Renad: Hang on Let me see…

I had no idea what was up, but I started looking anyway.

Renad: Yes… It should be this way. I found it.

Lucien: keep looking that way and look at the sky.

The next moment, I saw a touch of rose red appear in the distance. The light then spread far and wide.

Lucien: Did you see it?

Renad: Yes! How beautiful! What is that?

Lucien: An interesting experiment. It finally worked out today.

Renad: How did you do that?

Lucien: Have you ever heard of "space folding"?

Renad: To fold space like folding a piece of paper?

Lucien: Yes, very similar. Once folded, two formerly remote points on the paper will be very close. When it comes to the sky, the friction of the atmosphere will burst out in radiant light, like an aurora.

Renad: Wow, incredible. So science is capable of that now?

Lucien didn't answer, but I could already see his smiling face in my mind. Suddenly, thought occurred to me.

Renad: Um… So using this space folding, could one conceivably cross the city in 10 minutes?

Lucien: I cannot simply say yes or no. But, it is possible. Is this content for a new show?

Renad: Yes. It's a special new piece, though I think it's better suited for Miracle Finder…

Lucien: Don't worry. Any special news piece you make will be special indeed.

I don't know why, but Lucien's words really boosted my confidence.

Renad: Thank you. I will try my best…

Lucien: Today, people from Miracle Finder came to discuss plans for the next show. At first, I wanted them to leave.

Renad: Why? What happened?

Lucien: I thought you would come yourself.

I couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Renad: I'm so sorry. I got an urgent assignment.

Lucien: More important than me?

Renad (Blushing, hurriedly explaining): That is not what I meant! I'll come myself next time!

Lucien: But only for fresh ideas for new shows?

Renad: Professor Lucien… When I talk with you, I always stick my foot in my mouth…

Lucien laughed aloud.

Lucien: Now I'm feeling better. I can talk with your director about the show now.

Renad: Thanks…

Then there was a short pause.

Lucien: Recently, have you felt any… Premonitions?

Renad: I have been feeling a little uneasy… Why?

I don't know why, but I feel this is what he was really calling me for.

Lucien: If you run into any danger, do as I have told you.

Lucien seems to know what my unease is pointed to, but he doesn't come out and say it. Is it because he thinks we're being listened in on? When we first met… those words--he seemed to know something already then.

Renad: Thanks. I'll keep it in mind.


Gavin: Who was that, making you laugh so much?

Hanging up the phone, the voice of Gavin from behind startled me.

Renad: It's… a consultant for my show. Is the interview over?

Gavin threw me the helmet.

Gavin: Uh-huh, let's go.

Renad: To where…?

Gavin: Verdant Plaza.

We spent that whole afternoon investigating all 8 locations related to the case. The four people who filed reports all lived very far away from each other. Then I thought of the call. Four women, all from different locations, suddenly show up somewhere else. Could this be space folding?

Renad: And they were all returned safely… If this was the act of a criminal, what was the point?

Gavin: What if he's "Practicing"?

Renad: Practicing? (Tentatively) So he's Practicing… space folding?

Gavin gave me a look, dropped his head, and laid out all of the victim testimonies in order.

Gavin: With each successive case, the "space folding" has covered more time and distance.

I carefully checked the files.

Renad: It was true!

Gavin: If he has this 'space folding' power-- be it via some special device or these superpowers you speak of-- Then, he either just gained this power and is testing it out, or he's brushing up his skills after a long break.

I suddenly remembered the special sight Lucien showed to me. My heartbeat sped up.

Gavin: What?

Renad: No, nothing.

Gavin: If we're correct, then we can assume that--he hasn't achieved his final goal, and he will strike again. And this time, it might not be as simple as teleporting through space.

I couldn't imagine that Gavin, such a bad student back in school, could make such a thorough analysis.

Renad: Then what should we do?

Gavin: I'll look into all the people they've met recently--And you'd better stay at home.

Renad: Why?

Gavin: To avoid any danger.

He said it so casually, but my heart thumped so loud I could hear it.

At 5:30 p.m., Gavin dropped me off at my building.

Gavin: If anything happens, call me right away.

Renad: Sure.

Gavin: And take this.

A bracelet glimmered in the setting sun, swinging in a beautiful pendulum as it fell into my palm.

Renad: What is this?

I look down at it. It's a silver chain with a delicate golden gingko leaf attached. Memories set to piano music from when I was 16 come flooding back, like an old forgotten melody. The late autumn when the gingko leaves started to fall was always my favorite time of year in high school. That oft-remembered afternoon, and the music sharply rising to a climax… Outside the french window, the gingko leaves suddenly dance to the piano melody and roar up into the sky. That moment takes my breath away. The scene is so deeply engraved in my memory, it's still vivid after 6 years.

Gavin: Renad, What?

Renad: Nothing… Gavin, why are you giving me this?

Gavin: I put a tracker on it.


The lingering feel brought on by the memory vanished in no time.

Gavin: Put it on.

He put on his helmet, staring forward.

Gavin: So in an emergency, I can respond instantly.

I don't dare object. I put on the bracelet.

Renad: Sure.

From under the helmet, he gave me a glance, seemingly satisfied.

Gavin: Mm.

The motorbike sped away in a cloud of dust.

Renad: The little golden gingko leaf shines softly under the setting sun.

Gavin… seems like he's changed since high school.

*** Message ***

Gavin: Remember, always keep the bracelet on.

Renad: Fine, I'm keeping it on...

Gavin: Good.

Gavin: Are you home yet?

Renad: Almost home!

Gavin: Okay. Let me know when you get home.

Gavin: Be careful these few days. If anything is bothering you, come to me right away.

Renad: Thank you so much!

Gavin: It's not a problem.

Gavin: It's been a long time since we last met. Everyone's changer a lot.

Renad: It's really hard to believe that after all those years, we've met again.

Gavin: I believe we'll meet a lot more in the future.

*** City News 1 ***

The filming for the show has officially begun! The theme is about unveiling the truth. Gavin, too, is joining the filming as a guest.

The wind blows the news script off my hand. I need to get someone to retrieve it! Tysona is a fast sprinter and returns with the script in no time flat.

Gavin's having problems with his mic. I need to get someone to fix it. Spine gets rid of all problems with no further delays.

Never thought such an appalling atrocity would ever happen.

*** Surprise Live ***

A livestream of a runway show is starting soon. As I'm almost done editing my City News segment and I don't have to be at the venue myself, I decide to take on the strenuous job.

Show's starting but the lighting guy locked in the lavatory and need help... Karyu unlocks the door quickly and frees the lighting guy.

A brand sponsor wants to strike a runway deal. Cherry should handle the design. She designs a very fashionable and trendy stage.

I've been tense the whole day, finally relaxing only when it's over.


In the following days, I was constantly busy sorting out materials and plans for the special news piece. Fully absorbed in my work, that uneasy feeling seemed lifted from me. The feature "Folded Distance" Collaboration by Miracle Finder and City News successfully aired. A special news piece with a Miracle Finder flair certainly piqued the interest of a lot of people. The episode snagged an all-time high of playback and became a hot topic of conversation. The number of followers of Hollow's feed even sky-rocketed from 10k to 200k. The next time I left home was the day I had to deliver that report at LFG. Though quite nervous, I have to face this myself. No matter what, this is my last chance.

Loveland Financial Group

Renad: Hey? Why is Goldman not here again? I made an appointment today!

LFG Staff: Hey, you again.

The staff looked at me trying not to laugh. I guess what happened that day is still watercooler talk at LFG. I felt a little flushed.

Renad: I came to report to the CEO…

LFG Staff: Goldman is probably working on something else. Please wait at the door of the CEO's office.

I waited at the door as told. The door opened earlier than I thought--and the person coming out was not Victor. Instead it was a hot figure in haute couture, with a sexy face. Her collar-- and lipstick-- a little disheveled. Then those limpid eyes that the whole world could fall in love with were levelled at me. It was the winner of Best New Supporting Actress-- Chik! What is she doing walking out of Victor's office like this? Chik looked askance at me.

Chik: This is the CEO's office. What are you doing here?

Renad: I am the head of Snow Fox Company. I'm here to deliver a work report…

Chik: Enough. I don't wanna hear your clumsy excuses.

Well you asked, didn't you?

Chik: Snow Fox Company… So you're Renad? Hehe, I heard about the stupid things you did. I warn you. Don't harbor any unrealistic fantasies about Victor.

Apparently, Chik misunderstood something. She seethed with hostility at me.

Chik: He. Is. Mine.

Leaving me no chance to explain, Chik pompously strode off… So there was something going on between Victor and his superstar after all. Is this an unspoken "business arrangement"? Or a secret love that they don't want others to know about? Getting gossip on Victor firsthand… countless possibilities flashed through my mind. If I mess up with the report… Is it possible to threaten him with this? Then I thought of Victor's chilling face, and I instantly trashed the idea. The door was left open> I took a look inside. Victor is frowning, seemingly worrying about something. --And his tie is loosened. No way. He's not in a good mood. Perhaps they were quarreling just now? Not a good time for anything… But here I am knocking on the door bravely.

Renad: Sir, May I come in?

Victor took a look at me and his brow unfurrowed.

Victor: Come in.

I carefully reminded him.

Renad: Your tie--

Victor looked down and hurriedly fixed his tie. Then he stopped, seeming to think of something.

Victor: When... Did you get here?

Renad: When Chik was leaving.

He frowned again. I rushed to explain myself before he could speak.

Renad: Sorry for the misunderstanding! I will find a chance to explain it to her!

Victor: Why do you care about Chik's opinion so much?

Renad: ...Of course I do!

Victor thought a moment, and thought a moment, and then his forehead furrowed, like he had just understood something.

Victor: There is nothing between her and me. Don't go around spreading any rumors.

Renad: Ah?

But that is totally different from what I saw… But actually, it's true that there's never been a peep of gossip about a romance between Victor and Chik. And Chik has always said publicly that she is single…

Renad: Oh! Rest assured, sir I won't say a thing!... I will keep it to myself.

Victor:..You'll keep what to yourself? You have nothing to keep.

Renad: Right, right. I know nothing.


Renad: Err, so, is there something I should know?

Victor frowned again.

Victor: Forget it. Why are you here?

I adjusted my posture, trying to make myself more serious.

Renad: I've come to deliver--the report that will make you regret.

Victor: Ah, go ahead then.

As soon as I had started, Victor interrupted me.

Victor: Did you produce that feature for City News?

Victor is obviously interested!

Renad: Yes! We had a pleasant collaboration and are in talks to make it long-term.

Victor: So even on the edge of bankruptcy, you can talk collaboration with a TV station?

Renad: … Because I know that I can definitely make you regret it. And then LFG's investment is sure to be mine!

I held my chin up, trying to appear more confident. Victor seemed very relaxed, yet still exuding an air of dominance. He looked at me, giving a quiet laugh.

Victor: If I invest in you, how long will it take to monopolize film and TV production from the 4 major TV stations?

What an ambitious question. Even so, I can't let him think less of me.

Renad: Five years.

If I can get through this current predicament, I can at least give it a shot.

Victor: Too slow.

Renad: What? The enterprise reform of Loveland TV alone will take 5 years!

Victor: Two years.

Victor seems happy now.

Renad: How? Nobody can do that!

Victor: If you can't then leave here.


I already made it this far. How can I give up now?

Renad: Three… and a half years.

Victor picked up the phone.

Renad: Wait! Two years… two years!

Victor: Good. To our partnership, then!

The man in front of me built the LFG empire in 8 years. That was also something impossible. If he did it, then there's no reason I can't too.

Victor: The investment approval procedure will be initiated next week. The first step of your two-year grand plan is to pass LFG's investment approval process.

Renad: ...Wh, what? Do we have to go through that?

Victor: If you can't just get approved, then just give up now. And remember what I said. I won't save you a second time.

Renad: ...Don't underestimate me. Snow Fox Company will pass!

Victor: Great. Then I'll see you later.

Renad: Can I have one condition?

Victor: What is it?

Renad: Can we invite you as a guest on one of Snow Fox Company's future shows?

Victor: Why ask for that?

Renad: Just taking the opportunity to amass more useful resources for my studio, of course.

Victor: Okay I will.

*** Call ***

Renad: Hello, this is Renad.

Victor: I'd like to ask you about something.

Renad(Nervous): What is it?

Victor: Don't worry, this has nothing to do with the investment.

Renad: I'm very confident in my projections. The investment won't go sour.

Victor: Too bad I'm not so confident in you.

Renad: Why?

Victor: I looked at your resume. Pretty good grades in school, but a career underachiever. Other than your company, you have no other TV or film-related experience…

Renad (Why would Victor check out my resume?):

Victor: Except for one season of "Miracle Finder", every show you've produced bombed in terms of reviews and ratings. So I don't think you can meet LFG's standards in the short term…

Renad (Muttering): Then why ask me to give a report?...

Victor: What is that?

Renad: Nothing. Just, other than the underachieving bit, I am confident.

(That made me sound dumb…)

Victor: That sounded kind of dumb.

Renad:... Let's not talk about the investment, sir. Didn't you have something to ask me?

Victor: Remember what you said the last time you were at LFG?

Renad:Last time?

(I did make a scene there last time, didn't I)

Renad (Embarrassed): Well, about that…

Victor: What's that?

Renad: ...I'm so sorry.

Victor: Why the apology?

Renad: I was a bit rude last time. Sorry.

Victor: So you do know the meaning of "rudeness"?

Renad: I know it was brash, but I had no other recourse at the time…

Victor: Don't dwell too much on it. I've forgotten about it already.

Renad: Did I cause trouble for you?

Victor: If that were the case, you would've been thrown out by security twice already.

Renad: … So this is not what you wanted to talk to me about?

Victor: Not bad! You are not as dumb as I thought.

Renad: Yeah, glad to hear that.

Victor: I just want to make sure you'll keep what happened the day of the car accident a secret, right?

Renad (The accident? I think I sought Lucien's advice on it.): Yeah… no problem. Mum's the word. (If asking for advice doesn't count.)

Victor: Do you take me for a fool?

Renad: Well, will you let it slide if I come clean?

Victor: Maybe, but it would sure be bad for you If you don't.

Renad: I talked to Lucien about it. He is a neuroscientist. I asked about Evolvers.

Victor: That's it?

Renad: That's it.

Victor: Alright then. Get on with your work report. I am hanging up.

Renad: Hey, wait…


(Darn CEO. Always so domineering and capricious…)


I walked out of LFG, took out my phone, and saw the message that kiki sent in the studio's chat group.

Kiki: A-list idol helplessly addicted to variety shows, makes such a ridiculous post on social media.

Kiro: I wish I could "fold space" and teleport back home!

Attached is a selfie of Kiro at an award ceremony. His expression in the photo is both uncomfortable and cute. Except for posts from supporters saying he's a shoe-in, the majority is 'Lol Kiro Hooked on Miracle Finder!' As I walked down the street, I laughed aloud and posted a comment.

Reply Comment: You must have the superpower to make others smile.

A reply notice pops up right after it's sent.

Netizen: Well said! If superpowers really exist, then kiro's gotta have one!

I laugh, remembering the words I heard outside Trade Tower. When I put my phone back and looked up again, I went blank. The light of the setting sun descends upon a deserted alley. It's so quiet and beautiful. I don't know where I am or how I came to be here.

Renad:!bNo. It's…. that dream!

Thinking of the dagger at the end of the dream and its cold gleam, I couldn't help shivering. I can hardly control the urge to run away, but I manage to remain calm.

Renad: There is no way out of this alley. Running is useless.

I distinctly sensed something peculiar and turned towards the deep shadow of the alley behind me.

??: An Evolver after all. Very keen senses.

Evolver again… Why does everyone think I am an Evolver?

Renad: Who are you?

The falling sunlight fell upon the man in the shadow.

Mystery man: What a pity. You won't experience the moment when your Evol awakens. Time to die.

He drew a dagger and approached me. I retreated step by step, my heart beating faster and faster. What should I do?

Renad: Are you the one behind all the space-folding incidents?

I tried to talk to buy some time.

Mystery man: Uh-huh, pretty smart, eh?

Renad: You were practicing? To kill me today?

Mystery man: Don't think I don't know what you are up to. But sorry. In my space, no one will come to interrupt--

Just then, a wind across in the quiet alley. The man's expression changed.

(Lucien: When You are in danger, trust your instincts.)

Without hesitation, I ran in the direction the wind was coming from. The man with the blade gave chase.

Gavin's voice: Renad, jump!

I jumped. The wind got stronger and stronger and lifted me into the air. The scene of the alley below was scattered in the wind. Under the setting sun, the sky is warm and fuzzy. I'm in the arms of Gavin. His arms are strong and warm, calming my throbbing heart instantly. The light of the setting sun made his face appear so handsome that I dared not look at him. This high above the city, it is a bit cool, but his embrace is warm…

Gavin: Are you alright?

Renad: I'm fine… I'm just a bit confused!

Gavin returned me to the ground. He looked in the direction of the mystery killer, still afraid.

Gavin: Don't worry. The killer has been caught.

When I was sure I was safe, I finally came back to myself, and a flood of questions rushed in.

Renad: What is this Evolver he was talking about? Do they really exist? Why did he say I am an Evolver? Why did he want to kill me? How did you know I am in danger? Are you an Evolver too?


When I realized I was rattling off questions like crazy, I shut my mouth and stepped 2 meters back.

Gavin: I didn't want to tell you this, but the enemy is attacking out in the open now, so it's better to let you know. What I'm about to say may sound surprising, but it's all true. And you already know a thing or two about Evol, right?

Renad: I heard something… about a crazy scientist. Even if something crazy like Evol really exists, what… What about enemies?

Gavin: These enemies appeared long ago. It's just, you never noticed. You remember the car accident? It was no accident, and these guys are from the same organization. As to the reason they want you dead right now I can't tell you.

Renad: !! The accident two weeks ago!! That wasn't an accident? Then the one who saved me…

Gavin: Victor? I never imagined he would save you like that.

Renad: You know him?

Gavin: I knew him when we were kids, is all. I don't really know him.

Gavin's expression revealed great distaste, like he really didn't like knowing Victor. Given knew Victor… and things about Evolvers… I thought of what the middle-aged-police officer said.

Renad: You are not a real police officer?

Gavin: I'm not a run-of-the-mill cop. That's why you got that assignment from Loveland TV, so I could protect you.

Renad: You…

Gavin: I knew they were targeting you. CMeditatively) You have the Evol gene, it seems to be related to precognition.

Renad: Precognition..?

Gavin: Think back. Have you seen any omens lately? They could take any form.

I instantly thought of my dreams.

Renad:I--I dreamed about it. The alley, the dagger, exactly like what happened.

Gavin: It's awakening…

Renad: So you mean, I have the Evol gene, and it's starting to express itself?

Gavin: You can think of it that way.

Renad: So what about you…? Are you an Elvolver too?

Gavin only smiled widely. Wind blew through the roses on the side of the road, petals dancing in the air. The dancing petals overlapped with the gingko leaves from my memory. My heart skipped a beat.

Renad: Given… You…

Gavin: You asked how I knew you were in danger. As long as you're in the wind I can sense you.

*** City News 2 ***

The news broadcast went viral online. I decide to do a follow-up report.

I need to talk a hobo. Tysona explains everything to me, but the many truths you just uncovered make your heart skin...

I need a detail-oriented person to help me organize the files. Sersi organizes everything to my delight.

Things still don't seem right, but at least the show itself is done.

*** Unscientific Science ***

Now that I'm done with City News, it's time to finish filming some indie cases I've taken up on the side!

While filming on the second floor, spooky cries ring out the ground floor... Tysona sprinkles salt around the place and cries stop.

The team wants to hire someone for narration and commentary. I will choose Spine, his clever, timely commentary adds levity to the suspense, making the show very interesting.

I finally realize how hard it is do a ghost reality show!


All the way until we parted ways outside my home, I held back the question. Were you the one who made the gingko leaves fly outside the piano room back in high school? I looked at the gingko chain on my wrist. It glittered warmly in the setting sun. Though I know I'm in danger, I am not panicking for some reason. The breeze caresses me, giving me a feeling of pace.

Renad: And I'm supposed to be some kind of Evolver? ...Right now it feels so untrue.

I never thought some day I would get involved in such things. Why do they want to kill me? Just because I have the Evol gene? Why didn't Gavin want to tell me? I should ask him later… When we get to know each other a little better.

Renad: My dad was so into these superpowers. Is it possible that it's because of me?

The thought grabbed me and I couldn't think about anything else. I ran for dad's notebook. I'd read the notebook many times before, but I neer did it from this perspective. This time I noticed many things that didn't attract my attention before.

Renad: My dad used to take me to the set of Miracle Finder a lot… Was he trying to tell me that Evolvers and normal people aren't any different? Their lives are filled with joy and sorrow. They also pursue their own happiness.

As my thoughts drift, a photo slips from among the pages.

Renad: A photo in the notebook? Why haven't I noticed it before?

An old one. A lonely building in the suburbs. A crooked sign on the doorway-- Twin Leaves Orphanage.

Renad: It feels familiar somehow…

I took the photo back to my room. Together with the work memo, I pinned them on my note board. Right then, my cell phone rang.

Renad: Kiki? It's so late so What's happened?

Kiki: Boss!! You are famous!

Totally confused, I opened my social media-- I'm stunned instantly. My inbox and followers have exploded! All the messages are about Kiro. I opened his home page. Seeing his Following list in the bottom left corner, I almost fainted. My avatar was right there. Kiro followed me! This isn't a fake account is it… I refreshed the page, and his verified badge and number of fans told me it really was him. I was stunned and suddenly at a total loss for what to do. Just then, my phone buzzed. I received a private message from a friend.

Kiro: Found you, Kiss Chips.

*** Call ***

Renad: Hello, this is Renad. May I ask who is calling?

Gavin: It's me.

Renad: What can I do for you?

Gavin: Are you home?

Renad: Uh, yes, you just dropped me off an hour ago. (Cautiously) Did you forget that?

Gavin: *Ahem* I am just making sure. You probably shouldn't go out tonight.

Renad: I'm not going anywhere tonight. I've got today's interview to transcribe.

Gavin: Okay. This is my cell number. Um… Save it.

Renad: Oh, okay.

Gavin: Bye

Renad: Wait, can I ask you something?

Gavin: What is it?

Renad: The bracelet…

Gavin: Bracelet? Oh, you mean the tracker?

Renad:... Yes. Why is the bracelet in the shape of ginkgo?

Gavin: ...Uh, hhem. Uhh… (Long pause) No reason.

Renad: Didn't you make it?

Gavin: It's a tracker of course I made it. Do you not like it?

Renad: No, no. I like it very much.

Gavin: Then try to keep it on and don't take it off.

Renad: Okay. (Looking at the bracelet) I just didn't think you'd accessorize it.

Gavin: I was afraid you'd lose it, and this way it's easier to carry. Also… Never mind. We'll talk next time. You stay safe.

Renad: Okay, thanks.

Gavin: If there's any new development in the case, I'll let you know. Bye

Renad: Alright. Good night.

Gavin: Good night.