Assassination Attempt

Three weeks later, Chung Lee and I accompanied by a student named Huojin. He was a fair skinned, slim guy with an oblong-shaped face, a bald head and was average in height. I say, between five-foot-ten to six-foot-one or something of that nature. Master Longwei sent us to the Shiadaoxiang Fair Trade Market to get some cooking ingredients and newer utensils since the ones we had were a bit old. We were to buy light soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, Chinkiang vinegar, oyster sauce, dried shiitake, mushrooms, dried chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorn and a few other ingredients, as well. Once we arrived at the market, Huojin, Chung Lee and I were surprised to see so many people, buying and selling food. We knew that it'd be a very busy day at the market and that if we wanted to leave the store early, then it would be a smart idea to quickly grab the items that we came to get and leave.